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MARCH 1, 1971

Sealed bids will be received by the Wash- ington State Highway Commission at

Olympia, Washington on Thursday, April 29, 1971, until 10:00 A.M. and will then and there be opened and publicly read for the construction of the following im- provement:



Bid proposals delivered in person will be received only at the Department of Highways Reception

Desk located on the first floor of the Highway

Administration Building, Olympia, Washington.

AM bid proposals shall be accompanied by a bid proposal deposit in cash, certified check, cashier's check or surety bond in an amount equal to five per cent (5%) of the amount of such bid proposal.

Should the successful bidder fail to enter into such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond within the time stated in the specifications, the bid proposal deposit shall be forfeited to the State of


Prequalification of bidders is required. Shipbuilders must obtain their initial set of plans and specifica- tions from this office. Plans and specifications will be provided upon request therefor, ond will be for- warded to the applicant by Air Express or Parcel

Delivery Service. Payment of a non-refundable plan rental fee in the amount of one hundred fifty dol- lars ($150.00) is required for each set of plans and specifications issued. Payment shall be made to the Director of Highways IN ADVANCE by cash, certified check, cashier's check or money order.

Any additional sets of plans that shipyards may desire and all plans required by subcontractors and materials suppliers must be obtained through the office of the Naval Architect, Philip F. Spauld- ing and Associates, Inc., 65 Marion Street, Seattle,

Washington 98104, Telephone MAin 2-4954.

Informational copies of plans and specifications are on file in the office of the Washington State

Ferries, Pier 52, Seattle, Washington; the office of Philip F. Spaulding and Associates, 65 Marion

Street, Seattle, Washington and the Director of

Highways, Highway Administration Building,

Olympia, Washington, where they may be in- spected:

The improvement for which bids will be received

Is as follows: 1. Constructing Two Passenger and Vehicle Carry- ing Cross-Sound Ferry Vessels for the Washing- ton State Ferries, ALTERNATE DESIGNS FOR

CROSS-SOUND FERRIES, a State Project, in- volving a Base Bid for Construction of Two 440' Vessels with an Alternate Bid for Con- struction of Two 384' Vessels and an Alter- nate Bid for Construction of Solariums.




Director of Highways




Bailey Refrigeration Co., Inc., 74 Sullivan St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231

Carrier Air Conditioning Co., Carrier Parkway, Syracuse, N.Y. 13201

Union Carbide Corp., Linda Div., 270 Park Ave., N.Y., N.Y. 10017


Baldt Anchor, Chain Or Forge, P.O. Box 350, Chester, Pa. 19016

Lockstodt Co., Inc., 179 West 5th St., Bayonne, NJ. 07002


BJ Marine Bearings, a Borg-Warner Industry, P.O. Box 2709,

Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, Calif. 90054

Glacier Metal Co. Ltd., Alperton, Wembley, Middlesex, England.

Johnson Rubber Co., Marine Division, Middlefield, Ohio 44062

Lucian Q. Moffitt, Inc., P.O. Box 1415, Akron, Ohio 44309

Waukesha Bearings Corp., P.O. Box 798, Waukesha, Wis. 53186


Babcock Cr Wilcox Co., 161 E. 42nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10017

Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095


Murray Cr Tregurtha, Inc., 2 Hancock St., Quincy, Mass. 02171


Gulf Oil Trading Co., 1290 Ave. of the Americas, N.Y. 10019

Independent Petroleum Supply Co., 1345 Ave. of Americas, New

York, N.Y. 10019

Refineria Panama, S. A. 277 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017

The West Indies Oil Co., Ltd., St. John's Antigua, W. I.


Todd Products, Div. of Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231


L. F. Gaubert Or Co., 700 So. Broad St., New Orleans, La. 70150


Amarillo Gear Co., 517 No. Polk St., Amarillo, Texas 79105

Fawick Airflex Div. Power Transmission Systems, 9919 Clinton Rd.,

Cleveland, Ohio 44111

Wichita Clutch Co., Inc., Wichita Falls, Texas 76307


Ameron Corrosion Control Div., Breo, Calif. 92621

Carboline Co., 328 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, Mo. 63144

En|ay Chemical Compony, 60 West 49th St., New York, N.Y. 10020

Farboll Company, 90 West St., N.Y., N.Y. 10006

Intercoastol Corp., 2320 Edgewater Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21222

Patterson-Sargent, P.O. Box 494, New Brunswick, N. J.

Porter Point Co., Louisville, Ky. 40201

Spee-Flo Co., 4631 Winfield Rd., Houston, Texas 77039


Ameron Corrosion Control Div., Brea, Calif. 92621

Lighter Aboard Ship, Inc., 225 Baronne St., New Orleans, La. 70112

Paceco, Div. Fruehauf Corp., P.O. Drawer E, Alameda, Calif. 94501

RPC Corp., Marine Soles, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017

Star Iron & Steel Co., 326 Alexander Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 98421

York Trailer Ltd., Corby, Northants, England


American Engineered Products Co., Box 74, McKees Rocks, Pa. 15136

W. W. Patterson Co., 830 Brocket St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15233

Pro Par Div. Fruehauf Corp., 10940 Harper Ave., Detroit, Mich. 48232

Seasofe Transport AB, Torstenssonsgatan 3, S 114 56 Stockholm,



Galbraith-Pilot Marine Corp., 600 Fourth Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215

General Electric Industry Control Dept., Salem, Virginia

Henschel Corporation, 14 Cedar St., Amesbury, Moss. 01913

Kongsberg Systems, Inc., 10 De Angelo Dr., Bedford, Mass. 01703

Sperry Marine Systems Div., Charlottesville, Va., 22901, Division of

Sperry Rand Corp.


Ameion Corrosion Control Div., Brea, Calif. 92621

Carboline Co., 328 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, Mo. 63144

Corrosion Dynamics, 1100 Walnut St., Roselle, N.J. 07203

Intercoastol Corp., 2320 Edgewater Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21222

Radiator Specialty Co., 1400 Independence Blvd., Charlotte, N.C. 28205


ASEA Marine, Rep. in U.S.A. by Stal-Laval, Inc., 400 Executive

Blvd., Elmsford, N.Y. 10523

Duchess Baker Mfg. Co., Superior, Wis.

Hoffman Rigging & Crane Service, 560 Cortlandt St., Belleville,

N.J. 07109

Kocks Pittsburgh Corp., Four Gateway Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222

Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., (Superior Lidgerwood Mundy Corp.), 1010

Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021

M.A.N. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg AG, Werk Augsburg,

West Germany

Paceco, Div. Fruehauf Corp., P.O. Drawer E, Alameda, Calif. 94501

Hensen-Rotterdam, P.O. Box 5040, Rotterdam, Holland

Star Iron & Steel Co., 326 Alexander Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 98401


Lockstad Co., Inc., 179 W. 5th Street, Bayonne, New Jersey 07002

Marine Moisture Control Co., 449 Sheridan Blvd., Inwood, N.Y. 11696

Pyrate Mfg. Co., Inc., 222-17 Northern Blvd., Bayside, N.Y. 11361

DECK MACHINERY—Cargo Handling Equipment

ASEA Marine, Rep. in U.S.A. by Stal-Laval, Inc., 400 Executive

Blvd., Elmsford, N.Y. 10523

Blackburn Marine Equipment, 6105 England St., Houston, Tex. 77021

Duchess Baker Mfg. Co., Superior, Wis.

Lidgerwood Mfg. Co., (Superior Lidgerwood Mundy Corp.), 1010

Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10021

Markey Machinery Co., Inc., 79 S. Horton St., Seattle, Wash. 98134

Nashville Bridge Co., P.O. Box 239, Nashville, Tenn. 37202

Red Fox Machine & Supply Co., P.O. Drawer 640, New Iberio, La. 70560

A. G. Weser, Seebeckwerft, 2850 Bremerhoven 1, Germany

Western Gear Corp., Heavy Machinery Div., Everett, Wash. 98201


Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231

Kiene Diesel Accessories, Inc., P.O. Box 216, Franklin Park, III. 60131


Bruce GM Diesel, Inc., 180 Route #17 S. at Interstate 80, Lodi,

N.J. 07644

Caterpillar Tractor Co., Industrial Div., 100 N.E. Adams St., Peoria,

III. 61602

Colt Industries Inc., Power Systems Div., Beloit, Wise. 53511

Electro-Motive Division General Motors, La Grange, Illinois 60525

Fiot, Turin, Italy, U.S.A. 375 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10022

Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231

M.A.N. Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg AG, Werk Augsburg,

West Germany.

Nohab, Trollhattan, Sweden.


Marine Products & Engrg. Co., 20 Vesey St., New York, N.Y. 10007


Overbeke-Kain Co., 209 Aurora Rd., Bedford, Ohio 44014

Walz & Krenzer, Inc., 20 Vesey St., New York, N.Y. 10007


Arnessen Electric Co., Inc., 335 Bond St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Galbraith-Pilot Marine Corp., 600 4th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215

L. F. Gaubert & Co., 700 So. Broad St., New Orleans, La. 70150

Merrin Electric, 162 Chambers St., New York, N.Y. 10007

Oceanic Electrical Mfg. Co., Inc., 159 Perry Street, N.Y. 10014

Pauluhn Electric Mfg. Co. Inc., P.O. Box 12805, Houston, Tex. 77017


Aqua-Chem, Inc., 225 N. Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis. 53186

Bethlehem Steel Corp., Shipbuilding, 25 B'way, N.Y., N.Y. 10004

Mechanical Equipment Co., Inc., 861 Carondelet St., New Orleans,

La. 70130

FITTINGS fit HARDWARE hi-shear Corp., 2600 Skypark Drive, Torronce, Calif. 90509

Nashville Bridge Co., P.O. Box 239, Nashville, Tenn. 37202

Robvon Backing Ring Co., 675 Garden St., Elizobeth, NJ. 07207

FLOATING EQUIPMENT—Steel—Aluminum Pontoons

Dravo Corporation, Neville Island, Pittsburgh 25, Pa.


Elisha Webb & Son Co., 136 So. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19106


Aqua-Chem. Inc., 225 N. Grand Ave., Waukesha, Wis. 53186


Todd Products, Div. of Todd Shipyards Corp., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231

Valad E:ec. Heating Co., 71 Cortlandt St., Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591


Bird Johnson Co., 883 Main St., Wolpole, Mass. 02081

Vickers, M&O Div., Troy, Mich. 48084


Bailey Carpenter & Insulation Co.,lnc.,74SullivanSt.,Brklyn,N.Y.11231


Ameron Corrosion Control Div., Brea, Calif. 92621

Carboline Co., 328 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis, Mo. 63144


Golten Marine Co., Inc., 160 Van Brunt St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231


IRD Mechanalysis, Inc., 6150 Huntley Rd., Columbus, Ohio 43229


Hydro Drive Corp., 4420- 14th Ave. N.W., Seattle, Wash. 98107

Philadelphia Gear Corp., Schuylkill Expressway, King of Prussia,

Pa. 19406

Western Gear Corp., Industrial Products Div., P.O. Box 126, Belmont,

Calif. 94003


Dynel Electronics Corp., 75 Maxess Road, Melville, N.Y. 11746

Edo Western Corp., 2645 So. 2nd St., W. Salt Lake City, Utah 84115

Henrchel Corp., 14 Cedar St., Amesbury, Mass. 01913

ITT Decca Marine, Inc., 386 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016

ITT Mackay Marine, 133 Terminal Ave., Clark, NJ. 07066

Marquardt Corp., 16555 Saticoy St., Van Nuvs, Calif. 91406

National Marine Service, 1750 So. Brentwood Blvd., St. Louis, Mo.

Radiomarine Corp., 20 Bridge Avenue, Red Bank, N.J. 07701

RCA Service Co., A Division of RCA, Marine Communications and

Navigation Equipment Service, Bldg. CHIC-225, Camden, NJ. 08101

Sperry Marine Systems Div., Charlottesville, Va. 22901, Division of

Sperry Rand Corp.

Tracor, Inc., 6500 Tracor Lane, Austin, Texas 78721


Adsco Div., 34 Mllburn St., Buffalo, N.Y. 14212

Beaver Tool & Machine Co., P.O. Box 94717, 525 S.E. 29th St.,

Oklahoma City, Okla. 73109 ....... . ,

Nlcolal Joffe Corp., P.O. Box 2445, 445 Littlefield Ave., So. San

Francisco, Calif. 94080 . „. ... „ .

Kearfott Marine (Div. of The Singer Co.) 21 West St., New York,

N.Y. 10006

Chas. Lowe Co., 6340 Christie Ave., Emeryville, Calif. 94608

Merrin Electric, 162 Chambers St., New York, N.Y. 10007

Pacific Coast Eng. Co., P.O. Drawer E, Alameda, Calif. 94506

Stow Mfg. Co., 225 Shear St., Binghamton, N.Y. 13902

Vokes Filter Div. (Cardwell Machine Co.), Cordwell and Castle- wood Rd., Richmond, Va. 23221


Bailey Joiner Co., 115 King Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231


Adams Cr Porter, Cotton Exchonge Bldg., Houston, Texas

Midland Insurance Co., 29 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10006


Natale Machy. & Tool Co., Box 95, Carlstodt, NJ. 07022


B. ehicr Corp., 9000 Precicnn Drive, Indianapolis, Ind. 46236

Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Connecticut 06095

De Loval Turbine, Inc., 853 Nottingham Way, Trenton, NJ. 08602

Generol E:ectric Co., Gas Turbine Dept., Schenectady, N.Y. 12305

Murray & Tregurtha, Inc., 2 Hancock St., Quincy, Mass. 02171

Port Electric Turbine Div., 155-157 Periy St., New York 10014

Stal-Laval, Inc., 400 Executive Blvd., Elmsford, N.Y. 10523

Western Gear Corp., Precision Products Div., P.O. Box 190, Lyn- wood, Calif. 90262


Collins Radio Co., M/S 416-118, Dallas, Texos 75207

Hose McCann Telephone Co., Inc., 524 W. 23rd St., N.Y. 10011

ITT Decca Marine, Inc., 386 Park Ave. South, New York, N.Y. 10016

ITT Mackay Marine, 133 Terminal Ave., Clark, NJ. 07066

E. F. Johnson Corp. Waseca, Minn. 56093

Paul J. Plishner, 45 West 45 St., New York, N.Y. 10036

Radiomarine Corp., 20 Bridge Avenue, Red Bank, NJ. 07701

Raytheon Marine Products Operation, 213 East Grand Avenue, South

San Francisco, California 94080

RCA Service Co., A Division of RCA, Marine Communications and

Navigation Equipment Service, Btda. CHIC-225, Camden, N J. 08101


BG Marina Services, Div. of Genge Industries, Inc., 4419 Van Nuys Blvd., Sherman Oaks, Calif. 91403

Best & Associates, 9870 S. W. 81 St., Miami, Florida 33143

Breit Engrg. Inc., 441 Grovier St., New Orleans, La. 70130

Coa-t Engineering Co., 711 W. 21st St., Norfolk, Va. 23517

Commercial Radio Sound Corp., 652 First Avenue, N.Y., N.Y. 10016

Crandall Dry Dock Engrs., Inc., 238 Main St., Cambridge, Mass. 02142

Cushing & Nordstrom, 50 Trinity Place, New York, N.Y. 10006

Design Associates, Inc., 3308 Tulone Ave., New Orleans, La. 70119

Designers & Planners, Inc., 114 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10011

M. Mack Earle, 103 Mellor Ave., Baltimore, Md. 21228

Christopher J. Foster, 17 Battery Place, New York. N.Y. 10004 14 Vanderventer Ave., Port Washington, N.Y. 11050

Frieda and Goldman, Inc., 225 Baronne St., New Orleans, La. 70112

Gibbs & Cox, Inc., 21 West St., New York, N.Y. 10006

John W. Gilbert Associates, Inc., 58 Commercial Wharf, Boston,

Mass. 02110

Morris Guralnick, Associates, Inc., 583 Market St., San Francisco,

Calif. 94105

J. J. Henry Co., Inc., 90 West St., New York, N.Y. 10006

L. K. Homyer, Box 408, Corona Del Mar, California 92625

C. T. Ilariucci & Associates, Tourism Pier #3, Son Juan, Porto Rico 00902

James S. Krogen, 1460 Brickell Ave., Miami, Fla. 33131

Littleton Research and Engrg. Corp., 95 Russell St., Littleton, Moss. 01460

Robert H. Macy, P.O. Box 758, Pascagouta, Miss. 39567

Marine Applications Co., Inc., P.O. Box 167, Mineola, N.Y. 11502

Marine Consultants Cr Designers, Inc., 308 Investment Insurance Bldg.,

Corner E. 6th St. & Rockwell Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44114

Marine Design Inc., 1180 Ave. of Americas, N.Y., N.Y. 10036

Marine Design Associates, P.O. Box 2674, Palm Beach, Florida

Maritech, Inc., 38 Union Sq., Somerville, Mass. 02143

Rudolph F. Matzer & Associates, Inc., 13891 Atlantic Blvd., Jack- sonville, Fla. 32225

John J. McMullen Associates, Inc., 110 Wall St., N.Y., N.Y. 10005

George E. Meese, 194 Acton Rd., Annapolis, Md. 21403

Metritape, Inc., 77 Commonwealth Ave., West Concord, Mass. 01782

Robert Moore Corp., 350 Main St., Port Washington, N.Y. 11050

Gunnar Nelson, 2185 Lemoine Ave., Ft. Lee, NJ. 07024

Pearlson Engineering Co., Inc., 8970 S.W. 87th Ct., Miami, Florid* 33156

Philip L. Rhodes, Inc., 369 Lexington Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017

M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., 350 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10013 and 45 Second St., San Francisco, Colif.

George G. Sharp, Inc., 100 Church St., New York, N.Y. 10007

T. W. Spaetgens, 156 West 8th Ave., Vancouver 10, Canada

Philip F. Spaulding & Associates, 65 Marion St., Seattle, Wash. 98104

R. A. Stearn, Inc., 100 Iowa St., Sturgeon Bay, Wise. 54235

Richard R. Taubler, 44 Court St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201

H. M. Tiedemann & Co., Inc., 74 Trinity PI., New York, N.Y. 10006

H. Newton Whittelsey, 17 Battery PI., New York, N.Y. 10004

Alan Winkley, 6420 Colby St., Oakland, Colif. 94618


Peck Equipment Co., 3500 Elm Avenue, Portsmouth, Virginia 23704

April 1, 1971 49

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.