Page 17: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 15, 1971)
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Don Mechling, Vice President
A.L. Mechling Barge Lines, Inc. "We bought a HYDRODYNE towboat because of its efficiency, handling ability, and thrust! It's the greatest, most vibration free towboat I've ever been on. There are no towboats in this horsepower range that can compare with the M/V
Daniel Webster's performance, as a line haul towboat, over the past three years". (Mechling has purchased three St. Louis
Ship Hydrodynes).
Earl Rose, Chairman
Rose Barge Lines, Inc. "Our two HYDRODYNE towboats are the best workhorses on the river. In our opinion, they'll outpush any other two 5000 h.p. towboats by 20% or more. We are convinced that beauty of both design and appointments, and maximum operating efficiency do go together". (Mr. Rose made this statement after his barge line had thoroughly tested the
M/V American Beauty and M/V
Crimson Glory).
Ray Eckstein, President
Wisconsin Barge Line, Inc. "You make money with PUSH, and our 3 HYDRODYNE towboats give up to 20% more push, with terrific steering ability. The M/V Rose Tranchita, was built by St. Louis Ship from the same blueprints drawn for our M/V Kathryn Eckstein and M/V Penny of Cassville.
We didn't change a thing". (Wisconsin Barge has purchased a total of four Hydrodynes).
Walter F. Hagestad, Exec.V.P.
Canal Barge Co.
Canal Barge Co. owns two
St. Louis Ship HYDRODYNES.
The M/V Joseph M. Jones, one of the first Hydrodynes, began setting records of all kinds immediately after delivery. On the strength of these and succeeding records,
St. Louis Ship designed and built the M/V Elaine Jones, which except for increased horsepower, is a sister ship of the pacesetting Joseph M. Jones.
A < * * \ unanimous hydrodyne
Leading barge line executives, responsible for the efficiency of their extensive operations, know fiYDnaavNE. Let us show you how our exclusive Hydrodyne concept provides great- er thrust, as well as handling and steering ability superior to any other towboat. St.
Louis Ship towboats are widely known for quality, performance and low maintenance costs. We'd like to design your next towboat to work harder and increase your profit.
Call us at (314) 638-4000 1 | I • I V I S I 0
Vj>/ 611 EAST r
New York, Chicago, Kansas City, New Orleans, Memphis, Minneapolis, Houston and Mobile.
April 15, 1971 19