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element method of structural analysis to be- come widely known and accepted for solving structural problems of extreme complexity.

The application of this method to the analysis of deep submersible vehicles is discussed. In- cluded are deep submersible structures com- prised of different materials and structures employing anisotropic materials, requiring study in the inelastic range, exhibiting non- linear geometric behavior, affected by fabrica- tion imperfections or material flaws, and hav- ing joints or mating faces along which con- tact, gap, or relative slip may occur. Also in- cluded are remarks pertinent to finite element computer programs, automated preparation of input data and graphical display of computed results.

Technical Field Trip

On Friday, May 28, at 12 noon there will be a field trip to the Oceanic Institute to view a live demonstration of their "Man in the Sea" project and other technical aspects of modern marine experiments conducted in Hawaii. The ladies, who will join the men for this trip, will tour the adjacent Sea Life Park. Luncheon will be served for all upon arrival at the park.

Social Events

Early Bird Aloha Reception—Although the technical program does not commence until

Wednesday morning, all registrants and their ladies are invited to gather in the Robert

Louis Stevenson Room of the Princess Kaiu- lani Hotel at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 25, for a get acquainted "no host" Early Bird Aloha


Men's Luncheon—All registrants are invited to attend the Men's Luncheon on Wednesday,

May 26, at 12 noon in the Cleghorn Room of the Princess Kaiulani Hotel. Dr. John P.

Craven, dean of the marine programs at the

University of Hawaii and the state of Hawaii's executive director for marine affairs, will speak on "The Naval Architect and the Design of

Cities on the Sea."

Ladies' Paradise Park Tour, Luncheon and

Fashion Show—Promptly at 9:45 a.m. on

Wednesday, May 26, the ladies will depart by bus for a morning at Paradise Park, a lush tropical bird aviary unique to the Islands.

Time will be spent touring the park and lunch- ing in the Polynesian Dining Room. During luncheon there will be a fashion show of

Hawaiian and Polynesian attire. Door prizes will be given.

President's Reception—SNAME President

Daniel D. Strohmeier will be host to all regis- trants and their ladies at this social event on

Wednesday, May 26, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the Second Floor Tower Lobby of the Princess

Kaiulani Hotel. Beverages and hors d'oeuvres will be served.

Luau Banquet—The closing event of the 1971 Spring Meeting will be a traditional

Hawaiian Luau (banquet). It will be held on the terrace overlooking Waikiki beach at the

Royal Hawaiian Hotel. Registrants and their ladies will gather for this affair at 6:30 p.m. on Friday, May 28. This promises to be a most enjoyable evening and, as the sun sets over

Waikiki, a majestic finale to the meeting.

The steering committee for the 1971 "Oce- anics Hawaii" Spring Meeting, under the chairmanship of Ian M. Smith, consists of the following: papers, Manley St. Denis, chair- man, assisted by Guy W. Slaughter; finance,

Frederick C. Munchmeyer, chairman, and

Sueo Hayashida; technical sessions, E. Alvey

Wright; hotel arrangements, Ken Yee; bud- get, Roy W. Ahrens and Michael D. Farmer; transportation and field trips, J. Grant O'Don- nell; social activities, Theodore M. Otero; publicity, Dale T. Trenhaile; printing and pub- lications, Harry C. Lewis; liaison, Hugh W.

Kaiser; at large, Herman Hastrup, and regis- tration, Clinton W. Kreitner.

Pine Tree Engineering

New Rice Barton Subsidiary

The entire assets of Pine Tree Engineering,

Brunswick, Maine, have been acquired by Rice

Barton Corporation, leading designer and manufacturer of papermaking machinery and accessories, it was announced jointly by Win- ship B. Moody Sr., president of Rice Barton, and Roger M. Luke, president of Pine Tree


Established in 1968, Pine Tree Engineering is a Maine corporation which provides engi- neering and services for marine on-deck equip- ment, such as winches, windlasses, and steer- ing gear for ships. Now a subsidiary division of Rice Barton, Pine Tree Engineering has recorded a profit each year since its incorpora- tion and has been responsible for sales of equipment in excess of $3,000,000.

Mr. Moody, commenting on the new acquisi- tion, stated: "With the current emphasis on increased expenditures for military and non- military vessels and combined engineering, purchasing, and production capabilities avail- able due to our merger, we believe this joint ef- fort will contribute greatly to our corporate growth and profit." Under the new arrange- ment, Mr. Luke, president of Pine Tree Engi- neering, and Matthew R. Fandetti, vice presi- dent, engineering, will continue to serve in those capacities. Mr. Moody becomes chair- man of the board and chief executive officer;

Ted Bova, Rice Barton, becomes vice presi- dent, sales, and Herbert S. Alexander, Rice

Barton, becomes treasurer. The Pine Tree En- gineering board of directors will include:

Charles S. Barton, Winship B. Moody Sr., Ted

Bova, Roger M. Luke and Matthew R. Fan- detti.

Anchor windlasses, mooring- and cargo winches, steam or electro-hydro-dynamically driven for tankers, bulkcarriers and other ships of more than 30.000 tdw.

Universal chocks

Friedrich Kocks GmbH 28 Bremen, P.O.B. 1

Phone: (0421) 504051

Telex: 02-44863 kocks

Cable: Kocksing Brm



Friedrich Kocks (U. K.) Ltd. 5th lloor. General Accident Building 20/24 Addiscombe Rd.

East Croydon



Phone: 01 -688-2427

Telex: 917147


Walter Christiansen Inc. 195 Paterson Avenue

Little Falls, New Jersey 07424


Marine Teknisk A/S

Welhavensgatan 1

Oslo 1


Telex: 1758 MATEKNISK O



Deutsche Nissho-lwai GmbH

Spaldingstrafie 70 2 Hamburg 1/West-Germany

Phone: 241901/08

Telex: 02162623-6



Materiel Auxiliaire Marine

Maurice L6chelon 14, Rue Anna-Jaquin 92-Boulogne/Seine

Phone: 605-28-95


S.I.M.A., S.A.

Diego de Leon 49

Madrid (6)

Phone: 262 2100-06

Telex: 27675



URANIA di C. Gianni

Via Milano 17 34132 Triest

Phone: (040) 35-205

Cables: TF 35 205 TRIESTE


Fukushima Ltd. 4. Yonban-cho,

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo,

Phone: Tokyo 265-3161,

Telex: 0232-2310 FukusayTok,

Cables: Fukusimaseisaku Tokyo


May 1, 1971 25

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.