Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 1971)

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Anixter-New York

Appoints Edward Ryan

Edward Ryan, vice president of

Anixter Bros., Inc., has been as- signed additional responsibilities as president of Anixter-New York, it was announced by Alan Anixter, president, Anixter Bros., Inc.,

Skokie, 111.

Anixter-New York, formerly Nor- mandy Electric, recently moved into a new 60,000-square-foot ware- house at 300 Executive Boulevard,

Elmsford, N.Y. As an integral part of Anixter's continent-wide net- work of electrical cable specialists,

Anixter-New York will serve as a major distribution center for the electrical wire and cable needs of the northeastern Atlantic states.

Mr. Ryan, a resident of New

York, joined Anixter as a corpor- ate vice president in 1970, after serving as national manager of rod and bare wire for Anaconda Wire & Cable Co. Previously, he was

Anaconda's sales manager in New


Mr. Ryan is a graduate of Yale

University, with a bachelor of arts degree in economics. He attained the rank of lieutenant commander while serving in the U.S. Navy.

Mr. Ryan is a native of New

York and is a member of the Yale

Club, Metropolitan Club, Sleepy

Hollow Country Club, Copper

Club and the IEEE.

According to Mr. Ryan, Anixter-

New York has one of the country's most modern and efficient electrical cable warehouses, with an inven- tory of over 5,000 different sizes and types of electrical cable made by major manufacturers. Anixter stocks all types of shipboard cable, industrial cable, coaxial cable, elec- tronic wire, portable cords, high voltage power and control cable.

Edward Ryan

Anixter has formed the first con- tinent-wide network of electrical wire and cable specialists, with dis- tribution centers in 23 major cities in the United States, Canada and

Europe. Also, it is a manufacturer and distributor of electrical and communications equipment and cable assemblies.

National River Academy

Elects William Hankins

William L. Hankins Jr.

William L. Hankins Jr., Chicago district manager of Columbian

Rope Company of Auburn, N.Y., was recently elected to the board of directors of The National River

Academy. Mr. Frank Metcalf, Co- lumbian's president, announced the appointment.

Prior to his position in the Chi- cago district office, Mr. Hankins held the post of district sales man- ager, Plymouth Cordage, a divi- sion of Columbian Rope, for seven years. In his present position, he heads up the Columbian operation in the Midwest from Ohio to Colo- rado and from the Kansas-Okla- homa line to the Canadian border.

This is Mr. Hankins's first term on the board of the Helena, Ark., based National River Academy.

Mr. Hankins is a member of the

Masonic Order and The Propeller

Club. He is a University of Illinois graduate in business administra- tion.

Decker Chartering

Opens N.Y. Office

Decker Chartering Corp., a new ship brokerage and chartering firm, has opened an office at 26 Broad- way, Room 1534, New York, N.Y. 10004. Horst K.G. Decker and

Pedro O. Alayeto will be in charge of daily operations.

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