Page 3rd Cover: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 15, 1971)
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Roll Stabilizer
Widely Accepted
By Fishing Industry
Flume Stabilization Systems, Inc. has recently completed sea trials of its stabilizer aboard the A.K.
Strom, a 225-foot tuna seiner own- ed by Delta Fishing Company of
Terminal Island, Calif. The ship, under the command of Capt. David
Rico, is the second largest tuna seiner in the world. From her home base of San Juan, Puerto Rico, the ship will range from the Pacific to waters off Africa.
The trials were conducted be- tween Tacoma, Wash., and San
Diego, Calif., in heavy seas. Per- formance of the stabilizer was con- sidered exceptional by Captain
Rico, especially considering the rough weather encountered. To- ward the end of the trial, the weather abated enough to unstabi- lize the ship. Utilizing a John J.
McMullen Associates test program and vertical gyro roll recorder, overall roll reductions of 80 per- cent were measured in 13-foot-high waves, with maximum unstabilized roll angles of about 50 degrees double amplitude recorded.
Stabilization such as this allows the A.K. Strom to drift at night, even with seas as described above.
Considering that such ships are at sea for 30 to 40 days at a time, per- sonal comfort is an important point. Furthermore, stabilization often makes fishing operations pos- sible under weather conditions that would ordinarily prohibit fishing.
Fifty-three ships related to the fishing industry have thus far been
Flume stabilized. Of these, 42 are trawlers, seiners or longliners, 32 being American owned.
One-Day Seminar
On Ocean Engineering
To Be Held At MIT
Working in the ocean means de- veloping ocean engineering tech- niques, not just modifying land or aerospace techniques for ocean use.
Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology's Sea Grant Project Office,
Cambridge, Mass., is sponsoring a one-day seminar at MIT on Sep- tember 22, 1971, during which ocean engineers from industry, Government and academic institutions will de- scribe, analyze, and discuss various ocean engineering problems and sug- gest some pragmatic solutions to them.
Their examples will emphasize situa- tions in recent ocean engineering projects from industry and from
MIT's educational and research pro- grams. They will include organizing, planning, and programming these projects, as well as using adapted civil engineering techniques, floating and fixed platforms, submersibles and other tools, and divers.
For further information, write or call the Sea Grant Project Office,
Room 3-282, MIT. 77 Massachu- setts Avenue, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. Telephone: (617) UN 4-6900, ext. 7041.
Two Foreign Operators
Order LNG Carriers
Totaling $60 Million
Two leading foreign shipping en- terprises have placed orders with the
French shipyard Chantiers de l'Atlan- tique, St. Nazaire, for the construc- tion of large liquid natural gas carriers of approximately 4,237,872 cubic feet capacity. Initial value of the order will be about $60 million, according to an announcement made by A.L. Burbank & Co., 120 Wall
Street, New York, N.Y., and their marine service organization in Ham- burg, Germany, who arranged the contracts.
Each of the specialized tankers, roughly equivalent to a conventional oil tanker of about 144,000 dead- weight tons, will be powered by an
Atlantique/Stal Laval steam turbine of 32,000 shp providing a speed of 19 knots.
Zodiac Shipping N.V., a subsid- iary of Nederlandsche Sheepvaart
Unie, Rijswijk, Holland, said to be the largest shipping group in Hol- land, ordered one of the ships, which is scheduled for delivery September 1, 1976. A similar LNG carrier was ordered by one of the biggest United
Kingdom shipping concerns, Ocean
Steamship Co., through a subsidiary,
Odyssey Trading Co., of Bermuda.
This vessel is scheduled for delivery
June 1, 1977.
Choose from the most compre- hensive line of solid state 3cm and 10cm high power marine radars available anywhere today.
Raytheon marine radars are versatile. Ten different models cover 10cm all-weather, as well as 3cm hig-h-definition, shipping requirements, and both relative motion and computerized true motion dis- plays are available. With
Raytheon's interswitch unit, any two radars can be inter- connected for the greater reliability of redundant opera- tion, the significant advan- tages of having both 3 and 10cm radars aboard, plus general navigational versatility. 3cm Radar—Eight models feature exceptionally high definition. Choice of 45 or 20kW transmitters, 6, 9, or 12 foot slotted waveguide antennas, 10 or 16 inch indicator units. Constant antenna rotation of 27 rpm plus pulse repetition rates to 4000 pulses/sec insure unmatched display resolu- tion and brightness at any range. 1 Ocm Radar - Two models for high seas, all-weather service. High power 60 kW transmitter, 12 foot slotted waveguide antenna, and choice of 10 or 16 inch indi- cators. Combination of 27 rpm antenna rotation, 4000 pulse/ sec rate, plus exceptionally high clutter and interference rejection provide performance second to none.
Raytheon. | First choice m ws in marine lm
Options — A wide range of optional accessories can be provided, including reflection plotter, true bearing and north stabilizing kits, a lens kit for the 10 inch indicator, and the computerized TM.CPA indicator for direct calcula- tion of CPA (closest point of approach) and time to CPA.
Raytheon is the first choice in marine radar. We have installed more than 15,000 radars on merchant ships of all nations. Each new radar is fabricated from military-type solid state components, then tested. Every Raytheon marine , radar meets environmental standards exceeding those required for B.O.T.,F.C.C.,
D.H.I., and F.T.Z. approval, with accelerated life tests based upon A.G.R.
E.E. requirements (Advisory Group on
Reliability of Electronic
To maintain this un- rivalled performance, marine electronics specialists are avail- able at Raytheon
Service Centers and authorized dealers in all principal ports on every continent around the world.
For complete infor- mation on Raytheon marine radars, and other fine shipboard electronics, write or call Raytheon
Company, Marine Products
Operation, Manchester, N.H. 03103.Tel.(603) 668-1600.
The other marine insurance.
August 15, 1971 39