Page 3: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1971)
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Versatile and ready-to-go:
Your Union Wire Rope Marine Distributor
From custom-made slings to safety-engineered mooring lines, your Union
Wire Rope Marine Distributor has the know-how and wire rope products to meet every need—conventional or special. Quick, too. He's backed up by a , regional Union Wire Rope warehouse with quality rope products. And factory assistance is on call when he needs it.
For versatile and ready-to-go service, see your Union Wire Rope Marine
Distributor... today. Write us for our Marine Rope Recommendation Bulletin or Sling Handbook. Union Wire Rope Sales, Dept. K-581,7000 Roberts Street,
Kansas City, Missouri 64125.
September 1, 1971 5 ______ ARMCO ARM CO STEEL \/