Page 32: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1971)

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Crowley/Red Stack

Opens Houston Office

Crowley/Red Stack, operators of

Puerto Rico Marine Lines' tug and barge service between west Gulf ports and Puerto Rico, has announced es- tablishment of a Houston, Texas, office.

The office is located in the Cotton

Exchange Building, 1300 Prairie Ave- nue. Jack Brodie has been assigned to the office as owners' representative.

Lykes Lines will continue as gen- eral U.S. agents for this service.

The Houston office will also serve as Southwest headquarters for other

Red Stack operations, including Bulk

Petroleum Carriers, Puget Sound

Tug and Barge, and Arctic Marine


PR ML initiated service between

Gulf ports and Puerto Rico earlier this year utilizing oceangoing "super- barges" and mechanical lift handling of unitized and palletized freight.

One of the huge barges has been outfitted with a 340,000-cubic-foot covered structure which enables the barge to serve as a "floating ware- house."

Direct transfer of palletized cargo from the dock to flat-deck barges is accomplished by two teams of heavy- duty fork lift trucks, one operating on the dock, the other on the barge.

PRML provides service between

Houston, Lake Charles, Port Arthur r not send your h quality repair m

TRANSPORTATION and Galveston to Ponce, Mayguez and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bulk Petroleum Carriers, a Red

Stack affiliate, has been moving re- fined petroleum products to various

East Coast ports from Puerto Rico.

Another Crowley/Red Stack Com- pany, Arctic Marine Freighters, wrote maritime history in 1970 when it moved 187,000 tons of cargo from

West Coast ports to northern Alaska's

Prudhoe Bay, beyond the Arctic Cir- cle, in the largest single commercial haul ever to move through Arctic wa- ters. AMF hauled additional freight to Alaska's North Slope this summer.

Fischer To Manage

Mobil Oil's U.S.

Marine Operations

Arthur E. Fischer

Arthur E. Fischer has been ap- pointed manager, U.S. operations, in Mobil Oil Corporation's marine transportation department.

Mr. Fischer received a B.S. de- gree in economics and sociology from Bowdoin College in 1938. He joined Mobil in 1942 in New York and has spent his entire career in marine transportation.

He became manager of marine traffic in 1953 and of the inland di- vision in 1957. In 1962, he was transferred to Beaumont as man- ager of the Gulf-East Coast tanker fleet. In 1967, he moved to Bermuda as president and general manager of Mobil's Bermuda-based marine companies. He returned to New

York two years ago as employee relations manager of marine trans- portation.

Mr. Fischer is the former director of the American Waterways Oper- ators, Inc., and of the Atlantic

Coast and Gulf of Mexico Towboat

Association. He has also been ac- tive in the National Safety Coun- cil, New York State Waterways

Association, and numerous other marine trade organizations.

Order For Twenty-Five

Covered Hopper Barges

To St. Louis Ship

Twenty-five covered hopper barges have been ordered by Wisconsin Barge

Line, Cassville, Wis., from St. Louis

Ship, a Division of Pott Industries,

Inc., St. Louis, Mo.

The box barges, 200 feet by 35 feet by 12 feet, will be equipped with roll- ing covers. Delivery will be made in the spring of 1972. The 24th barge of this series will carry the distinction of being Hull No. 3000 delivered by the shipyard group of Pott Industries,


This is a picture of the ship that came in last week.

And shipped out last week.

This is the kind of service that Jacksonville Shipyards customers have come to rely on.

We get you in and out fast. With 6 drydocks and 85 acres of facilities. Manned by a working staff of 3,000 trained professionals.

Best of all, our sunny Florida climate offers you round- the-clock service 12 months of the year.

Now that you've got the picture, why ships to Jacksonville Shipyards—for higl work keyed to fast-moving schedules. Jack sonville Shipyards, Inc., Fruehauf Cor poration, Ft. of Hendricks Ave., Jackson ville, Florida. (904) 398-3081. New Yorl

Sales Office: 1 Battery Park Plaza, Nev

York, N. Y. 10004 (212) 943-2397.

Jacksonville Shipyards, Inc.

A SUBSIDIARY OF FRUEHAUF CORPORATION 34 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.