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Page 41: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 15, 1973)
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MarAd Eastern Region
Names Levay To Post
In Market Development
Lester S. Levay has been ap- pointed Market Development Spe- cialist, it was announced by
Thomas A. King, Eastern Region
Director of the Maritime Adminis- tration, U.S. Department of Com- merce. The Office of Market De- velopment promotes greater sup- port of U.S.-flag ships through im- plementation of President Nixon's program to revitalize the United
States merchant marine.
Mr. Levay comes to his new posi- tion from Zim Lines, where he was employed as sales representative.
Previous experience in the trans- portation field was in traffic and operations with Amerind Shipping
Corp., and American Export Lines.
Spencer Publishes
Brochure On Gas And
Diesel Engine Heads
A brochure issued by Spencer
Heads, Inc., Gladewater, Texas, de- scribes its "engineering breakthrough for the prevention of diesel and gas cylinder head-cracking."
The patented Spencer "Adapted"
Head extends the engineering prin- ciple of separating the greater com- bustion temperature and expanding cylinder head from the lesser expan- ding block or cylinder.
Spencer Heads' system goes a step further in engineering by manufac- turing a "head within a head" with free-expansion "stress-area inserts" to eliminate stress points on combus- tion faces of heads which otherwise are susceptible to cracking.
Approximately 98 percent of head- cracking occurs through or between the spark plug openings and the valve opening. The Spencer system relieves this known stress spot by covering it only with a "Stress-Area Insert."
Hot spots or stress areas are the vul- nerable spots where head-cracking occurs on head after head. This is because of the narrow water-jacket passageway which restricts the com- bustion heat from being dispelled into the water sufficiently. This concen- trated head build-up results in un- even expansion in this area and, just as a wire bent back and forth, it later breaks.
Spencer System provides for coun- terboring a head with a known stress area to a sufficient diameter and depth to allow for a stress area insert having a threaded boss screwing into a threaded hole in the counterbore.
The stress area insert is .030 of an inch smaller in diameter than the counterbore in which it nests. The stress area insert absorbs this exces- sive heat and is free to expand to the gap. As a result, the counterbored insert-covered floor of the head now expands uniformly with the rest of the head—the stress has been elimi- nated.
Further information may be ob- tained from Spencer Heads, Inc.,
P.O. Box 299, Gladewater, Texas 75647.
F.E. Golden Joins
Newport Ship Yard
Frederick E. Golden has been named contract coordinator at
Newport Ship Yard, Inc. of New- port, R.I. He joins the 139-year-old firm following retirement from the
Government service in June 1972, after 31 years during which he held positions in a supervisory capacity for over 21 years.
His last position was as a super- visor of ship surveyors for eight years for the Supervisor of Ship
Building Conversion, and Repair with the First Naval District in
Boston, Mass. His Government ca- reer included positions as Leading- man Electrician, Leadingman Fire
Controlman, and Leadingman Ord- nance Machinist.
In his new position with New- port Ship Yard, Mr. Golden will be coordinating and processing all governmental contract activity at the firm.
Mr. Golden is a graduate of the
Boston Trade School Franklin
Technical Institute and received his bachelor's degree in business administration from Northeastern
University in 1957. He holds li- censes as master electrician, jour- neyman electrician and marine electrician.
Send for information on Clyde's complete line of hoisting equipment.
Clyde c/o Equipment Systems, Inc.
P.O. Box 95
Port Deposit, Maryland 21904
A Microdot Company
The Lorain SD-VI Decoder can receive and store up to 6 calls on any of 6 frequencies. When the called 5- digit code is received, an audible signal sounds and the channel indicator lamp lights and remains on until reset. Saves time and money at both ends of a radio- telephone call.
Write for information.
Area Code 216 — Telephone 282-6116
AUTOMATIC CALLING makes everybody happy!
Dipper Clamshell Dredge for
Panama Canal Company (Serial No. PC-73-50)
The Panama Canal Company, a corporate agency and instru- mentality of the United States of America, is planning to request bids for the construction and delivery of a non-self propelled diesel-electric powered 15 cubic yard dipper dredge, capable of excavating 60 feet below water level, with an 18 cubic yard clamshell option. The formal request for bids will be distributed on or about March 30, 1973; the bids will be opened on or about
August 31, 1973 and will require construction and delivery in the Panama Canal within two years.
The basic design envisions a modified in-production model, self contained shovel-dragline machine, mounted on a suitably ar- ranged barge hull, and adapted for sub-surface excavation. All main and auxiliary power will be supplied by a diesel-electric plant utilizing proven production model engine generator sets.
Adequate winches, spuds and related equipment will provide a modern dredge with ready sources of procurement for normally required replacement parts. The dredge will be equipped with a machine shop and air conditioned day quarters for a crew of 1 1 men.
The basic specifications will be:
Length overall (over sponsor and fenders) 154'
Breadth overall (over fenders) 73
Depth (maximum) 16
Length of boom 65'
Total rating of prime movers 4500 hp
The estimated price range is $3,000,000 to $5,000,000.
An Advance Notice to Bidders will be issued prior to advertise- ment of the project by the Contracting Officer, Engineering and
Construction Bureau, Panama Canal Company, Balboa Heights,
Canal Zone. At that time, sets of drawings, together with speci- fications, will be furnished upon receipt of a deposit of $100 per set.
The Captain is happy
Public Correspondence stations are deiighted (WJG-Memphis and WGK-St. Louis)
WJG says: "The operation of the SE-IX Encoder has been unfailing in its purpose. We can call vessels at any time we desire. As more ships are getting the
SD-VI Decoders installed, we are having less and less trouble contacting them."
Terrence B. Miller, President,
WJG Radio, Inc.
Who wants to listen to SSB radio chatter?
Now the Captain can receive SSB radio- telephone calls, au- tomatically. No voice monitoring is neces- sary. He can receive calls on 6 channels.
The home office is happy
They have an Encoder installation. Calls go direct, to each De- coder-equipped boat.
Just select the 5-digit code of the called boat on the Encoder and press the transmit but- ton. Calls go through SE.IX ENCODER in 2 seconds.
February 15, 1973 43