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American Waterways Operators
Elects Robert J. Hughes Chairman — lames R. Smith Named President
Robert J. Hughes
Robert J. Hughes, president of
James Hughes, Inc. of New York, was elected chairman of the board of The American Waterways Op- erators, Inc. at the recent annual meeting of directors of the asso- ciation in Washington, D.C.
James R. Smith, Assistant Sec- retary of the Interior for Water and Power Resources, was elected president of the association, follow- ing his resignation from the In- terior Department post.
Braxton B. Carr, president of the association since 1957, was elected to the newly created position of chairman of the executive com- mittee.
William E. Cleary was elected to his 18th annual term as secre- tary-treasurer.
AWO, the national association of the barge and towing industry, has headquarters in Washington and field offices in New York City and New Orleans, La. Mr. Cleary operates the association's North
Atlantic regional office in New
York City.
Mr. Hughes succeeds Harley G.
Noland, manager, transportation operations, Chemicals and Plastics
Division, Union Carbide Corpora- tion, South Charleston, W.Va., who has served as AWO board chairman for the last year. He will continue to serve as a director-at- large of the association for the next year.
The new chairman of the board,
Mr. Hughes, with his brother,
William, represent the third gen- eration in the transportation opera- tions of James Hughes, Inc., which have been'conducted on the East
Coast since 1894. The corporation is a certificated Interstate Com- merce Commission water carrier.
Prior to entering the transpor- tation field, the family firm con- structed barges in New Brunswick,
N.J. The barges were used to de- liver coal from mines in Pennsyl- vania to New York City via the
Delaware and Raritan Canal which linked Philadelphia and New York during the period 1850 through 1930.
James Hughes, Inc. has special- ized since World War I in carry- ing by water large and heavy ob- jects too big to move by rail or truck on the East and Gulf Coasts.
Hughes Brothers, Inc., of which
William J. Hughes is president, is
Braxton B. Carr an affiliate company engaged in chartering, towing and supplying vessels to contractors for heavy construction activities.
Robert J. Hughes has served since 1964 as a director of AWO.
He served as chairman of the asso- ciation's Coast Guard liaison com- mittee in 1971 and 1972, and in that capacity testified before several
Congressional committees on mat- ters of major interest to AWO.
He has also served on various oth- er committees of the association, including the legislative, executive, general advisory, budget and fi- nance, membership, public rela- tions, education and movie produc- tion committees.
A son, James J. Hughes, is a vice president of James Hughes,
The new president of AWO was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Interior by President Nixon in 1969. In this capacity, his re- sponsibilities included the opera- tion of the Bureau of Reclamation ; the Bonneville Power Administra- tion ; the Southwestern, South- eastern and Alaska Power Admin- istrations ; the Defense Electric
Power Administration; the Office of Saline Water, and the Office of
Water Resources Research.
In addition to his responsibilities as Assistant Secretary of the In- terior, Mr. Smith's duties in that position included representing the
U.S. Government on the Electric
Research Council and membership on the board of directors of the
Electric Power Research Institute.
The institute is an organization of private and consumer-owned elec- tric utilities, and the Federal Gov- ernment, now undertaking electric power research to help guarantee future reliable power to the nation.
A native of Sioux Falls, S.D.,
Mr. Smith received his law degree from the University of South Da- kota.
The new AWO president served as vice president and general coun- sel of the Mississippi Valley Asso- ciation, now the Water Resources
Congress. When appointed Assist- ant Secretary of the Interior, he was an executive of the Northern
Natural Gas Company in Omaha,
In 1970, Mr. Smith was awarded the Ohio Conservation Award and, in 1972, the "Water Statesman of the Year" by the National Water
Resources Association. He also re- ceived the Department of the Ar- my's distinguished civilian service award and the distinguished serv- ice award of the Water Resources
The following new directors of
AWO took office at the annual board meeting:
H.J. Aguero, manager, inland waterways fleet, Mobil Oil Corpo- ration, New York, N.Y.; S.D.
Campbell, chairman of the board,
Foss Launch & Tug Co., an affili- ate of Dillingham Corporation,
Seattle, Wash.; A.D. Fulmer, Port
Birmingham Terminal, Warrior &
Gulf Navigation Co., Chickasaw,
Ala.: J. Merrick Jones Jr., presi- dent, Canal Barge Company, Inc.,
New Orleans, La.; Bernard T. Kel- ley, president Hillman Transporta- tion Company, Brownsville, Pa.;
Harvey H. Loumiet Jr., president,
Loumiet Enterprises, Inc., Har- vey, La.; T. Truxtun Morrison, vice president and manager, barge operations, Peavey Company, Al- ton, III.; Edward Renshaw, presi- dent, St. Louis Ship, Division of
Pott Industries, Inc., St. Louis,
Mo.: William R. Saul, president,
Steuart Transportation Company,
Piney Point, Md.; Robert E. Scat- terday, president, Campbell Barge
Line, Inc., Pittsburgh, Pa.; George
H. Shaver, executive vice presi- dent, Shaver Transportation Com- pany, Portland, Ore.; Frank T.
Stegbauer, vice president, opera- tions, Southern Towing Company,
Memphis, Tenn., and Sydney
Wire, assistant general manager, marine department, EXXON Com- pany, U.S.A., Houston, Texas.
The AWO board of directors is made up of 47 water carrier ex- ecutives from throughout the
United States.
Reelected to the board were:
Jack W. Campbell, vice presi- dent and general manager, Mobile
Towing Company, Mobile, Ala.;
Leo L. Collar, president, Alaska
Hydro-Train, Seattle, Wash.;
Stanley J. Fairhurst, vice president for administration. Dilmar. Hono- lulu, Hawaii; A. Giallorenzi, mana- ger, marine transportation depart- ment, New York Branch, EXXON
Company, U.S.A., Bayonne, N.J.;
Thomas L. Gladders, president,
G.W. Gladders Towing Company,
Inc., St. Louis, Mo.; Howard S.
Guttman, president, Mon River
Towing, Inc., Belle Vernon, Pa.;
Edward M. Hensley, vice presi- dent, Security Barge Line, Inc.,
Greenville, Miss.; James P. McAl- lister, president, McAllister Light- erage Line, Inc., New York, N.Y.;
F.A. Mechling, executive vice president, A.L. Mechling Barge
Lines Inc., Joliet, 111.; Thomas E.
Moran, president, Moran Towing
Corporation, New York, N.Y.; Jer- ry L. Page, president, Southern
Barge Line Corporation, Paducah,
Ky.; Ed A. Smith, president. Ala- mo Barge Lines, Houston, Texas;
L.P. Struble Jr., group vice presi- dent, Dravo Corporation, Pitts- burgh, Pa., and J.W. Von Herbu- lis, president, Pittston Marine Cor- poration, New York, N.Y.
Other AWO directors, in addi- tion to Mr. Noland, who continue in office are:
W.H. Barton Jr., senior vice president, Nashville Bridge Com- pany, Nashville, Tenn.; Lester C.
Bedient, general manager, Har- bor Carriers, Inc., San Francisco,
Calif.; Peter J. Brix, president,
Knappton Towboat Company,
Portland, Ore.; Francis B. Bushey, president, Spentonbush Transport
Service, Inc., New York, N.Y.;
Harry J. Collins, president, Collins
Towing, Inc., Westwego, La.;
John M. Donnelly, president, In- gram Barge Co., New Orleans,
La.; Donald G. Foss, vice presi- dent, marine division, Puget Sound
Freight Lines, Tacoma, Wash.;
Capt. Noble L. Gordon, president,
Mid - South Towing Company,
Tampa, Fla.; Ralph W. Hooper, vice president, Interstate. Oil
Transport Co., Philadelphia, Pa.;
Gresham Hougland, president,
Crounse Corporation, Paducah,
Ky.; Robert J. Hughes, president,
James Hughes, Inc., New York,
N.Y.; H.M. Jones, vice president,
Levingston Shipbuilding Com- pany, Orange, Texas; John W.
Lambert, president, Twin City
Barge & Towing Company, St.
Paul, Minn.; Capt. C.C. Rasmus- sen, president and general mana- ger, Bay and River Navigation
Company, Richmond, Calif.; K.W.
Scoggins, president, Midwest Tow- ing Company, Inc., Minneapolis,
Minn.; David T. Sheehy, president,
M/G Transport Services, Inc., Cin- cinnati, Ohio; Neville Stone, presi- dent, Upper Mississippi Towing
Corporation, Minneapolis. Minn;
H.G. Williams, president, Gulf At- lantic Transport Corporation, Jack- sonville, Fla., and H.C. Wynn, op- erations manager, Triangle Re- fineries, Inc., Houston, Texas.
Robert B. Grant Joins
Diehl And Lundgaard
As Senior Engineer
Robert B. Grant has joined the marine engineering and consulting firm of Diehl and Lundgaard,
Inc., Bainbridge Island, Wash., as a senior engineer. He will be as- signed to projects involving pro- pulsion control systems, machinery and shafting vibration, and ship- board test instrumentation.
Mr. Grant graduated from the
United States Merchant Marine
Academy in 1953, and received a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Arizona in 1955. He is a licensed professional engineer in the state of Washing- ton.
Eighteen years of engineering experience include design work on turbine engines, shipboard operat- ing experience, and development testing of large hydraulic systems.
Mr. Grant also has experience with instrumentation for vibration testing, hydraulic system perform- ance tests, and electro hydraulic servo development tests.
James R. Smith 22 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News