Page 12: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (June 15, 1973)
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That's Gerber's 1275 automatic drafting system. A ship shaper that slashes ship building time and costs.
The Gerber 1275 system duplicates hull lines, surface shapes and lofting contours, enabling the architect to "see and change" as he designs.
Once the design has been fixed, the 1275 develops hull plate layouts, generates and verifies NC tapes for cutting be- fore a single sheet of steel is ordered or cut. The 1275 even duplicates burner operations, includ- ing torch character- istics and locating of on/off stations.
The Gerber ship shaper can drastic- ally reduce lead time, produce substantial savings by increasing accuracy, speeding the cutting of plates and parts, and reducing scrap losses to a minimum.
In addition, the Gerber 1275 system can operate as re- mote job entry terminals, enabling ship builders to keep the entire job in house.
The Gerber 1275 system includes a series 1200 comput- er control and a Model 75 automatic drafting table, available , ram— in sizes from 5x8 feet to 8 x 24 feet. •Tj It accommodates all ESSI, EIA, ASCII and
EIARS 244 formats. And the entire inte-
Hw I grated system is designed, manufactured and serviced by Gerber Scientific ... the proven name in automatic drafting systems.
The Gerber Scientific
Instrument Company, Hartford,
Connecticut 06101. (203) 644-1551.
Ship Shaper.