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Marine Section, NSC
Meeting In Chicago
October 29-30-31
The Marine Section of the Na- tional Safety Council will conduct three days of meetings at Chicago's
LalSalle Hotel, 'beginning Monday,
October 29, at the 61st annual Na- tional Congress, sponsored by the
National Safety Council.
There will be one half-day ses- sion each on stevedoring, ship- building and repairing, ship opera- tions, 'barge and towing, and a one- day session on the U.S. Coast
On Monday morning, chairman
Albert R. Alff, safety director of
Nacirema Operating Co. (NYC), and co-chairman Albert W. Cash, safety director of International
Terminal Operating Co. (NYC), will oversee meetings devoted to stevedoring safety. James J. Dick- man, president of New York Ship- ping Association, Inc., (NYC), will discuss the association's role in "longshoring" safety. Capt. C.H.
Waring, manager of the Accident
Prevention Bureau at Lykes Bros.
Steamship Co., Inc., New Orleans,
La., will discuss "A Human Link —The Stevedoring Safety Super- visor." "OSHA Ahead" is the top- ic of the Honorable John H. Sten- der, Assistant Labor Secretary for
Monday afternoon's shipbuild- ing and ship repairing session will be chaired by James R. O'Donnell, maritime safety consultant, New
Orleans, La., and co-chaired by
John W. Sansing, general mana- ger, Mainstream Shipyards & Sup- ply, Greenville, Miss. "Safety and
Production" will be discussed by
Sigmund A. Solares, production systems manager, Avondale Ship- yards, Inc., New Orleans. Dr.
Clifton O. Istre Jr., department of otolaryngology, Tulane University
Medical School, New Orleans, will discuss "Safety and Industrial
Noise." "The Marine Chemist and
Shipyard Safety" is the subject of
George A. Hale, Marine Inspection
Engineers, Gas Testing-Consult- ing-Hull & Cargo Surveyors, Sko- kie, 111. During the reception, Best
Paper awards will be presented by the Section's general chairman
Capt. Hewlett R. Bishop, presi- dent, National Cargo Bureau, Inc., (NYC) ; Bruno J. Augenti, presi- dent, Marine Index Bureau, J.nc., (NYC); and Rear Adm. William
A. Jenkins, Chief, Office of Opera- tions, USCG, Washington, D.'C.
The annual breakfast business meeting to be held on Tuesday morning will be presided over by
Captain Bishop. The agenda in- cludes election of 1973-74 Section officers, and reports of the chair- man and the standing committees.
The U.S. Coast Guard session will be chaired by Admiral Jen- kins, Chief Officer of Operations,
Washington, DC. During the meeting, Comdr. Ralph C. Hill,
Chief of Vessel Traffic Systems
Branch, Washington, D.C., will discuss "Increased Safety Through
Vessel Traffic Systems." Develop- ments in vessel operational safety is the topic of Lt. Comdr. Kenneth
W adman, Chief, Rules of the Road
Branch, U.S. Coast Guard, Wash- ington, D.C. Capt. Clyde T. Lusk
Jr. Assistant Chief, Merchant Ves- sel Inspection Division, U.S. Coast
Guard, Washington, DC., will dis- cuss 'the Marine Casualty Review.
The Tuesday afternoon meeting will be chaired by Capt. R.J. An- derson, manager, loss prevention,
Prudential-Grace Lines, Inc., New
York, and co-chaired by Robert
Kratzert, manager, vessel person- nel and service, Oglebay Norton
Co., Columbia Transportation Di- vision, Cleveland, Ohio. Mark
Brauer, research assistant, depart- ment of industrial engineering,
Texas A & M University, will ex- amine a "Safe System for Reduc- tion of Tanker Cleaning Hazards and Pollution." Marine safety will be viewed by chief engineer James
Eustice, S/S Frank Purnell, Co- lumbia Transportation Division,
Oglebay Norton Co., Oglebay,
Cleveland,, Ohio. Contrasting ma- rine with aviation safety will be
Donald J. Schumacher, senior transportation advisor, logistics de- partment, Exxon Corp., New York,
Barge and towing topics will be aired on Wednesday morning und- er the guidance of chairman John
Kern, vice president, A.L. Simms
Brothers Towing Co., Inc., Mobile,
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