Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 15, 1973)
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The U.S. Navy's Surface Effect Ship program can revolutionize naval warfare. Surface Effect Ships can meet the challenge of the submarine. With itshigh speed and shallow draft, an SES can outrun a submarine and be practically invulnerable to torpedo attack.
At 80 knots an SES can reach a point 1,000 miles away in about half a day. compared with more than two days for a conventional 20-knot force. The 2.000-ton operational prototype
SESwill be another major step toward the 100-knot
Navy of the future.
Division of textron Buffalo, New York
The U S Navy's SES-100B test craft being operated by
Bell Aerospace in the Gulf of Mexico, is contributing valuable data to the design of the 2.000-ton SES
The 100-ton SES has achieved speeds of 75 knots (86 mph) and has operated successfully in high sea states