Page 16: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (February 15, 1974)
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USMMA At Kings Point
To Admit Women
The Maritime Administration has stolen a march on the Army,
Navy, Coast Guard, and Air Force and will open the ranks to women this fall at its Academy at Kings
Point, N.Y., it was recently an- nounced.
While it has opened the doors to women, some traditions will remain masculine: —• It will continue tohe "midship- men" and not "midship-person." — And in regulations providing for application for admission, the rules will continue to refer to can- didates as "he," "his" and "him."
The Maritime Administration also disclosed that it already has its first nominee for Commerce Secre- tary Frederick Dent to consider for the autumn class of some 200. She is Debrah Robb of Denver, Colo.
She was nominated by Representa- tive Patricia Schroeder (D.-Colo.).
More than one state maritime academy, 'notably California's, be- gan admitting women for the first time last September.
Appointments are made on the basis of vacancies allocated among the 50 states and Puerto Rico by their representation in Congress.
Aspirants from Guam, American
Samoa, Virgin Islands, Canal Zone, and District of Columbia are han- dled under special provisions of the law. Th-e working of the law pre- vents female Canal Zone residents from seeking entry, but the Mari- time Administration said it would seek amendment of the law to rem- edy that.
Agencies a diversified background in the container industry, having held positions of senior vice presi- dent, Zim Container Service; vice president, marketing and sales,
Dart Container Line, and various other positions with Grace Line and Belgium Line. Hn addition to his various shipping activities,
Mr. Driesen is also a lieutenant commander in the United States
CTI Appoints Gutterson
VP, Pacific Region
CTI-Container Transport Inter- national, Inc., has appointed Fred- erick Gutterson to the newly cre- ated post of vice president, Pacific region.
Mr. Gutterson has served most recently as CTI's North Pacific area director, based in Japan. Pre- viously, Mr. Gutterson established the company's Tokyo office in 1971, negotiated the first long-term con- tainer lease with the Soviet Union in 1972, and opened the CTI Hong
Kong office in 1973.
Mr. Gutterson, a graduate of
Fordham University in New York
City (B.S. degree in economics), is now responsible for CTI's diverse operations throughout the Pacific.
He will oversee the company's operations in Tokyo, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Malaysia and Australia.
Atlantic Coast Names
Jeffrey M. Driesen
Senior Vice President
Jeffrey M. Driesen
Jon C. Pendleton, president, At- lantic Coast Agencies, Inc., has announced the appointment of Jeff- rey M. Driesen as senior vice presi- dent of Atlantic Coast Agencies.
Atlantic Coast Agencies are steamship general agents and oper- ators representing New England
Express Line to the Continent and
L. Figueiredo Navegacoa to the
Caribbean and South America. At- lantic Coast Agencies is also sales representative for Crusader Line
Services from the West Coast of the United States to New Zealand.
Mr. Driesen's responsibilities in- clude all facets of corporation de- velopment, administration and management.
He brings to Atlantic Coast CLEARING HOUSE FOR MARINE DIFFICULTIES SINCE 1894 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK 10004 (212) 944-1048
Like the 350 ton stator illustrated above, being loaded onto a HUGHES heavy-duty deck barge for coastwise movement to a nuclear power plant under construction.
When you have a heavyweight to ship—whether it's one of the massive units needed to help meet today's energy crisis, or any cargo too heavy or bulky to move by rail or road-contact HUGHES and get the facts about practical, efficient water transportation ... the ultimate in economy!
Prompt attention to your inquiries. No obligation.
I.C.C. W-463
February 15, 1974 19