Page 37: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1974)
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Taylor Diving & Salvage
Appoints Wallace And Jones
Ken W. Wallace Jerry Jones
Ken W. Wallace has been named executive vice president and Jerry Jones senior vice president of Taylor Diving & Salvage Co.,
Inc., an affiliate of Brown & Root, Inc., Hous- ton, Texas.
Announcement of the promotions was made by Hugh W. Gordon Jr., president of Taylor
Diving, which is headquartered in New Or- leans, La. Taylor, a subsidiary of the Halli- burton Company, is one of the largest inter- national underwater engineering, construction and salvage companies in the world.
Mr. Wallace has previously been senior vice president in charge of operations, and Mr.
Jones was vice president-administration of
Mr. Wallace served in the U.S. Navy from 1943 to 1945, and from 1950 to 1964,' when he joined Taylor. He graduated from the Na- val Deep Sea Diving School in 1952, and was designated a master deep sea diver, U.S. Navy in 1961, and appointed master diver of the
First Nuclear Submarine Squadron. In 1962, he was assigned to the Naval Experimental
Diving Unit as a master diver in charge.
Upon joining Taylor, Mr. Wallace was in- volved in the company's research and develop- ment work pertaining to diving. He was elect- ed vice president, special assignments in 1970, and senior vice president in 1972.
Mr. Jones came to Taylor from Brown &
Root, where he was manager of the company's
Electronics Division. He joined Brown &
Root, one of the largest engineering and con- struction firms in the world, in 1968, doing research and development work for the Micro- wave Survey System and computer controlled systems for dynamic positioning of offshore construction barges.
Prior to joining Brown & Root, a Halli- burton subsidiary, Mr. Jones attended Wash- ington -State University, served in the U.S.
Air Force from 1957 to 1965, and worked as engineering supervisor of Welex Electronics doing underwater sonar development and test- ing, serving as test director of the Seneca
Lake (N.Y.) Experimental Test Facility for the Navy.
Top salaries and complete benefit package offered.
Ocean-going diesel vessels, 100-200', 500-2400
HP. Experience in conducting repair and mainte- nance program desired. Will supervise in operation overhaul and conversion with occasional sea duty.
Good salary and company benefits.
Send letter or resume to:
P.O. Box 13107, Port Everglades, Florida 33316 or call collect:
Ron Mosey Operations Manager (305) 523-2546
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F
Decades of shipbuilding experience have made SUN
SHIP one of the most successful and innovative pri- vately operated shipyards in the country. Our current expansion will enable SUN SHIP to not only meet both the short and long term demands of the indus- try, but also to offer qualified engineers the follow- ing opportunities:
Degreed individual with 2-3 years Marine, Industrial or Utility experience. Facilities and design positions.
Openings in Facilities, estimating and design posi- tions for degreed candidates with 2-5 years Marine/
Industrial experience.
Naval Architect or Structural Engineering degree with a minimum of 2 years experience in Computer
Programming to support a large Ship Design Pro- gram. Candidates should be familiar with FORTRAN,
Assembly Language and Programming in numerical control.
Senior welding engineer with BS in metallurgical en- gineering. Minimum of 6 years experience in pro- duction control, metallurgy, and equipment develop- ment, preferably in shipbuilding or heavy fabrication.
Candidate should have supervisory experience.
BS Degree, minimum of 7 years experience in ship- building or heavy fabrication. Welding experience desired. Candidate should have a knowledge of in- centive programs and an ability to set up perform- ance standards. Supervisory experience required.
Merchant Marine graduate or equivalent. Minimum of 2 years Seatime as operating engineer. Must have assistant engineer's license or chief engineer's li- cense. Should have a basic knowledge of ship layout and machinery plant operation.
Engineering degree minimum 5 years experience in new ship and/or repair estimating. Candidates should have broad range of experience in Machinery,
Piping, Structural and Electrical estimating.
We offer an excellent starting salary, as well as comprehensive benefits. Qualified candidates are in- vited to forward their resumes in complete confi- dence to Personnel Manager.
Foot of Morton Ave.
Chester, Pa. 19013
Equal Opportunity Employer M/F port engineer ( SHIP SURVEYOR ) wanted
To carry out a program of regular maintenance and annual shipyard repairs for ocean going turbo-elec- tric hopper dredges.
General knowledge of hull, machin- ery, and electrical systems required.
Experience with shipyard repairs op- erations helpful.
Engineering degree or USCG Engi- neering license helpful but not re- quired. An outstanding opportunity for a person with initiative.
Federal Civil Service appointment procedures and benefits apply. Send resume and salary requirements to:
Personnel Officer
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Custom House 2d & Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, Pa. 19106
Telephone: Area Code 215-597-4895
If you are a marine professional who desires em- ployment assistance on a company fee paid basis or are an employer seeking qualified Marine De- sign Engineers, Naval Architects, Shipbuilding Su- pervisors or other shoreside marine personnel, you get results by contacting:
Personnel Services
Incorporated 823 West Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801 302/655-9661 / \ PRODUCTION
College degree or equivalent with 3 to 5 years experience in production methods, estimating, plant layout, material and equipment handling, with knowledge of manufacturing methods and processes, engineering estimating and machine methods.
Activity at General Dynamics' Electric
Boat Division is at an all-time high, with contracts to build 18 new SSN-688 sub- marines, plus additional design, overhaul and construction work extending well into the 1980s. Pdsitions are open here now for Production Engineers interested in working in one of the most challenging areas in many decades.
Compensation will be based on experi- ence; benefits are unusually good. And the living and recreational environment in the New England communities along
Long Island Sound is second to none.
For more details, send resume, in confi- dence, to Mr. L. Dennis, Professional
Electric Boat Division 187-G Eastern Point Road
Groton, Conn. 06340
U.S. Citizenship Required.
Men and Women Are Invited to Apply.
An Equal Opportunity Employer •
Experienced team of marine personnel stressing solid background in vessel design, construction, and operation.
We will represent or assist you in all phases of plan and specification review/approval; procurement specification review/approval; test and trial memo and schedule review/approval; inspection; test and trial witnessing; and representation with design agents, shipbuilders, vendors and regulatory bodies. Hull, mechanical, electrical, HVAC and automation work on all types of vessels including offshore drill rigs. • Specification & Plan Approval • Inspection & Consulting • Hull, Mech., Elect. & HVAC • All Types Vessels-Offshore Drill Rigs
Post Office Box 1021
Pascagoula,Mississippi 39567
U.S.A. |601]762-9181 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News