Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1977)
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Icebreaker Barge With
Twin Notches In Stern
Leads Arctic Sealift
The 10th annual Arctic Marine
Freighters sealift to Prudhoe Bay,
Alaska, has departed from Seat- tle, Wash., according to an an- nouncement by Roy D. Jurgensen,
Seattle, executive vice president of Crowley Maritime Corpora- tion's Offshore Group.
The 1977 sealift involves eight barges and five tugs on the line haul, as well as lighter barges for the lighterage operation at
Prudhoe Bay, and a fleet of trucks and crawlers for inland hauling to final destinations on the North Slope. The icebreaker barge Arctic Challenger, which made its debut last year by lead- ing the 1976 fleet through the ice to Prudhoe Bay, is again in the lead, carrying a full deck load of cargo.
The 300-foot by 105-foot Arc- tic Challenger, designed and con- structed especially for use in
Arctic ice conditions, is equipped with twin notches in the stern for pushing by two 9,000-hp tugs as it cuts a channel through ice for the 100-foot-wide sealift barges.
This year's fleet will haul 44,000 tons of cargo to the North Slope oil fields. The cargo includes mod- ular facilities for oil processing plants and general cargo for drill- ing operations.
Loading for the sealift took
APPROX. 120,000 DWT.
BELGIUM: C. Braam, Groenenborgerlaan 88, Antwerpen; Phone 277223 - Cable Braamarit. BRASIL: Sonave S.A., Av. Rio Branco 50-8°, Rio de Janeiro; Phone 253-3922 -Telex 02123330 - Cable Sonave CANAL ZONE: C B Fenton & Co. Inc., P O Box 5025, Cristobal; Phone 43-1278, -1781,-2754 - Telex 3482032 -
Cable Fenton COLOMBIA: Erdle y Asociados Cia. Ltda., Apto 5310, Calle 112, No. 6-93, Bogota; Phone 549456, 540001 - Telex 44772 - Cable Erdleco.
DENMARK: A/S Maritime Agency, Bredgade 36, Copenhagen; Phone (01) 151504 - Telex 15845 - Cable Marag. ENGLAND: Keller Shipping Co. Ltd., Cereal
House, 58 Mark Lane, London EC3R-7LB; Phone 01 -481 8833 (7 lines) - Telex 887100 - Cable Rellek FINLAND & SWEDEN: Nordstrom & Thulin A/B, P.O. Box 1215, S-111 -82 Stockholm; Phone 08/225380 - Telex 13250 - Cable Nordstromsale FRANCE: Phs. Van Ommeren S.A., 11 Rue Tronchet, Paris Vllle-75008;
Phone: 265-09-19, 265-33-20 - Telex 28686 - Cable Vanommeren. GERMANY: Phs Van Ommeren (Hamburg) GmbH, Postfach 305526, D-2000 Hamburg 36;
Phone (040) 35931 - Telex 02 11864/02 161894 - Cable Vanommeren GREECE: Th. Giavridis Bros S.A., 45-49 Bounoulinas Str. Piraeus; Phone 4117450. 4117476-Telex 2091 (5 lines), 3683 (2 lines) - Cable Theogibros. HOLLAND: Dammers & v.d Heide & Co (Agenturen) B.V., Postbus 1337, Rotterdam; Phone 010/146011 - Telex 21127 - Cable Eneragent. HONG KONG: R.I.L. Hong Kong Ltd., P.O. Box 45, Hong Kong; Phone H 241181 - Telex 73608 - Cable Japackline.
INDIA: Nautilus International (India), 1 -B, Fazalbhoy House, New Marine Lines, Bombay 400 020; Phone 255246 - Cable Nautilus ITALY: Cambiaso-Risso &
C.S.p.A , Corso Andrea Podesta 1, Genova; Phone 593331 (9 lines) -Telex 27203 - Cable Gipenna JAPAN: Aall & Co Ltd , Shiba P.O Box 164, Tokyo; Phone (03) 503.5211 - Telex 02223266, 02223568 - Cable Aallfirm. NORWAY: Henning Astrup A/S, Fridtjof Nansens Plass4, Oslo; Phone 413.847 - Telex 11307 - Cable
Heast. Henning Astrup A/S, P.O Box 1240,5001 Bergen; Phone: 215.233,230.238-Telex42316-Cable Haven PORTUGAL: Soc Cont. de Representatives Lda.,
P.O. Box2466, Lisboa; Phone320505,325501 - Telex 12513-Cable Magnet URUGUAY: John Moor and Co., P O Box 1233, Montevideo; Phone8-50-78,8-79-81 - Telex 398.363 - Cable Jomco. U.S.A.: Curasao Drydock (U.S.A.) Inc., 17 Battery Place, Apt 2222, New York, N Y 10004; Phone 943.0122 - Telex 42-355-
Cable Drydocks. VENEZUELA: Torres Partidas y Asociados, C A , Apartado 3339, Caracas; Phone 544306, 555282 - Telex 21685 - Cable Artopa.
Netherlands Antilles
P.O. Box
Telex 153
Shipyard 78333 1107 COM NA
AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AND SPANISH place in Seattle, Tacoma, Van- couver and Anacortes, Wash., and
Alameda, Calif.
All of the 1977 armada will rendezvous near Point Barrow, northernmost tip of Alaska. Point
Barrow, 150 miles west of Prud- hoe Bay, is surrounded by ice except for a period of about six weeks each year. During this time, sealift crews must tow their barges to Prudhoe Bay, discharge the cargo via a complex lighter- age system, and sail back past
Point Barrow before ice moves in again for the long winter.
Once past the challenge of the
Arctic ice pack, Arctic Marine
Freighters crews will face com- plications brought about by shal- low water surrounding the entire
Prudhoe Bay area. This requires a portion of the flotilla to anchor several miles offshore and lighter cargo to smaller barges for the trip to the dock. The huge mod- ules, some weighing up to 1,300 tons and towering to nine stor- ies, are loaded and discharged by crawler transporters that fit un- der the modules, hydraulically lift them and "walk" them on and off the barges.
At the end of the 1977 sealift,
Arctic Marine Freighters will have delivered nearly three-fourths of a million tons of cargo to Prud- hoe Bay since the sealift began 10 years ago.
Roger M. Sykes Joins
Arthur Levy Boat Service
Roger M. Sykes
Arthur Levy Boat Service, Inc., has appointed Roger M. Sykes sales manager for Western Hem- isphere operations, and has estab- lished a sales office in Houston,
Mr. Sykes will handle Arthur
Levy sales and contracts for
North, Central and South Amer- ica, and also will provide liaison for Houston-based projects in the
Eastern Hemisphere.
Mr. Sykes was formerly sales manager, North and South Amer- ica, for Zapata Marine Service, and prior to that had been with
Cameron Iron Works for six years.
The new Levy office in Houston is at 2400 Fountain View, Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77057. Ar- thur Levy Boat Service, a Petro- lane Company, provides diversified offshore marine support services with a modern fleet of 70 vessels, including tug/supply, anchor han- dling/supply, supply, utility and crewboats.