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Propeller Symposium
Slated For May 1978
At Virginia Beach, Va.
A technical symposium on ships' propellers will be held on
May 24 and 25, 1978, at the Cav- alier Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va.
Entitled "Propellers '78," the sym- posium is to be jointly sponsored by Technical and Research Panel
M-16 (Modernization of Propul- sion Shaft Systems) and the
Hampton Roads Section of The
Society of Naval Architects and
Marine Engineers. This sympo- sium follows the successful Pro- pellers Symposium held in 1975, which was also sponsored by
Panel M-16 and the Philadelphia
Section of SNAME.
This will be a larger symposium than in 1975, with a total of 22 papers, and the treatment of pro- peller problems will be handled more broadly. Experts in the field of propellers from both the United
States and abroad will cover ana- lytical procedures for the design of all types of marine propellers, will explore the special problems of controllable-pitch propellers, and give papers on the correla- tion of design predictions with experimental data.
We convert little ones
The ship on the left (Mormacaltair) shows how the ship on the right (Mormacdraco) used to look before Todd Galveston added to her length and her value to her owners, Moore-McCormack Lines,
Inc., a subsidiary of Moore McCormack Resources, into BIG ONES.
Inc. The new enhanced ships are now 665 feet long—a hefty 115 feet longer than before—yet they travel at the same speed and use the same amount of fuel. If your cargo dollars want stretching, talk to Todd.
A subsidiary of Todd Shipyards Corporation HOUSTON - SAN FRANCISCO
Executive offices: One State Street Plaza, New York, N.Y. 10004. (212) 344-6900. Cable: Robin New York
DESIGNERS & PLANNERS, INC. (Naval Architects): New York - Galveston - Washington, D.C.
A subsidiary of Todd Shipyards Corporation
Other subjects to be presented and discussed will be the metal- lurgical properties of propeller materials, construction mainte- nance and repair, and some re- sults of full-scale testing.
The reason for this symposium, as with the meeting in 1975, is that propeller failures in the past decade have revealed serious gaps in design information. These gaps may lead to deficiencies in pro- peller design, in the area of hull wakes, dynamic forces, cyclic stresses, cavitation, corrosion fa- tigue, electrochemical fatigue, and the strength of heavy bronze castings.
The 22 papers will be presented in two concurrent sessions, and all the attendees will enjoy a ban- quet with Dr. Frank LaQue, dean of American Corrosion Experts, and founder of the International
Nickel Company's Sea Horse In- stitute, as the principal speaker.
B&W To Transfer Control
Of German Nuclear Firm
To Brown Boveri Group
The Babcock & Wilcox Compa- ny and Brown Boveri have an- nounced that a memorandum of understanding has been signed to restructure their relationship in the nuclear equipment business in Germany. Babcock-Brown Bo- veri Reaktor GmbH (BBR), a
German supplier of nuclear steam supply systems, now owned 74 percent by B&W and 26 percent by Brown Boveri of Mannheim,
Germany, would be owned 60 per- cent jointly by Brown Boveri of
Switzerland and its German group company, Brown Boveri of Mann- heim, and 40 percent by B&W.
The memorandum of understand- ing of the new arrangements has been executed by B&W, Brown
Boveri of Switzerland and Brown
Boveri-Mannheim, subject to ap- proval of the boards of the three companies.
BBR will continue to hold a li- cense from B&W for pressurized water nuclear steam supply sys- tems. In addition, technical co- operation in the nuclear equip- ment field between B&W and
Brown Boveri will be fully main- tained and B&W will continue to provide technical support to BBR.
B&W will continue to be repre- sented on the board of BBR.
BBR, in consortium with Brown
Boveri, supplies complete nuclear powerplants. The consortium is currently supplying on a turnkey basis the 1,200-megawatt nuclear powerplant at Mulheim-Karlich,
West Germany, scheduled for completion in 1980. This plant is being built for Rheinisch-West- falisches Elektrizitatswerk AG.
This consortium also holds letters of intent for two more nuclear powerplants to be built at Rem- erschen, Luxembourg, and Neu- potz, West Germany. 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News