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Marine Steam Propulsion Seminar Held in New York
Shown at the Whitehall Club, left to right, are: J. Swiatocha, General Electric Co.; F.T. Wendt,
Rockwell Manufacturing Co.; R.C. Crawford, FMC Corp.; J.T. Schroppe, Foster Wheeler
Boiler Corp.; B.A. Jones, FMC Corp.; H.C.K. Spears, General Electric Co.; M.A. Prohl,
General Electric Co.; J.P. Casey, General Electric Co.; J. Femenia, SUNY; R.C. Bryant, Gen- eral Electric Co.; R.J. Walsh, General Electric Co., and R.F. Hamlet, General Electric Co.
The latest technical developments in ma- rine steam propulsion were reviewed for shipowners and operators and naval archi- tects at an all-day seminar held January 24 at the Whitehall Club in New York City.
The seminar was held to promote viability of marine steam ship propulsion. Hosted by the General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass.;
Foster Wheeler Boiler Corp., Livingston, N.J.;
Rockwell Manufacturing Company, Pitts- burgh, Pa,, and FMC Corporation, Engle- wood, N.J., the seminar included naval archi- tect firms, shipyard personnel, and shipown- ers and operators.
Participants heard presentations on "Steam
Propulsion for Modern Ships," by Howard
C.K. Spears, manager-Power Systems Engi- neering, General Electric Company, Lynn,
Mass.; "Marine Fuels," by Prof. Jose Fem- enia, chairman-Ocean Engineering Depart- ment, SUNY Maritime College; "Marine
Boiler Technology for Operation in the 1980's," by J. Thomas Schroppe, vice presi- dent, engineering, Foster Wheeler Boiler
Corp.; "Boiler Fuel Pumps," by R.C. Craw- ford, engineering manager, and B.A. Jones, general sales manager, Coffin Turbo Pump
Division of FMC Corporation; "Valves for
Marine Service," by F.T. Wendt, area sales manager, Flow Control Division, Rockwell
International; "Turbines and Gears for Mod- ern Ship Propulsion Systems," by M.A. Prohl, manager-Turbine and HRSG Engineering,
General Electric Company, Lynn, Mass.; "Recent Developments in Marine Turbine
Generators," by James Swiatocha, General
Electric Company, Fitchburg, Mass.; "Steam
Propulsion Controls," by Richard C. Bryant, project engineer, General Electric Company,
Lynn, Mass., and "On Saturation (and Eco- nomic Comparisons)," by John P. Casey, manager-Power Systems Development, Gen- eral Electric Company, Lynn, Mass. building contracts. Some 3,000 persons pres- ently work at the Lockheed yards. While the company carries on active ship repair and commercial steel businesses, the submarine tender work represents the bulk of the com- pany's activities.
The submarine tender Frank Cable (AS-40) and its sisterships of the AS-39 class—Emory
S. Land (AS-39) and McKee (AS-41) —will provide mobile support bases for nuclear- powered SSN-688 Los Angeles-class high- speed attack submarines. They are auxiliary ships that will provide submarines and their crews repairs, spare parts, provisions, and medical, dental, mail, legal, and other serv- ices. Among the some 50 technical shops aboard will be those that deal with such things as storage batteries, antennas, elec- tronics, electrical systems, gyrocompass, ma- chining, welding, optical, pipe, typewriters, watches, sheet metal, projectors, carpentry, and more. The ships will provide living quar- ters for better than 1,000 men manning the shops and operating the ship, in addition to temporary quarters for submarine crews.
Submarines moored alongside for servicing, maintenance, repair, and reprovisioning can be provided with compressed gases, steam, diesel fuel, water, electricity, and various other services.
Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction
Company operates the largest privately owned shipyard in the Pacific Northwest, and currently employs approximately 3,000 people. Lockheed Corporation acquired the
Seattle shipyard in 1959 and operates it as a wholly-owned subsidiary. There are actu- ally two shipyards in Seattle—one on Harbor
Island devoted largely to constructing hulls which are launched into the Duwamish River, and one across the waterway largely devoted to outfitting and ship repair. The firm's prin- cipal product lines include shipbuilding, ship repair, and commercial steel fabrication and processing. Among the 40 ships and other marine structures Lockheed has delivered have been ferries, light cruisers, drilling vessels, destroyer escorts, frigates, assault transports, destroyers, a hydrofoil, a bulk carrier, and icebreakers.
Principal Suppliers and Subcontractors
Alaskan Copper & Brass Piping & Fittings
Buffalo Forge Company Ventilation Fans
Carver Pump Company Pump
Colmac Coil Chilling & Heating Coils
Colt Industries Diesel Emergency Generator
Combustion Engineering Boilers
Cosmodyne Division Oxygen/Nitrogen Plant
Cutler-Hammer, Inc. Electrical Controllers
DeLaval Turbine Inc. Reduction Gears and Turbines
Dynalec Internal Communications Systems
Familian Northwest Valves/Piping/Fitting
Federal Pacific Electric Company Switchboards
Frigitemp Marine Division Furnishings and Deck
Hardie-Tynes Mfg. Company Forced Draft Blowers
Isaacson Structural Steel Structural Tee Beams
Jered Industries, Inc. Weapons Elevators
John Perine Company General Marine Hardware
Liberty Equipment & Supply Valves/Piping/Fittings
Louis-Allis Electric Motors
Mitsui & Co. (USA) Hull Steel/Shafting/Propellers
Native American Mfg. Company Service Booms
Nelson Electric Internal Communications and
Test Switchboards
Overbeke-Kain Company Watertight Doors and
Owens-Corning Fiberglas Hull & Refrigeration
Pacific Car and Foundry Mooring Bitt Castings
Puget Sound Pipe & Supply Piping & Fittings
Richards-Wilcox Mfg. Company Bridge Cranes
Unidynamics/St. Louis Cargo Elevators
Velan Engineering Special Valves and Traps
Warren Pumps Pump
Western Gear Corporation Steering Gear & Capstans
Worthington Pump Corporation Pumps and Air
York Division, Borg-Warner Air-Contlitioning &
Planning Research Corporation
Wins $1.6-Million Contract
To Modernize Army Watercraft
Planning Research Corporation (PRC) 1850
K Street N.W., International Square, Wash- ington, D.C. 20006, has been awarded a $1.6- million contract to modernize Army water- craft by the U.S. Army Mobility Equipment
Research and Development Command, Ft.
Belvoir, Ya.
The work will be performed by the Marine
Systems Division of one of the 19 PRC com- panies, Technical Applications, Inc. Working with its marine design affiliate, Morris Gur- alnick Associates, PRC's Marine Systems
Division will use 60-ton and 100-ton crane barges as pilot models for the modernization program and overhaul the 100-ton barge.
Turnkey modernization to be provided the
Army will include: engineering to develop drawings; material identification and pro- curement; planning, estimating and bid specification preparation; shipyard contract award management; on-scene industrial en- gineering and quality assurance of the on- going project; and definition of required in- tegrated logistic support for classwide barge modernization.
PRC Marine Systems Division, headquar- tered in San Diego, Calif., has more than 225 employees in major American seaports.
Planning Research Corporation is the world's largest diversified professional services or- ganization, serving government, business and industry primarily in the areas of planning, engineering and architecture, information services and management consulting.
Port Of Savannah To Host
Southeast Regional Convention
Of Propeller Club March 27-29
The Port of Savannah will host the 1978
Southeast Regional Convention of The Pro- peller Club of the United States, scheduled for March 27, 28 and 29, at the Savannah
Inn and Country Club.
The agenda for the convention includes: registration all day on Monday, March 27, and a Get-Acquainted Oyster Roast at 6:30 that evening. Tuesday, March 28, features the first Convention Conference Seminar
Session, the Speakers Program, a Historic
Savannah Tour and luncheon for the ladies, a tour of Georgia Ports Authority facilities, golf and tennis tournaments and a Poly- nesian Luau that evening. The convention concludes on Wednesday, March 29, with a business meeting and closing luncheon.
Convention officials say the Speakers Pro- gram on Tuesday will present a talk by Capt.
Warren G. Leback, vice president of El Paso
Marine Company of Houston, Texas, on the liquid natural gas industry, with particular emphasis on the new LNG facility on Elba
Island in the Port of Savannah and the ships that will bring LNG into the facility.
March 1, 1978 7