Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1978)
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Davie Shipbuilding
Buys Branch Lines,
Operator Of Tankers
The board of directors of Davie
Shipbuilding Limited, P.O. Box 130, Levis, Quebec, Canada, has announced that an agreement has been reached between their com- pany and the shareholders of
Branch Lines Limited for the pur- chase by Davie of all the out- standing shares of Branch Lines.
The shipping firm Branch Lines
Ltd. will then become a wholly owned subsidiary of Davie. Branch
Lines operates under the Canadi- an flag a fleet of seven tankers on the St. Lawrence Seaway, the
Great Lakes, the eastern Cana- dian seaboard, and in Arctic wa- ters up to Resolute in the North- west Territories and Thule in
The fleet is modern, the latest four vessels having been built be- tween 1970 and 1974. All are built for navigation in ice, which allows them to operate 12 months of the year.
Davie's management sees this acquisition as a major contribu- tion to the stability of the ship-
Reliability Proven:
MX 1102. yard, with the addition of a ma- jor captive customer for its ship repair division, and eventually for building new ships for the fleet.
Branch Lines will continue to be operated as a separate entity by its present staff from its St.
Joseph de Sorel headquarters.
Michael Kenney Named
President Of Jacksonville
Propeller Club
Michael C. Kenney
Michael C. Kenney, president of
Ships Supply Inc., is the new pres- ident of The Propeller Club, Port of Jacksonville, Fla., succeeding
James F. Moseley, admiralty at- torney.
John W. Connolly Jr., president of Eastern Seaboard Petroleum
Co., Inc., is the new 1st vice pres- ident—in line for the club presi- dency a year from now.
Harold McCarthy, vice presi- dent and local manager of South- eastern Maritime Corporation, is 2nd vice president of the club for 1978-79.
George Herbert of Joyserv,
Ltd., is secretary, and Edmond
L. (Ned) Moran Jr. of Florida
Towing is the treasurer.
On the board of governors are
Mr. Moseley, the retiring presi- dent; Warren K. Anderson,
Crowley Maritime Corporation;
Robert H. Aprile, Bellinger Ship- yards Inc.; Ronald Burroughs,
Parkhill-Goodloe Co., Inc.; Floyd
Cagle, Ring Power Corporation, and William H. Newburn, Jack- sonville Shipyards.
George A. DuBois, Ships Sup- ply; Gerard B. Fox, Strachan
Shipping Co.; Capt. John Hanson,
Coast Guard Marine Inspection
Officer; Harry P. Hart, public re- lations ; Paul Hoffert, Hoffert Ma- rine Inc.; David Howard, Sea- farer ; Raymond L. King, Sea-
Land Service; Capt. Bob Parker,
St. Johns Bar Pilots Assn.; James
J. Scott, formerly of Jacksonville
Port Authority; Joseph Shiffert,
North Florida Shipyards; John
Sullivan, Sullivan & Sons Inc.;
Tom Sween, Pepper Industries
Inc.; Capt. Bryan W. Thornton,
Sun State Marine Inc., and James
S. Weedon, Weedon Engineering.
Messrs. Moran, Hanson, Capt.
Parker, Messrs. Shiffert, Sullivan,
Sween and Weedon are new mem- bers on The Propeller Club board.
Retiring officers and board mem- bers are Joseph Carroll, Capt.
Phillip J. Danahy, Capt. James
F. Randolph, and Col. Donald A.
More Magnavox Satnav systems are currently in operation than from all other manufacturers combined.
Magnavox Government av and Industrial Electronics Company
We've been talking about the inherent reliability of the
Magnavox MX 1102 Satellite
Navigators for quite some time.
But now, we've got some hard numbers that are worth a thousand words.
Over 3,850,000 Hours
In Service.
All the planning, designing and engineering in the world cannot tell you exactly how a piece of electronic hardware will perform on the job. Neither can the most exhaustive lab testing.
But more than three and three quarter million hours of in-service performance data have demon- strated the reliability we designed into the MX1102 at the outset. Our "claims" of reliability are now substantiated.
Over22,800 Hours
Mean Time Between Failuresf
Incredible but true. The MX 1102 has set records for reliability that other manufacturers can't touch.
Because our MTBF has been established aboard ships at sea, you can have confidence that your MX 1102 will operate reliably for years. No amount of electronic wizardry or wishful thinking could replace "in-the- field" performance. And that's precisely where the
MX 1102 has shown its
I true colors. * Documentation available upon request.
New 24-Month
Claims of reliability, even when substantiated with hard facts, can appear empty unless a manufacturer is willing to "put its money where its mouth is!'
And that's exactly what we've done. We've boldly doubled the warranty on MX1102-NV
Satellite Navigators — now 24 months from date of installation or 30 months from the date of shipment, whichever occurs first, including parts and labor at any of our 27 service depots through- out the world.
Technology That
Keeps On Working.
Reliability translates into hard cash when you're managing a fleet. And when a proven product comes along that's backed up by the most extensive satellite navigation service network in the world, the results are impressive. That's why there are more
Magnavox Satnav systems currently in operation than from all other manufac- turers combined!
So before you specify Satnav for your ships, look for reliability that's been proven on the job.
That's reliability you can bank on. Magnavox Govern- ment and Industrial Electronics Co., 2829 Maricopa St.,
Torrance, Calif. 90503, (213) 328-0770, Telex: 674373,
Cable: MAGNAMAR. 42 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News