Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 15, 1978)
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Mark Buckley Joins
Waukesha Engine Division ton, N.J., to undertake an At-Sea
Test and Evaluation of Condens- ate Polishing. The research will acquire information on the per- formance of these systems aboard ship in enhancing the mainte- nance of feed-water quality and purity with the prospect that these systems will be needed for future high-temperature and high-pressure, fuel-efficient, re- heat steam turbine propulsion systems.
A fixed-price contract in the amount of $264,491 to Mystech
Associates, Inc., Mystic, Conn., to assess the scope of spare parts provisioning, utilization and con- trol in the maritime industry. The study will analyze qualitatively and quantitatively the spare parts requirements of a typical mer- chant vessel; survey prevailing industry practices and experi- ences in such areas as spare parts identification, procurement, and shore-based stocking; and survey selected manufacturers of marine components and equip- ment concerning their future plans for maintaining spare parts inventories.
A fixed-price contract in the amount of $89,645 to Chi Asso- ciates, Inc., Arlington, Va., to undertake a study to determine the applicability and impact of imposing shoreside air-quality emission laws and regulations on merchant vessels while in port.
Mark Buckley
Mark Buckley has joined Wau- kesha Engine Division, Dresser
Industries, Inc., as sales analyst at the division's Mid-Continent
Regional Office in Houston, Texas.
In his new post, Mr. Buckley handles customer inquiries re- lating to sales and technical in- formation, and customer requests for specialty services or quota- tions.
A 1972 graduate of Rochester
Institute of Technology, Roches- ter, N.Y., Mr. Buckley holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in business administration, and has held positions in manufacturing and life insurance prior to coming to Waukesha Engine Division.
Waukesha Engine Division, Box 379, Waukesha, Wis. 53187, makes heavy duty diesel and gas engines for the petroleum, marine, off- highway equipment and power generation markets.
MarAd Awards Five
Research Contracts
The Maritime Administration has awarded the following re- search and development contracts:
A $442,000 contract to Combus- tion Engineering, Inc., Windsor,
Conn., to investigate the potential improvement in atomization of marine bunker fuels that have been emulsified with water. The investigation involves both cold flow characteristics of oil/water emulsified fuels and actual com- bustion performance measure- ments of emulsified fuels using present marine-type burners/ atomizers. The research efforts will be performed at the research facilities of Krisinger Develop- ment Laboratory of Combustion
Engineering, Inc.
A $225,000 contract to South- west Research Institute, San An- tonio, Texas, to perform a State- of-the-Art Assessment of Tank
Level Gauging and Indicating
Systems. The study will investi- gate the performance and reliabil- ity of gauging and indicating sys- tems in present use aboard ship, and evaluate generically at least six systems. The study also will provide specification and guidance criteria for selecting these sys- tems for use in the marine envi- ronment.
A cost-shared (50/50) contract in the amount of $224,000 to
Drew Chemical Corporation, Boon-
November 15, 1978 11
The combination of Gaz/Transport and
McDonnell Douglas liquefied natural gas barriers into a single containment system now offers shippers a new high level of volumetric efficiency and excellence in hull protection—at a competitive price. Each partner contributed 15 years of experience in cryogenic containment to the project.
A proven system, the
Invar metal primary bar- rier, has accumulated 1.5 million sea miles through 1977. The reinforced in- sulation used as a second- ary barrier has been tested for a 20-year service life as a primary barrier. i—Invar [-Secondary Barrier
Inner Hull
Glass Liner
The system is approved by the U.S. Coast
Guard and classification societies world- wide. It has been selected by Sun Shipbuild- ing for two 130,000 cubic meter tankers for delivery to Pacific Marine Associates.
To see what this remarkable system can do for you,write for more information today. Contact
McDonnell Douglas Astro- nautics Company, 5301
Bolsa Avenue, Huntington
Beach, CA 92647. Phone: (714) 896-2372 Telex: 678426
Gaz/Transport, Naval En- gineering, 50 Boulevard
Haussmann. 75009, Paris,
France. Phone: 285.19.00.
Telex: SoFRANA Paris 29063
Illustration courtesy of Pacific LNG
Two proven systems combine to bring a new level of excellence to LNG containment.