Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 1980)
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Anker Marine Paints
Moves To Larger Quarters
Leif Anker Ammentorp, presi- dent of Anker Marine Paints, announced that his offices have moved to larger quarters, on the sixth floor, 33 Rector Street, New
York, N.Y. 10006, effective im- mediately.
Established in 1964, Anker Ma- rine Paints is the U.S. represent- ative for W. & J. Leigh & Co., one of the largest British paint companies.
MarAd Study Available
On Development Of A
Standard Cargo Ship
The development of a stand- ardized general cargo ship to help meet the future requirements of the U.S. merchant marine would yield substantial benefits to ship operators, shipbuilders and the
Government, according to a study released recently by the Maritime
Series production of such a ship could significantly lower construc- tion costs and cut production time, helping make the American mer- chant marine more competitive in the world shipping market. This, in turn, could reduce the level of subsidies paid by the Government to help offset the advantages en- joyed by low-cost foreign com- petitors.
The study, "Next Generation
Cargo Liner: Phase I," was pre- pared under contract by J.J.
Henry Co., Inc., and Temple,
Barker and Sloane, Inc. The cost of the cooperative effort was shared by the Maritime Adminis- tration and seven U.S.-flag oper- ators — Farrell Lines, American
Export Lines (now a division of
Farrell), Lykes Bros. Steamship
Company, Matson Navigation
Company, Moore McCormack
Lines, Puerto Rico Maritime Ship- ping Authority, and United States
The first step of the study in- volved forecasting general cargo movements and service require- ments on selected worldwide trade routes served by the participating operators. The forecasts, which extended through the year 2000, produced profiles on each carri- er's cargo mix (percentages of breakbulk, containerized, and roll- on /roll-off cargoes), and service requirements (itinerary, service frequency, and port and canal constraints).
Based on these individual pro- files, a conceptual ship design was developed for each operator.
These designs were tailored to each company's specific cargo and service requirements.
The final step was the devel- opment of a composite design based on the most important characteristics of the seven in- dividual designs. The resulting composite ship, with available options, has the following speci- fications: length between perpen- diculars, 620 feet to 800 feet; beam, 105 feet 6 inches; depth, 69 feet 6 inches; draft 29 feet 6 inches to 32 feet 6 inches; dead- weight tonnage, 19,500 to 29,600; service speed, 18 to 23 knots; and shaft horsepower, 14,500 to 42,500.
While the study assumed the use of a steam powerplant, it was recognized that diesel propulsion offers fuel-saving advantages, and would meet the lower speed and horsepower requirements of some shipowners. The report suggested that powerplant trade-off studies be conducted at a later date.
The composite design also can be modified to facilitate different cargo mixes, depending on the con- tainer, roll-on/roll-off or break- bulk requirements of the ship- owner.
The report recommends con- tinued development of a stand- ardized vessel and concentrated research on optimizing such a ship. This would involve such ef- forts as model testing and apply- ing technological advancements to the production of the ship and its cargo-handling systems.
The report is available from the National Technical Informa- tion Service, 5285 Port Royal
Road, Springfield, Va. 22161. The prices and order numbers are:
Executive Summary (PB-297588/
AS) @ $4, Final Report (PB- 297590/AS) @ $9.50, and Final
Report/Appendices (PB-297589 /
AS) @ $8.
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The 1978 Port and Tanker
Safety Act requires tank vessels over 10,000 gross tons to be equipped with an electronic posi- tion fixing device (Loran-C or alternative) by June 1, 1979. The proposed date for all tank ves- sels over 1,600 gross tons is
June 1, 1980. For all vessels over 1,600 gross tons, June 1, 1981.
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January 1, 1980 23