Page 36: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1980)
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RO/RO—80 (continued from page 38) ing on possible new routes and trades.
The Conference will have five technical sessions, starting with
Session 1 on April 15 dealing with
Ro-Ro Operations and Trades.
Speakers will develop the poten- tial of the ro-ro vessels as a mul- tipurpose carrier in general cargo trades between developed and lesser developed countries. The speakers will include Bjorn Ervell, a member of the Johansson Group management board, Sweden; Gor- don C. Miller, vice president,
Transamerica Realco Inc., Chica- go, 111.; Rune Svensson, transport director, AB Volvo, Sweden;
Peter S. Shaerf, director, Com- mon Brothers USA Ltd., New
York, N.Y., and Pekka Kandelin, naval architect, Oy Wartsila,
Session 2 and Session 3 will be held consecutively during the morning of April 16. Session 2 will feature a paper by George
Spalatin, naval architect, Inko- brod, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, dealing with seaborne rail transportation, and the planning of a ro-ro fleet for developing countries. Session 3 will deal with ship stability and
SOLAS requirements. A paper prepared jointly by P. Fagerlund, technical director, Transatlantic
Rederi A/B, Gothenburg; P.
Damkjaer-Nielsen, naval archi-
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Netherlands, and Patrick G. Mar- tin, naval architect, Verolme Cork
Dockyard Ltd. (RSV Group), Ire- land. Firefighting and water clear- ance on trailer decks will be dis- cussed by E.J.B. Pawsey, director,
Hart Fenton & Co. Ltd., consult- ant naval architects to the Sea
Containers Group of Companies,
London. E. Vossnack, chief naval architect, Nedlloyd Fleet Services, will contribute to this session.
Session 4, to be held in the afternoon of April 16, will deal with Mediterranean ro-ro opera- tions. Speaking on the commercial and ecnomic aspects of these operations will be Capt. Oktay
Sonmez, commercial director, DB
Turkish Cargo Lines, Istanbul. A panel consisting of Dr. Fabrizio
Serena, director general, Italia
Navigazione SpA, Genoa; J.P.
Isoard, managing director, SNCM (Societe Maritime Corse Mediter- ranee), Marseilles; Comm. Spiro
Magliveras, managing director,
Traghetti del Mediterraneo, Gen- oa, and Eugenio Belloni, director,
Andrea Merzario SpA, Milan, will take part in this session.
On April 17, at the start of
Session 5, a film will be shown on the operation of self-sustaining container ro-ro vessels. Nigel J.
Tatham, director, Sea Containers
Services Ltd., London, will intro- duce this film. The rest of Session 5 will deal with ports and termi- nals. Geoffrey A. Stokoe, manag- ing director, MacGregor Ports and
Terminals Ltd., London, will offer solutions to the ro-ro access prob- lems. The instigator of the port- able linkspan, John Rose, man- aging director, Marine Develop- ment (Glasgow) Ltd., UK, will talk about simple systems to be applied to the totally committed container port whose present eco- nomics he questions. Douglas
Ross, president, CTEC Company,
Bellevue, Wash., will present a paper on the application of artic- ulated steering on terminal trac- tors. Aligning ro-ro equipment to handle specialized bulk and unit- ized loads will be discussed by
Warren S. Lister, terminal han- dling consultant, managing direc- tor, Listavia Ltd., UK. The con- cluding paper will be presented by S.D. Barber and J. Knapton,
Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Newcastle upon
Tyne, UK, on the pavement de- sign for ro-ro port areas.
The social activities will include a reception to the delegates by the Principality of Monaco in the evening of April 15. A second re- ception for the delegates will be held on April 16.
The focus of the Ro-Ro '80 Con- ference will be truly international (continued on page 43)