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INTERNATIONAL,INC. 6269 Leesburg Pike,
Falls Church, Virginia 22044 USA
Telephone: (703) 534-3500
Telex: 899-455
Title XI Aid Sought
For Installation Of
Inert Gas Systems
Margate Shipping Co., Phila- delphia, Pa., has applied for a
Title XI guarantee to aid in fi- nancing the installation of inert gas systems in its three 38,300- dwt tankers, Coronado, Chelsea, and Cherry Valley.
National Steel and Shipbuilding
Co., the original builder of the three ships, will accomplish the installation at an estimated cost of $4.1 million. The requested guarantee is for 87y2 percent of the total cost.
Sacramento Opens
New Container Yard
A new container yard and con- tainer freight station have been opened at Sacramento, Calif., it has been announced by port di- rector Melvin Shore. The new fa- cilities are described as another step toward resumption of the container barge service which shuttles containerized cargo be- tween Sacramento and San Fran- cisco Bay area ocean terminals.
By taking advantage of the port's terminal status, shippers using the service can save the cost of trucking to and from the bay region.
Shipasia '81 —
Exhibition & Conference
To Be Held In Hong Kong
Eurotech Managements (Hong
Kong) Ltd. have announced the organization of a major maritime exhibition and conference, Ship- asia '81, to be presented Octo- ber 13-17, 1981, at the Ocean
Terminal, Hong Kong.
Shipasia '81 will have approxi- mately 80,000 square feet of ex- hibit space, and is sponsored by the Hong Kong Shipowners As- sociation, whose members own or manage over 40 million dwt of ships.
The Ocean Terminal is located in the heart of the Hong Kong shipping business, near the air- port, and is close to many major hotels. A large local attendance is expected, together with substan- tial international participation.
For further information, con- tact Peter Johnson, Shipasia '81, 6006 Bellaire Boulevard, Suite 100, Houston, Texas 77081, tele- phone (713) 666-5188, TWX (910) 881-5777. » Bow Steering » Maneuvering * Position Keeping * Slow Speed Propulsion
OMNITHRUSTER DOES IT ALL! » Ihrusts with nozzles out of water ... in rough seas. > No protrusions ... no change in hull shape. » Small nozzles reduce drag . . . save fuel and passage time. » Easily retrofitted.
Boats Deliver "Come Hell or
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I Simplifies maneuvering with inexperienced crew. 'OMNITHRUSTER
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Systems, powered by
AC or DC electric, hydraulic or diesel drive, provide 25 to 2400 HP combinations with up to 25 lbs. <)f rated thrust per HP. avu-clK U s i'liti'Mls: Fnf, MI] P.tu-
OMNITHRUSTER INC. 16837 S. Normandie Ave.
Gardena, CA 90247, Dept. 37D-0 213/538-2551 Telex 194265
Cable Address Omnithrust
NEW YORK, N. Y. 10016 (212) 689-3266
Maritime Reporter/Engineering News is published the 1st and 15th of each month by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. Controlled
Circulation postage paid at Waterbury, Connecticut 06701.
Postmaster send notification (Form 3579) regarding undeliver- able magazines to Maritime Reporter/Engineering News, 107 East 31st Street, New York, N Y. 10016.
Business Publications
Audit of Circulation, Inc.
No. 7 Volume 42 4 ZIDELL Maritime Reporter/Engineering News