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Introducing the newTI 9900 from Texas Instruments.

A fully automatic, computer controlled Loran C Navigator, at an affordable price. Only $3495.

Finding a navigator that costs more is easy. Finding one that'll do more is hard.

The new TI 9900 not only tells you where you are, but also how to get where you're going.

To find your position, simply turn the set on. The

TI 9900 quickly provides you with Loran C time dif- ferences (TDs). You can convert TDs to latitude/ longitude at the push of a key.

The TI 9900 also provides you with a wealth of other information. Range and bearing to your next waypoint, for instance. Your average speed-over- the-bottom, cross-track error, course-made-good and time-and-distance-to-go are instantly available.

A built-in steering indicator tells you when you're off course.

The TI 9000A Loran C — extremely accurate. Proven reliability for over two years. $1495.

The TI 9000A Loran C is an extremely affordable, com- puter controlled receiver with TD storage function and four internal notch filters. New steer-computed-course op- tion ($295 plus installation) helps keep you on course and signals your arrival.

You can enter up to 10 course waypoints, and the

TI 9900 will signal when you arrive, then display the range and bearing to the next waypoint. A special

Constant Memory"' feature retains stored way- points and other information — even after the TI 9900 is switched off.

It's affordable, versatile and compact, yet simple to use, and it draws only 16 watts.

See your nearest Texas Instruments dealer for a demon- stration. He is factory- supported to provide you with installation, operating assistance and serv ice. Ask for a detailed brochure, or write: Texas Instruments Incorporated,

Marine Products, P.O. Box 226080,

M/S 3107, Dept. MR, Dallas, Texas 75266.

Fifty Years , °f Innovation

Prices shown are suggested retail. © 1980 Texas Instruments Incorporated

Texas Instruments technology — bringing affordable electronics to your fingertips.



Authorized Texas Instruments Marine Products Dealers

ALABAMA: Bayou La Batre, SEE . Inc . (205) 824-4490 Mobile. Marine Elec tronics Corp., (205) 476-5422.

ALASKA: Anchorage, Alyeska Radar Inc. (907) 349-5147. Dutch Harbor, Northern

Marine Electronics, (907) 581-1487 Ketchikan, Whatcom Marine Electronics, (907) 225-6900; Kodiak, Viking Radar & Communication, Inc., (907) 486-3838: Seward,

Communications North. (907) 224-5548: Soldotna, Southcentral Communications

Co.. (907) 262-9262

ARKANSAS: Little Rock, Tergh Communications, (501) 374-3160

CALIFORNIA: Bethel Island. Sipes Electronics. (415) 684-3238. Bodega Bay. Peter son Marine Electronics, (707) 875-3371. Crescent City, Crescent City Radio & TV. (707) 464-4186 Eureka. Carranza Marine Electronics, (707) 442-4179. Ft. Bragg,

Seatronix, (707) 914-3500: Half Moon Bay, Essex Co.. (415) 728-3264; Long

Beach, Long Beach Marine Electronics, Inc., (213) 594-8888. Marina Del Rey,

Maritime Communications. (213) 821-4958 MOITO Bay, Marine Service & Equip- ment Co.. (805) 772-7337; Newport Beach, Bartell Corporation, (714) 645-7040

Oakland. Baytromcs Corp . (415) 261-0100. Electro-Nav Inc (415) 533-1840

Western Marine Electronics. (415) 465-6677: Oxnard. Coast Chandlery. (8051 985-0541, Sacramento. A-1 Marine Electronics. (916) 488-4655. San Diego. Ket tenburg Marine, (714) 224-8211. Marine Co-Op. (716) 226-1294. Marine Electric

Co. International. (714) 239-2247. Sea-Tronics. (714) 224-6959; San Francisco,

Cal-Marine, (415) 673-2552: Collins Marine Corp., (415) 957-1300. San Pedro,

Collins Marine Corp., (213) 831-8008, Santa Barbara, Coastal Marine Electronics, (805) 963-3915, Santa Cruz, Marine Electronics, Monterey Bay, (408) 476-2551,

Sausalito, Maritime Electronics of Sausalito, (4151 332-5086, Wilmington, Marine

Radio Service. (213) 835-6646.

CONNECTICUT: Essex, Connecticut Marine Instruments. (203) 767-8960 Miltord.

Taled Electronics. (203) 877-1228. Noank, Dockside Electronics. (203) 536-1919

Rowayton, Connecticut Marine Electronics, (203) 853-6602, South Norwalk, Sea &

Land Communications Inc., (203) 866-8835 Stamford, Electra Yacht. (203) 323-1163.

FLORIDA: Crystal River, George s Marine Electronics. (905) 795-6861, Daytona

Beach, At-Lan-Tech Marine Electronics, (904) 258-5066: Destin, Destin Electronics (904) 837-6391, Ft. Lauderdale, Electronics for Yachting, (305) 525-3478; Rich

Electronics. Inc., (305) 463-0477; Ft. Myers Beach, Marine Electronic Service, Inc. (813) 463-4451. Jacksonville, Nautilus Electronics, (904) 398-5333 Southern Elec- tronics Marine, Inc.. (904) 398-7246 Key West, Marine Electronics and Hardware (305) 294-3519, Melbourne, Marelco "99." (305) 254-8855; Miami, Rich Elec- tronics. Inc., (305) 635-1351, Orlando, Radcom, Inc., (305) 894-1801: Panama

City, Harbor Communications, (904) 785-9679 Pensacola, Two-Way Radio & Elec- tronics. Inc.. (904) 432-7716: Pinellas Park, Sea or Shore. (813) 546-5626 Pom- pano Beach, Jerry s Marine Electronics. (305) 782-2213 Port Canaveral Station.

Beacon Marine Corp., (305) 784-2242; Riviera Beach, Larry Smith Electronics, (305) 844-3592; Sarasota, Tradyne. Inc.. (813) 366-6759, Stuart, Coral Reef Elec- tronics, (305) 283-3340; Tampa, Tampa Marine Radio, Inc.. (813) 299-0080: West

Palm Beach, Gene Sykes & Co.. Inc.. (305) 833-5298.

GEORGIA: Brunswick, Maricom Electronics, Inc.. (912) 265-4650 Savannah. Man com Electronics. Inc . (912) 354-4542.

HAWAII: Honolulu. Kems. Inc.. (808) 845-6402

ILLINOIS: Alton, (St Louis). Electronics Services. Inc.. (618) 462-6813

Rivertromcs. (618) 463-1440; Chicago, A G. Busch Co . Inc (312) 631-6216.

A. G. B.-Port. (312) 842-2704; Lorain Electronics, See Jefferson. La.. Listing

Hartford, Specialized Electronics, See: Memphis. Tennessee. Listing: Waukegan,

A G. B -Larsen. (312) 336-5456

INDIANA: New Albany, D. T. Marine Electronics. (812) 948-1005

IOWA: Clinton, Lectronics Inc.. (319) 242-1223

KENTUCKY. Paducah, Electronic Maintenance. (502) 554-3561 Specialized Elec- tronics. See: Memphis, Tennessee Listing

LOUISIANA: Baton Rouge, Eagle Electronics. (504) 343-7138: Specialized Elec- tronics, See: Memphis, Tennessee. Listing Harvey, Bibbins & Rice. (504) 362- 4820; Houma, Bibbins & Rice. (504) 876-6870, Jefferson, Lorain Electronics, (504) 733-5540; Lafayette, Bibbins & Rice. (318) 232-7039 Lake Charles, Bibbins &

Rice. (318) 433-1079: Morgan City, Bibbins & Rice. (504) 384-2456 Electronic

Services. Inc.. (504) 384-5500; Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics. (504) 384-8433;

New Iberia. Bibbins & Rice. (318) 365-5430 Port Sulphur, Bibbins & Rice. (504) 564-3936; Westwego, Electronic Services. Inc.. (504) 347-1561

MAINE. Kittery, Communications. Inc., (207) 439-4203, Portland, Communica- tions, Inc., (207) 772-8335, Rockland, Coastal Electronics, (207) 594-7777 Com- munications. Inc., (207) 594-5535.

MARYLAND: Annapolis, Electronic Marine. Inc. (301) 268-8101: Baltimore,

Mirelco (Middle River Electronics). (301) 687-6474: Glen Burnie, United Radio

Service. (301) 761-8090, Lexington Park, Pax-Tronics Corp (301) 863-5084

MASSACHUSETTS: Boston (Winthrop). Harbor Electronics. (617) 846-7132. Fal- mouth, Cape Cod Marine Service, Inc.. (617) 548-3146. Gloucester, Seatronics

Corp., (617) 281-0034; New Bedford, Harbor Electronics, (617) 997-1626,

Norwell, Elco Electronics. Inc., (617) 878-5453

MICHIGAN: Grosse Point Farms. Holbrook Industries. (313) 886-6094 Harbor

Springs. Walstrom Marine. (616) 526-2141 Holland. Tele-Rad Inc . (616) 396 3541; Mt. Clemens, Seaview Electronics. Inc.. (313) 792-3510, Sault Ste. Marie.

Lorain Electronics, See Jefferson. La.. Listing; St. Claire Shores, Electronic Prod- ucts, (313)771-5555

MINNESOTA: Duluth, Lorain Electronics, See: Jefferson. La , Listing; St. Paul, K-R

Communications. Inc.. (612) 645-6471

MISSISSIPPI: Biloxi. Patterson Communications & Electronics. (601) 374-3744

Southeastern Electronics. (601) 436-6943 Greenville. Electronic Services. Inc (601) 332-0936. Specialized Electronics. See Memphis, Tennessee Listing: Ocean

Springs. Marine Electronics Corp. Inc . (601) 875-9353. Pascagoula, Bibbins &

Rice. (601) 762-6030; Southeastern Electronics. (601) 762-1069

MISSOURI: Portage Des Sioux, Venetian Harbor, Inc.. (314) 753-2121. St. Louis.

See: Alton. Illinois.

NEW JERSEY: Absecon, Larry Smith Electronics. Inc . (609) 652-7800 Belmar, R 0 Rue Inc.. (201) 681 9330 Cape May, Larry Smith Electronics. Inc . (609) 884 7400: E. Rutherford, The Radio Man. (201) 939-6290; Elizabeth, Electro Nav Inc . (201) 527-0099 Point Pleasant, Larry Smith Electronics. (201) 899-4711

Seaville, Martek, Inc.. (609) 398-6366.

NEW YORK: Bayshore, L I Southshore Marine Radio, (516) 665-2695. Buffalo,

Emsco Electronics, Inc., (716) 632-7474: Freeport, L I., Maritime Communica- tions, Inc.. (516) 623-4421 Greenport, L I Seatronics. Inc.. (516) 477-1040

Lindenhurst. L.I , Seaway Communications, Inc.. (516) 884-7171, Nav-Com, Inc (516) 957-9070: Mamaroneck, Rad-Com, Inc., (914) 698-6800 New Paltz, Enter- prise Marine Electronics. (914) 255-6515. New Rochelle, Griffith Marine. (914) 636-4340: New York, AAT Communications Corp.. (212) 351-4700 Wainscott.

L.I., Seatronics, Inc.. (516) 537-3211.

NORTH CAROLINA: Clinton, O-Boy-Wil Marine Sales. Inc., (919) 592-7043; Mew

Bern, Ensley's Radio Co., Inc.. (919) 638-6119; Wrightsville Beach, Sea Coast

Communications, Inc.. (919) 256-4848.

OHIO: Ashtabula, Lorain Electronics. See Jefferson. La., Listing; Grand River,

Holbrook Industries. (216) 352-2411, Holland, Lorain Electronics. See: Jefferson.

La.. Listing; Lorain, Lorain Electronics. See- Jefferson. La.. Listing Milbury, Lorain

Electronics. See Jefferson. La.. Listing; Proctorville (Huntington. W Va ). La Fon

Electronics, (614) 886-6863: Sandusky, Monroe Service, Inc , (419) 625-5215,

Toledo, Lorain Electronics, See: Jefferson, La., Listing.

OREGON: Astoria, Jensen Communications. Inc.. (503) 325-5917 Charleston.

George's Marine Electronics. (503) 888-5209 Newport, Radio Center. Inc.. (503) 265-2731; Portland, Rodgers Marine Electronics, (503) 287-1101.

PENNSYLVANIA Dartjy, Maritime Electronics Co.. Inc (215) 532-9236 Erie

Holbrook Industries. (814) 833-8159, Large, Specialized Electronics. See Mem- phis. Tennessee Listing, Pittsburgh, We-Do Electronics, (412) 767-5553.

RHODE ISLAND: Davisvilie. Harbor Electronics, (401) 295-0657 East Greenwich.

Merriam Instruments. Inc.. (401) 884-1710 Narragansett, Nav-Tech. Inc.. (401) 789-1004; Point Judith, Merriam Instruments. (401) 783-7335

SOUTH CAROLINA: Charleston, Maricom Electronics, Inc.. (803) 766-3856

Georgetown, Parker Electronics, (803) 546-9351.

TENNESSEE: Memphis, Specialized Electronics, (800) 238-5916; Tergh Communi- cations, (901) 942-5711

TEXAS: Aransas Pass, Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics, (512) 758-2021

Brownsville, Dubose Marine. (512) 831-4249, Dickinson (Galveston). Gulf Radio- telephone & Electronics, (713) 744-0150: Freeport, Gulf Radiotelephone & Elec- tronics, (713) 233-8911. Houston (Pasadena). Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics. (713) 944-6000. Houston, Bibbins & Rice, (713) 641-5023; Sabine (Port Arthur).

Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics, (713) 962-8465.

VIRGINIA: Chincoteague, Maritime Electronics. (804) 336-5335; Falls Church, Tel evision Workshop, (703) 532-2990; Hampton, Central Electronics, (804) 723-7889,

Gulf Radiotelephone & Electronics, (804) 247-0277; Hartfield, Marine Electronics.

Inc., (804) 776-9500; Norfolk, Sea Port Electronics, (804) 545-4631

WASHINGTON: Anacorles, Whatcom Marine Electronics, (206) 293-6100, Bel lingham, Whatcom Marine Electronics, (206) 676-1990, Blaine. Whatcom Marine

Electronics. (206) 332-6323; llmaco, Whatcom Marine Electronics, (206) 642- 2650: Port Angeles, Pride Electronics. (206) 452-2922; Seattle. Collins Marine, (206) 284-7473; Northern Marine Electronics, (206) 782-3780; Sound Marine Elec- tronics, (206) 784-7444; Whatcom Marine Electronics, (206) 285-2740

WEST VIRGINIA: Huntington, Specialized Electronics, See. Memphis, Tennessee


WISCONSIN: Green Bay, Wilson Electronics, (414) 499-0490 Port Washington,

Lakeshore Electronics. (414) 284-6061 Sturgeon Bay, Bay Electronics. (414) 743-9693.

CANADA: British Columbia, Vancouver, Spilsbury & Tindall Ltd.. (604) 684-4131.

Telex 04-55482. Cable "SPILTIN Nova Scotia, Halifax, Gabriel Aero-Marine In- struments Ltd . (902) 423-6627 B

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.