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Kearfott products are quality constructed to meet requirements of A.B.S., U.S.C.G. and Navy standards.

Kearfott windows and doors can be man- ufactured in various sizes, shapes and materials.

Catalog showing complete line of marine products furnished upon request.

Kearfott a division of The SI NC E R Company 550 S. Fulton Ave., Mount Vernon, N.Y. 10550

Phone 914-664-6033

Proved Engineering and Dependability stand behind the world's finest shipboard windows, windshield wipers and doors by...

Zuccaro Appointed To

Marketing Manager At

General Electric E&E

The appointment of Richard J.

Zuccaro as manager, marine serv- ice programs and marketing sup- port of General Electric Compa- ny's Electrical and Electronics (E&E) Service Department, In- stallation and Service Engineer- ing Division (I&SE) has been an- nounced by P.S. Hasler, manager,

E&E marketing and programs.

Mr. Zuccaro will be responsible for developing the department's marine business program plans, while providing marketing sup- port to other program managers.

He joined General Electric in 1951 as a test engineer in John- son City, N.Y. After assignments in Bridgeport, Conn., and Sche- nectady, N.Y., and two years as a 1st lieutenant in the U.S. Army in Korea, he rejoined the compa- ny in 1959 as a field engineer. In 1966, Mr. Zuccaro was appointed sales manager, Northeastern Elec- trical and Electronic Region. In 1972, he was named manager of

I&SE's Electrical and Electronic

Sales, and in 1977 was appointed manager, marketing and pro- grams support for the E&E De- partment in Schenectady, the po- sition he held prior to his new assignment. $19.7-Million Overhaul

Contract Awarded By

Navy To SF Welding

San Francisco Welding and

Fabricating, Inc., San Francisco,

Calif., has been awarded a $19,- 731,233 fixed price contract for modifications and overhaul work on the USNS Kawishiwi, a Navy oiler. The Navy's Military Sealift

Command, Pacific, is the contract- ing activity. (N00033-77-C-0015)

Randy Bates Joins

Tracor As Assistant

Field Service Manager

Three new tugs join the Bay-Houston family

Three new additions to the Bay-Houston towing service available on the Gulf Coast, fleet will be the Barbara H. Neuhaus, Laura

Haden and MarkK. All attest to the dedica- tion of Bay-Houston to provide the best


HI \ Houston • Galveston • Corpus Christi • Freeport • Texas City

Randy Bates

Randy Bates has been appointed assistant field service manager for

Tracor Marine Systems, which is a part of the Tracor Instruments

Division. He will have service re- sponsibilities for Tracor's marine navigation products, including the

Satellite Navigator and the Ome- ga Navigator in the fishing, com- mercial marine, and pleasure craft markets. He reports directly to

Will Hoover, field service man- ager of Tracor Instruments.

Before joining Tracor Instru- ments Division, Mr. Bates was a test engineer technician for Tra- cor's Science and Systems Divi- sion. He worked for General Tel- ephone Information Systems be- fore joining Tracor.

New Brochure On Offshore

Risks Available From

All American Marine Slip

The All American Marine Slip, an underwriting syndicate for off- shore energy risks managed by

Marine Office of America Corpo- ration, has published a new bro- chure describing its services to insurance buyers and brokers.

Called "In The Right Place At

The Right Time," the brochure describes the emergence of the

Slip as a viable alternative market for energy risks since its found- ing in 1972. These risks include fixed and mobile drilling rigs of all kinds; pipelines and offshore terminals; submarines, deepsea decompression chambers, and un- derseas mining vessels and equip- ment. The brochure also describes the coverages written by the Slip and identifies the organization's key management personnel in its

New York and Houston offices.

Requests for a free copy should be sent to Robert Lowery, Dept.

MR, All American Marine Slip, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, N.Y. 10038.

Hinged Portlight

Weathertight Door



Window Clear View



Window Crank-Operated Window

Window Wiper and

Fixed Window 26 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.