Page 8: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1980)
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New Crowley Salvage Vessel
Crowley Maritime Corporation recently accepted delivery of the salvage vessel Arctic Salvor, which provides more line pull than any other salvage vessel in the world, according to Roy D. Jur- gensen, Seattle, senior vice presi- dent and general manager of
Crowley's Northwest and Alaska
The 213- by 54-foot vessel, which was refitted for salvage work by Marine Industries North- west, Inc. of Tacoma, is equipped with four Skagit DTW-150 dou- ble-drum winches, each with a line pull of 350,000 pounds. Each drum spools 3,950 feet of 2-inch wire.
The Arctic Salvor is powered by two Caterpillar D-399 diesel engines and is equipped with a
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First Inshore Supply Vessels
To Serve Oil And Gas Industry
Certified By Coast Guard
Inshore towing/supply vessel Beefmaster, delivered recently to Tidewater Marine
Service by Scully Brothers Boat Builders, is first of type certified by U.S. Coast
The first inshore towing/supply vessels certified by the U.S. Coast
Guard to serve the oil and gas in- dustry are now in service for
Tidewater Marine Service, Inc., a subsidiary of Tidewater Inc.
The vessels, Beefmaster and
Brahma, which represent a con- tract cost of approximately $1 million, were designed by Tide- water Marine engineers and built by Scully Brothers Boat Builders
Inc. of Stephensville, La. Two more Scully-built vessels of the same class are expected to go into service soon, according to William
E. Bright, president of Tidewater
Vessels of this class are 72 feet long by 26 feet wide and have a 6-foot draft when fully loaded.
They also have a 33-foot by 20- foot open foredeck area that pro- vides carrying capacity for 25 long tons of cargo. The vessels are equipped with a 17,000-gallon diesel fuel tank and a 20,000-gal- lon-capacity water tank for sup- plying fresh water to drilling rigs and platforms. Power is supplied by twin GM-Detroit Diesel 8V-71 engines that develop a total of 600 horsepower (mcr) at 1,800 rpm and a speed of 10 knots.
Wayne Pourciau, manager of
Tidewater Marine's inland tug fleet, said the towing/supply ves- sel concept permits the delivery of limited amounts of deck and liquid cargoes to the drilling rig, which previously required the use of a barge.
Tidewater Marine added 26 new vessels to its worldwide fleet dur- ing the last calendar year at a cost of $37.1 million, and is ex- pected to add 20 new vessels this fiscal year, at a contract cost of $26.3 million, as part of its long- range capital spending program.
Tidewater's approximately 400- vessel fleet is the largest fleet serving the international offshore oil and gas industry. In addition to its marine division, Tidewater also is active in oil and gas ex- ploration and production and in the air and natural gas compres- sion business.
The Arctic Salvor, Crowley Maritime's latest salvage ship, is said to provide more line pull than any other salvage vessel in the world. Four Skagit DTW-150 double- drum winches each spooling almost 4,000 feet of 2-inch wire provide the muscle. bow thruster. Features of the vessel include an ice-strengthened hull for Arctic operations, a light- ed helicopter deck, special ballast- ing capabilities, quarters for an 18-man salvage crew and an eight- man operating crew, a machine shop, storerooms, welding ma- chines, pumps, and diving equip- ment. Electronic gear includes two radar systems, a depth-re- cording sonar, and a satellite nav- igator.
The vessel is currently en route to Prudoe Bay, Alaska, with
Crowley's 1980 sealift flotilla. Up- on its return in the fall it will be based in Seattle and manned for immediate assignment to sal- vage projects.
Crowley Maritime Corporation,
San Francisco, is an international marine transportation firm with interests in construction and trucking as well as marine sal- vage. The company competes for salvage contracts worldwide. 10 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News