Page 17: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1980)

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SMM '80 (continued from page 17) drilling rigs. Scientists from Ber- lin Polytechnic will use an off- shore power station of the EPOS system as an example in explain- ing their hydromechanical inves- tigations, and an expert from the

U.S. Department of Commerce will deal with the inspection of the huge floating OTEC power stations made from prestressed concrete, as well as the repair and maintenance work aboard these giants.

Submersible Systems

Six more papers at the congress are concerned with the technol- ogy of submersible systems. Af- ter a general survey of the field by J. Gelhaus of Dragerwerk AG, some specific examples of this technology will be presented, such as the FUGE system — an un- manned, remote-controlled vessel for inspection and maintenance of offshore installations. M. Muller of

Preussag will report on its devel- opment. B. Arndt of Schiffko, G.

Haux of Haux-UW-Systemtech- nik, and H. Victor of Ocean Con- sult will explain SUPRA—a new system for underwater operations that has been developed in Ger- many.

On the basis of model experi- ments, P. de la Motte of Ingen- ieurburo fur Wasserbau und

Meerestechnik (Engineering Con- sultants Office for Hydraulic En- gineering and Marine Technol- ogy) will present a new under- water vessel for the installation of submarine cables and pipelines.

The Far East will also make a contribution to this subject: C.M.

Chu of Jao-Tung University in

Shanghai will talk on experimen- tal methods for testing self-pro- pelled underwater craft. E. Wol- lert of DDG Hansa will deliver a paper on how to carry out scien- tific and technical tests of com- ponents onboard a diving vessel.

The last Ship, Machinery, Ma- rine Technology exhibition held in Hamburg in 1978 attracted al- most 25,000 trade visitors from 48 countries. More than 90 per- cent of the exhibitors at that event stated that their expecta- tions had been fulfilled, and every third exhibitor expected follow-up orders.



Aalborg Vaerft A/S Denmark

AFNE S.A Argentina

Alba Clean Ltd U.K.

Atlas A/S Denmark

Automotive Products Ltd. U.K.

Frank Ayles & Association

Ltd U.K.

Bahco-Verktyg AB Sweden

J.W. Berg AB Swede

B&W Alpha-Diesel A/S . Denmark

B&W Diesel Denmar

The Boat Showrooms of

London Ltd U.K.

Caospeed Equipment Ltd.,

Garvel Shipyard U.K.

Chris Marine AB Sweden

Centromor Poland

Colnbrook Instrument

Development Ltd U.K.

Danfoss A/S Denmark

Daniel Doncaster & Sons Ltd. . U.K.

Danish Electric Diesels

A/S Denmark

Danish Export Group

Association Denmark

Deawoo Shipbuilding & Heavy

Machinery Ltd Korea

Deep Sea Seals Ltd U.K.

D.E.M.P. A/S Denmark

Diesel and Gas Turbine

Progress U.S.A.

Dunlop Ltd., CRG Division . . . . U.K.

Fairplay Publications Ltd U.K.


Aubenhandelsverband Finland

Fram Industrial . The Netherlands

Dr. Ing. Geislinger &

Company Austria

The Glacier Metal Company

Ltd U.K.

Glacier Metal Nederland

BV . The Netherlands

Grandi Motori Trieste Italy

Gunnebo Bruks AB Sweden

Hamworthy Engineering Ltd. . . U.K.

Harrier Marine Ltd U.K

Hawe GmbH Austria

Hodge Separators Ltd U.K.

Hollming Finland

De Hoop Groenpol Rotterdam

BV The Netherlands

Hundasted Motor &

Propellerfabrik AS Denmark

Hungarian Shipyards & Crane

Factory Hungary

Hydroland France

Hyundai Heavy Industries Co.

Ltd Korea (continued on page 20) unattended are also available.

Every SFC BW unit is equipped with a dedicated feed pump to allow SFC BW

Separators to be sized to meet a vessel's exact needs.

They do not have to rely on the vessel's bilge pump.

Recovered Oil pay-back.

The value of the recovered oil, either returned directly to the ship's fuel tank or stored for reprocessing ashore, should not be overlooked.

The pay-back period for

SFC-BW Separators is continually being reduced as the price of oil rises.

Get all the Facts.

SFC BW Oil/ Water

Separators are available with capacities from Vz to 60 cubic meters per hour. Write or call for full details ... and for a copy of "From A to X about

Oil/Water Separators". This six-page report has facts on

MARPOL, IMCO, and U.S. regulations for shipboard oil/water separators.



Butterworth Systems Inc. 224 Park Ave.. RO. Box 352

Florham Park, N.J. 07932 USA

Phone: (201)765-1546



Butterworth Systems (UK) Ltd. 445 Brighton Road.

South Croydon, Surrey,


Phone: 01-668-6211



Societe d'Etudes ct de Realisations d'Equipements Petroliers 11, rue du Pont V 76600 LeHavre, France

Phone: (35)25.81.15

Telex: Sotran 190571 F

U.S. Coast Guard Approved

Oil/Water Separators

Less Than 2 ppm of Oil.


SFC BW Oil/Water

Separators are now

U.S. Coast Guard approved for shipboard use to meet IMCO and MARPOL regulations for discharge of bilge water.

Under pending legislation all non-tanker vessels over 400 tons which ballast fuel tanks or have machinery spaces, will be required to have a U.S. Coast Guard approved 15 ppm (parts per million) oil/water separator on board to enter U.S. waters. Similar vessels under 400 tons have the added option of transferring oily bilge and ballast slops to a reception facility.

In recent U.S. Coast

Guard certification tests,

BUTTERWORTH* SFC BW (Separator Filter Coalescer-

Bilge Water) units exceeded

U.S.C.G. and IMCO

A.393(X) requirements. In many tests, separated water discharges contained less than 2 ppm of oil. SFC BW units have also been approved in conformance with A.393(X) by Norway. France.

Netherlands, Poland, Italy.

Yugoslavia, United Kingdom,

Greece and Germany.

Superior Vertical


SFC BW Oil/Water

Separators are simple and rugged, with no internal moving parts. They operate at atmospheric pressure *vith minimum maintenance.

Unlike some other separators. SFC BW units use vertical rather than horizontal processing.

With an SFC BW unit, the oil/water mixture is first introduced into an upper chamber where pure oil is immediately removed. The remaining oily water flows down along an outer shell, then upward past coalescing fins. Final cleansing occurs as the almost oil-free water is drawn through a flushable coalescer medium.

Unaffected by Pitch and Roll.

Unlike horizontal units, vertical processing SFC BW units occupy a minimum of deck space with all separation occurring in a single container.

A 10 cubic meter per hour unit, for example, is only 4% feet in diameter. SFC BW units can operate in almost any weather. They are virtually unaffected by pitch and roll.

Other Features.

With SFC BW units, initial separation occurs at atmospheric pressure. The clean-water discharge pump creates a slight vacuum for final filter separation. As a result, SFC BW Oil/Water

Separators do not clog or stop up. They can be located below the water-line with discharge elevations up to 30 meters.

A standard SFC BW unit operates unattended until a 20-minute filter backflush is required. The time between backflushes - usually 12 to 24 hours - depends on the degree of oil contamination.

Fully automatic units that operate completely ©Copyright 1980, Butterworth Systems Inc.

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.