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Europort '80 Exhibition

And Conferences Set

For November 18-22

This year's 19th presentation of the giant Europort Exhibition, to be held from November 18 to 22 at the RAI Halls in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, will also feature an impressive conference pro- gram, with simultaneous sessions occurring on several days.

A "Dredging Conference" (No- vember 20-21) will be sponsored by the Central Dredging Associ- ation (CEI)A) of Holland. Em- phasis will be on supplies for the dredging world, including inno- vations, dredging duty transmis- sions, and wear-resistant materi- als and components.

A "Fourth Offshore Craft Con- ference" (11/18-20) will be pre- sented by the Thomas Reed Or- ganisation. "Specialized Ships" (11 19) will be the theme of a third conference. Europort '80 will also present its first "Inland

Shipping" conference (11/20-21), and a "Third World Symposium" (11/19-20) sponsored by the Al- liance Foundation.

For further information and brochures on Europort '80 Exhi- bition and Conferences, write to

Peter K. Johnson, Dept. M.R.,

Europort, 6006 Bellaire Blvd.,

Houston, Texas 77081.

Helmuth Kopcke Named

Gulf Coast Vice

President For Anixter

Helmuth Kopcke

Helmuth Kopcke has been named vice president, shipyards, and oil rigs-Gulf Coast for An- ixter Bros., Inc., Skokie, 111., it was announced by Bob Wilson, vice president of Anixter's Wire and Cable Division.

An 11-year veteran with An- ixter, Mr. Kopcke has been gen- eral manager of Anixter-New Or- leans for the past four years.

Fact Sheet Describes

And Illustrates New

Multiple-Size Rams

NL Rig Equipment of Houston has prepared a fact sheet illus- trating and describing the new

Shaffer Multi-Ram™ multiple-size rams.

The new rams are designed to close and seal on drill pipe from 31,/, to 5 inches in diameter, mak- ing Multi-Ram rams especially useful in situations in which a tapered string is employed. These rams are said to save drilling time and costs because they make ram change-out unnecessary.

The variable Multi-Ram fit is accomplished through the use of unique ram rubbers with molded- in steel segments. As hydraulic pressure increases, the segments move radially inward, decreasing the bore size and ensuring a re- liable seal. In addition, the new rams use standard ram holders and retaining screws, which makes them interchangeable with regular rams in Shaffer blowout preventers.

NL Rig Equipment/NL Indus- tries, Inc. manufactures, sells and services drilling and production equipment worldwide for the oil industry.

For a free copy of the new fact sheet, write to Dave Wilkinson,

NL Rig Equipment, Dept. MR,

P.O. Box 1473, Houston, Texas, 77001.



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Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.