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John J. O'Malley
Founder And Publisher Of
Engineering News
John J. O'Malley, the founder and publisher of MARITIME RE-
PORTER and Engineering News magazine, died recently at his home in Bellerose, Long Island,
N.Y., after a short illness.
Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., he at- tended St. John's University and was active in marine publishing for most of his business career.
Mr. O'Malley was associated with Marine Age magazine and
Marine News magazine. He was a co-founder of the Marine Buy- ers Guide. He founded the fore- runner of MARITIME REPORT-
ER and Engineering News, Mari- time Activity Reports, Inc., in the fall of 1939. The magazine grew steadily and prospered under Mr.
O'Malley's direction during more than 40 years of continuous pub- lication.
Mr. O'Malley was a member of
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, a member of the Council for SNAME from 1966-1968, and was a member of the SNAME Committee on Pub- lications.
Wheelock Will Head
New Houston Office Of
Dock Express Shipping
Dock Express Shipping, BV, a
Rotterdam-based, heavy-lift ship- owner, has recently established a branch office in Houston. Warren
R. Wheelock, vice president re- sponsible for operations in the
United States, Canada, and Mex- ico, will be the senior manager at the Houston office.
The Dock Express fleet includes three highly specialized sister vessels of approximately 13,000 deadweight tons. These vessels embody state-of-the-art technol- ogy in the marine transport field: their capabilities include 1,000 tons lifting capacity, a 2,000-ton- capacity roll-on/roll-off ramp, in excess of 50,000 square feet of usable deck space, and "float-in/ float-out" capability for floating equipment with dimensions as large as 380 feet long by 66 feet wide by 16 feet draft. In addi- tion, many other heavy-lift ves- sels with varying capacities are available from Dock Express through its affiliation with the
Van Ommeren group.
Dock Express specializes in the ocean transport of unusually large and heavy pieces of equipment, such as refinery pressure vessels and reactors, prefabricated proc- ess plant modules, offshore oil and gas production and process- ing equipment, jackup drilling rigs, heavy construction equip- ment and rolling stock, dredges and other floating equipment.
The new Dock Express office is located at 3050 South Post Oak
Road, Suite 1770, Natural Gas
Pipeline Tower, Houston Texas 77056; telephone (713) 626-0405, telex 792075.
New Officers Elected By
Southeast Section Of SNAME
At a recent meeting in Jack- sonville, Fla., of the Southeast
Section of The Society of Naval
Architects and Marine Engineers,
Bill Byrne of Hoffert Marine gave a brief talk of the Hoffert Marine fuel emulsifier, and Lt. Comdr.
Jim Britt, USN, presented a pa- per titled "Growth and Develop- ment of the Repair Capability at the King's Bay Submarine Sup- port Base." Following that,
Comdr. Frank Patch, USN, gave a presentation on the repair ca- pabilities of the USS Simon Lake.
The following officers were elected for the coming season: chairman, Fred Carnes, M. Rosen- blatt & Son, Jacksonville; vice chairman (North), Edmund Glo- wacki, Bold Craft Engineering,
Jacksonville; vice chairman (Tampa), James Brennan, South- east Marine, Tampa; secretary- treasurer, William Lane, Tracor
Marine, Miami.
Intrinsically Safe
Sound Powered Telephones for use in Class I Group D
Hazardous Locations
Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.- United States Coast Guard Accepted.
Manufactured in accordance with National Electric Code requirements of electrical apparatus to be used in gas or vapor atmospheres in Class 1 Group D hazardous locations. r
DWG. NO. 562-01
Inside Type
Rugged Construction • Dependable Service • Reliable Quality • In service around the world since 1974 •
The Hose-McCann Intrinsically Safe Sound Powered Telephones are currently in use aboard Oil
Tankers, Gas and Chemical Carriers, Oil Refineries, Chemical Plants, Oil Drilling Platforms and other oil or gas exploration installations requiring intrinsically safe apparatus.
These units are available with 8,12, or 19 station selector switches, in three (3) basic models, Inside-
Bulkhead Mounting, Outside Bulkhead Mounting, and Outside-Pedestal Mounting.
For complete details please call or write:
PHONE 201-567-2030
TELEX NO. 642837 • CABLE ADDRESS: H0SETELC0 EGWD. 6 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News