Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1981)

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Hitachi Zosen To Build

Another Jackup Rig

For National Drilling

Hitachi Zosen recently received an order from National Drilling

Company (NDC), Abu Dhabi of the United Arab Emirates, to con- struct a cantilever type jackup offshore oil drilling rig. The rig is the fourth of the same kind to be constructed by Hitachi for

NDC—a subsidiary of the state- run Abu Dhabi National Oil Com- pany (ADNOC).

The former three rigs, two can- tilever types and one slot type, were completed between Decem- ber 1979 and April 1980. They were constructed at the Ariake


The rig of this latest order will be constructed to almost exactly the same specifications as the other three rigs, except that it will be able to operate in water depths about 15 meters deeper than the others. It will be con- structed at the Ariake Works al- so, for delivery in February 1982.

Second Paceco Container

Crane Ordered For

Brooklyn Terminal

Universal Maritime Services

Corporation recently ordered a second Portainer® crane from Pa- ceco, Inc., a subsidiary of Detroit- based Fruehauf Corporation. The

Paceco Modified 'A' frame model dockside container handling crane will be used at the Marine Con- tainer Terminal in Red Hook,

Brooklyn, N.Y., alongside the first

Portainer ordered earlier and now being fabricated by Paceco.

With a lifting capability of 40 long tons, the Portainer crane will feature a box girder boom that has a 120-foot outreach. Other characteristics are a 30-foot back- reach, a quick change headblock, a telescopic spreader capable of handling 20/40-foot containers, and a 45-ton cargo beam. It will also have optional features for safety and operator comfort, such as hurricane tie-downs, air-condi- tioned cab, etc.

Paceco's Gulfport, Miss., man- ufacturing facility will fabricate the Portainer, and delivery is scheduled for late 1981 by barge.

DeJong Designs Biggest

Voith Schneider Tug

Built In United States

The biggest tug with Voith

Schneider propulsion units to be built in the United States has been designed by the Jackson- ville, Fla., firm of Norman N. De-

Jong and Associates, Inc., naval architects and marine engineers.

Destined for ship-handling duties in the Panama Canal, the 105- foot "Water Tractor" is being built by Thunderbolt Marine In- dustries in Thunderbolt, Ga., for the Panama Canal Company. De- livery is slated for May 1981.

Write 243 on Reader Service Card

DeJong finished the design and submitted detailed drawings for the tug in November. The project is return business for the firm, it also having designed the multi- directional ship-handling tugs built by Thunderbolt for the Ca- nal Company four years ago.

Utilizing unique cyclodial pro- pellers for maximum maneuver- ability in ship handling, the tug is powered by two 10-cylinder

Fairbanks Morse Model 38D 8% diesel engines driving two Voith

Schneider Model 2VSP 30 G II cyclodial propellers. The propel- lers will provide a bollard pull of 80,000 pounds ahead and astern, and 60,000 pounds sideways.

Other major equipment includes two GM Detroit Diesel 6-71/75- kw generators, GM Detroit Die- sel 8V71 driven fire pump, Markey hydraulic capstans, and Consolect switchboard and engine room monitoring system. An extensive engine room acoustical insulation system will keep the noise level in working areas under 80 deci- bels.

Building on its experience with the Voith Schneider system, De-

Jong and Associates is presently designing two 120-foot Voith

Schneider propelled tugs as part of an integrated tug/barge proj- ect.

For more information,

Write 46 on Reader Service Card

A ship away from home is never far from Sperry

No matter where in the world your ship is, it's probably not far from one of the more than 250 Sperry marine systems service facilities. Shanghai is the newest of these sen/ice centers.

Skilled personnel can provide you with the technical support you may need. That includes test and checkout, overhaul and repair services—all backed with the Sperry specialized equipment, tools and parts you expect.

As you'd also expect, we complement our service with a combination of classroom or shipboard training programs. Your personnel can qualify to operate and maintain Sperry equipment.

If you're interested in knowing about service training for your personnel, or about other centers in the

Sperry network, send today for a free listing of our service facilities.

It's a list growing to meet your needs. Because at

Sperry, we understand how important it is to listen

For details, see your Marine Systems representativ or write Sperry Division Headquarters, Marine

Systems, Great Neck, N.Y 11020. (516) 574-3232. •Pitt- m** w''

LINES 1 >-

The S.S. Letitia Lykes, the first U.S. flag vessel to reach China 30 years, being welcomed to Shanghai.

JL nr


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.