Page 29: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (May 15, 1981)
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Coast Tug Seeks
Title XI For $6.2-Million
Oceangoing Tug
Coast Tug No. 1 Limited Part- nership, a subsidiary of Coastal
Barge Corp., 2121 San Felipe
Street, Houston, Texas 77109, has applied for Title XI financing to aid in construction of an 8,000- horsepower oceangoing tug.
The twin-diesel vessel is to be built by Mangone Shipbuilding,
Houston, Texas, and is expected to operate in the coastwise trade.
If approved, Title XI financing would cover $5,432,000 or ap- proximately 87V2 percent of the estimated actual cost of $6,208,- 000. Delivery date has not been scheduled.
Penco To Market Showa's
Fuel Mixing System
The Penco Division of Hudson
Engineering Company, Nissho-
Iwai American Corporation and
Showa Marine Kogyo Ltd. of To- kyo, Japan, have announced the appointment of Penco as the ex- clusive marketing, service and distributor of Blender Ace.
Showa has been manufactur- ing the Blender Ace system for a number of years with dozens of successful installations on a worldwide basis. Blender Ace is a fuel mixing system which pro- vides a blend of marine diesel oil and heavy fuel oil designed to maximize fuel cost savings. It is easy to install and has virtu- ally no moving parts.
Blender Ace uses a static mix ing unit which develops a per- fect blend over a wide range of viscosities. The system provides a direct fuel feed to the engine and the only moving part is the heavy fuel oil booster pump.
The Blender Ace system fea- tures an adjustable diesel oil- heavy oil mixing ratio. Extensive tests aboard ships have proven that fouling of pistons and valves proceed at a normal rate with mixtures of 60 percent marine diesel and 40 percent heavy fuel oil. Also no significant changes were found in the exhaust gas temperatures.
For further information on
Blender Ace and other supplies and services provided by Penco,
Write 22 on Reader Service Card
Global And Japanese Firm
Jointly Offer Offshore
Production Systems
Global Marine Development Inc. of Irvine, Calif., and Nippon Ko- kan K.K. of Tokyo, Japan, have announced an agreement to joint- ly develop and market offshore oil and gas production systems.
NKK will fabricate the structures in its shipyards on the basis of engineering provided by GMDI.
Global Marine Development Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Global Marine Inc. of Los An- geles.
The BID (Base and Independ- ent Deck) platform significantly reduces time for construction and cost of on-site installation for both short and long-life fields.
For short-life fields, the BID con- cept offers even more savings since the deck can be independ- ently removed for re-use and the base can be recovered for use in another location.
The concept is simple. The base structure and the deck are con- structed separately. Outfitting of the deck is accomplished in the yard. The base structure is then towed to the site in its upright position and set on the sea floor using its own ballasting system.
The outfitting deck is brought to the site on a barge and positioned over the base. The barge is then ballasted down and the deck is transferred to the base columns.
The deck is then raised to the de- sign elevation by means of re- movable jacks. Once in place, the deck is welded to the columns.
Construction time is saved through the totally independent construction of the base and the deck, permitting concurrent fab- rication and outfitting. Installa- tion time is also saved since heavy-lift equipment is not re- quired. In addition, the deck ar- rives at the site completely out- fitted, which eliminates extensive at-sea installation time.
Put a great boat shaft to work for you
Ever have the feeling your boat shafting is working against you through premature breakage—bending— corroding? You can put a stop to many of these problems with Armco's family of premium- quality AQUAMET Boat
Boat Shafts—available in AQUAMET 17, 18, 19 (formerly SEALOY®) and 22—are designed to beat the rugged condi- tions your boats face.
And they'll keep on de- livering dependable service trip after trip.
Strong, tough, corro- sion-resistant
AQUAMET shafts are service proved on a host of vessels including naval craft, trawler fleets, crew and supply boats, inland and off- shore tugs, and other ocean-going craft.
Find out for yourself all the advantages of
Armco AQUAMET Boat
Shafting. Your copy of the Armco AQUAMET
Boat Shafting Product
Data Bulletin is avail- able by clipping this ad to your letterhead and mailing to Armco, Stain- less Steel Division,
Dept. SS-81, Box 600,
Middletown, Ohio 45043.
Rugged JOY ship/shore connector is designed and qualified in accordance with MIL-C-24368.
Built to withstand rain, humidity, salt spray, sunlight, frost, ice and other harsh operating conditions, JOY ship/shore connectors provide safe, easy connect and disconnect for shore generated power.
This three-phase connector comes with an optional built-in power shut-off switch. It exceeds
MIL-C-24368 in both the properly mated and unmated conditions.
Designed to prevent contact misalignment, the JOY receptacle uses a strain relief with an interlocking safety switch and for added strength it is built with a reinforced ribbing.
Contacts have a low insertion force, short engaging distance and low contact resistance, making connection and disconnection quick and easy.
Available in molded-to-cable or field attach- able plug and receptacle. It fits 400 or 500 MCM cables and has a current rating up to 500 amperes. For more information contact Joy
Manufacturing Company, Electrical Products,
LaGrange, North Carolina 28551.
May 15, 1981 Write 118 on Reader Service Card Write 497 on Reader Service Card 31