Page 25: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1981)
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Magnavox MX 111 Shipboard Communi- cation Terminal Operator Interface Unit. automatic transmissions are made without interrupting the normal communications of the Magna- vox MX 111 MARISAT shipboard communications terminal.
Changing weather conditions at sea can be monitored by a shore station without involving ship- board personnel. Cargo condi- tions, engine performance, and fuel consumption, as well as ship's speed, heading, and position can be obtained at will from a shore- side office.
Data acquired by two independ- ent sensors can be transmitted to different telex numbers from sep- arate schedules. The system can be operated in three modes: schedules (automatic transmis- sion), polling/rescheduling, and conventional.
Write 75 on Reader Service Card
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MAIN processor —»,v
The main processing unit for Marcon's
Micro-Mate II.
Marcon's Series 6000 Perform- ance Monitor System (PMS) pro- vides an integrated system to monitor, track, record, log, and display parameters of shipboard machinery. It can be described as a linked series of microproc- essors with input and output hardware controlled by highly flexible software programs. A typical system could include sen- sor transducers, switches, and rpm inputs feeding data to near- by Data Remotes. The Data Re- mote processes information and transmits it to the main proces- sor.
Processed data is displayed in page format on CRT displays, printed out, recorded on digital tape cassettes and is available for transmission via telemetry to shore or centralized stations. Op- erators can select and edit the page displays through the oper- ator keyboard.
The Series 6000 PMS is said to have a number of features that set it apart from other types of monitoring systems, and repre- sents a quantum advance in state of the art monitoring. It provides remote inspection of equipment and monitoring of operating pa- rameters. Sensors installed in key locations within the machinery and spaces track performance and alert the operator to malfunction- ing equipment. An alarm sequence warns the operator of machinery hazards and guides him through acknowledgement of alarm con- ditions.
Marcon recently introduced a new low-cost series called the
Micro-Mate. These systems will provide automatic monitoring dis- plays and logging for up to 136 points at a cost competitive with conventional alarm panels but with added features such as re- duced wiring and installation cost, data logging either by printer or magnetic tape, connection to mi- crowave of satellite communica- tion link, and second display key- board.
Write 84 on Reader Service Card (continued on page 28)
With the right equipment anyone could get a cleaning mania.
High quality equipment demands high quality care to produce high quality results. Yet it is often the case that the human factor makes it difficult to guar- antee the required care.
One big advantage with the Gunclean products is the ability to assure an efficient job, even if the conditions are not ideal. All our systems are con- structed to eliminate the dangers of bad handling and to limit maintenance work hours. Factors of paramount importance in achieving the best possible results.
Immaterial of how experienced a crew one has aboard.
Gunclean has products to suit every type of vessel and cargo. Our latest
GUN G3 Please send me information on Gunclean and the new 270-range: MR Name:
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Postal address:. ®KFS /Bvi.is range, 270, has been specially created to fit small and medium sized vessels. Such as chemical tankers and other vessels containing corrosive cargo. The design is of course approved by leading authorities and is in accordance with
By simply posting the attached coupon you will quickly receive more detailed information on the Gunclean 270 range.
To you responsible for the maintenance and efficiency of vessels, Gunclean 270 may turn out to be the solution to your problem.
July 1, 1981 Write 503 on Reader Service Card 27