Page 39: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (July 1981)
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Mario Moor Will Head
Sulzer's New Subsidiary
Company In Hong Kong
Sulzer Brothers Limited, Win- terthur, Switzerland, is establish- ing a new subsidiary company in
Hong Kong, in recognition of its growing importance as a world shipping center. This will fur- ther strengthen Sulzer's position in the Far East, considering the successful activities of companies in Tokyo, Kobe, Taipei, and Sing- apore. The Hong Kong company will handle all marine activities of the Sulzer Group.
Mario Moor
Mario Moor has been appointed managing director of Sulzer Hong
Kong. He has worked for Sulzer's
Diesel Engine and Marine Instal- lation Department for more than 20 years, thereby gaining a wide theoretical as well as practical experience in diesel and marine engineering. He will be directly responsible to the diesel product management at Sulzer's head of- fice in Switzerland.
Poling Moving Corporate
Headquarters To Staten
Island From Manhattan
The Poling Transportation Cor- poration has signed a three-year, half-million-dollar lease and has moved its corporate headquarters from lower Manhattan to One
Edgewater Plaza, Staten Island.
The announcement was made by
A.T. Pouch, president of Pouch
Terminal Enterprises, owners of the 300,000-square-foot harbor- front complex.
Poling, an American-flag, At- lantic Coast shipping organiza- tion employing more than 300 people, has maintained its admin- istrative offices in Manhattan for 72 years. It will now occupy 6,000 square feet on the Plaza's third floor overlooking lower Manhat- tan, New York Bay, and the
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge.
Revised Rules On Mobile
Offshore Rigs Issued
By Det norske Veritas
Det norske Veritas has issued revised Rules for Classification of
Mobile Offshore Units. The new edition supersedes the 1975-edi- tion (with supplement of 1977).
The major changes from the previous edition are:
More severe requirements to strength of steel structures. Re- sidual strength is required to al-
July 1, 1981 low for any damage in main structures which might avoid at- tention in time. The residual strength is also to be sufficient to withstand any external dam- age on main strength members caused by, e.g., a possible colli- sion with a ship. The ability of the structures to withstand fa- tigue and development of cracks is given special attention.
The requirements to stability and floatability have been made more severe for the unit in intact as well as damaged conditions.
Inclining tests are to be carried out also for sister units. Oper- ational requirements have been added for bilge and ballast sys- tems and emergency mooring of the unit in damaged condition.
For accommodation units, addi- tional floatability requirements have been stipulated with regard to damages of greater extent than assumed for drilling units.
The extent of the required pe- riodical surveys for retention of class has been increased, especi- ally for the two-yearly surveys.
In-service inspection programs are introduced to aid the survey- ors in their efforts to do their jobs in the best possible way. The two-yearly surveys are normally to be carried out in sheltered waters. The four-yearly surveys are in all cases to be carried out in sheltered waters.
Steering Failure Alarm • In the event of steering failure the Hyde System provides audible and visual alarms. The system complies with USCG proposed 46CFR Part 113, and can be expanded into a complete steering gear monitoring and diagnostic system.
Rudder Arresting and Stand-By
Steering • Hyde's Rudder Arresting and
Stand-By Steering System will refill main steering gear cylinders or actuators, place a hydraulic lock on the rudder, move the rudder from 15° one side to 15° other side in 30 seconds, develop full rudder torque when required and provide non-follow up steering control from the pilot house or steering gear room.
Bridge Power Unit Transfer • Hyde's transfer system provides changeover of steering gear power units with full pilot house control, thus saving precious time in the event of an emergency.
Hyde's highly trained engineering and service staff can provide everything from survey to final installation. For full information contact Hyde Products, Inc., 810 Sharon Dr., Cleveland, Ohio 44145, (216) 871-4885.
Spapisfy Shipyards
Astilleros Espanoles
As agents for Spanish yards of various sizes and facilities we can meet your exact requirements. And our staff of multilingual naval architects and marine engineers understands your specs and provides a service to both shipowner and yard. At Wheeler, we speak the language.
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