Page 9: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1981)
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Floating Factory Completes
Nine-Day, 2,500-Mile
Voyage To Canadian Arctic
A factory barge as big as a football field recently completed a 2,500-mile voyage from the St.
Lawrence River to a small island in the Canadian Arctic.
It arrived nine days ahead of schedule — at Little Cornwallis
Island, 600 miles above the Arc- tic Circle, to help exploit the most northerly base metal mine in the world.
The $40-million floating fac- tory was drawn by tugboats through iceberg-infested waters during the short "Arctic ship- ping window" which sometimes lasts no more than six weeks.
The huge factory barge, called the Arvik 11, left Three Rivers, near Montreal, on July 24. It will be part of the Polaris mine op- erated by Vancouver-based Com- inco Ltd., which is slated to start lead and zinc concentrate produc- tion early next year.
While the barge base was built by Davie Shipbuilding, Lauzon,
Quebec, Comstock and Dominion
Bridge constructed the ore proc- essing plant onboard the vessel.
Bechtel Canada is responsible for the surface facilities for the project. 3.
MP Machine.
Areas From Any
The multi-position, very high-capacity
BUTTERWORTH® MP machine is designed to clean hard-to-reach areas in complex tank structures. Self-powered
U-JS*.- and featuring simple design, the MP provides the very high reliability required for within-tank mounting. This single nozzle tank cleaning machine weighs 178 lbs and can be fixed-in- place in any location, at any angle, and is specifically designed to allow installation on tank bottoms under the cargo.
The MP aduantage: cleans large areas which cannot be reached by conventional deck- mounted equipment and provides unbeatable
Butterworth Systems performance. and range to clean medium sized tanks or hidden areas in large tanks. The SSK machine can be fixed-in-place at any angle, weighs 55 lbs and has a throughput capacity of 80 tons per hour and an effective cleaning range of approximately 100 feet.
The SSK aduantage: low cost cleaning of moderate size tanks with famous Butterworth
Systems technology. 5.
SK Machine.
Cleans Hidden
Areas or Smaller
Fixed-in-place at any angle, the SK machine has a twelve year track record of dependable, effective cleaning.
It features
Systems' exclusive "ball of twine" spray pattern that crisscrosses and overlaps for thorough cleaning.
The SK machine weighs 55 pounds and has a throughput of 30-60 tons per hour and a range of 70 feet.
The Super K aduantage: low cost cleaning of hard-to- reach areas plus
Butterworth Systems reliability.
It weighs less than fifty pounds, has a cleaning range of 30 feet and up to 30 tons per hour throughput.
K Machine
For Small Tanks,
Fixed-in-place at
Any Location.
Over 20,000
BUTTERWORTH* K machines have made it the industry favorite for every kind of tank cleaning for twenty-three years.
Now the K machine provides valuable COW service.
Fixed-in-place, the K machine is ideal for cleaning smaller tanks or small hard-to-clean areas in large tanks. Its twin nozzles rotate while the entire unit revolves, thereby producing
Butterworth Systems' "ball of twine" pattern which ensures that every inch of surface is completely covered.
The K aduantage: small size, lightweight, low cost and the most proven Butterworth
Systems technology.
For any capacity range or tank location Butterworth Systems has proven equipment to meet your needs.
Capacity Tons
Per Hour Weight Location Attitude
LAVOMATIC* SA 90-150TPH 820 lbs Deck Mounted Vertical
BUTTERWORTH* P-60 90-150 TPH 690 lbs. Deck Mounted Vertical
BUTTERWORTH* MP 70-150 TPH 178 lbs Any Any
BUTTERWORTH® SSK 60-80 TPH 55 lbs. Any Any
BUTTERWORTH * SK 30-60 TPH 55 lbs. Any Any
BUTTERWORTH s K 20 30 TPH 48 lbs Any Any
SSK Machine. For
Small Areas or
Medium Size Tanks.
SSK two-nozzle machine combines throughput 1930-198®
Butterworth Systems
For more information contact Butterworth Systems Inc. 224 Park Avenue, Box 352, Florham Park, N.J. 07932 USA
Telephone: (201) 765-1546 Telex: 136434
Butterworth Systems (UK) Ltd. 123 Beddington Lane, Croydon CR9 4NX, England
Telephone: 01-684-4049 Telex: 946524
Literature Published On
Navigation Computer
System From Trimble
Trimble Navigation recently introduced a powerful new navi- gation computer system, CS-1 that incorporates graphics dis- play and printout capability. The
CS-1 can be used for piloting, position monitoring, trip logging, trip planning, and a variety of special computations including true wind, set and drift, distance, course, time and speed made good to the next waypoint.
The CS-1 stores 500 waypoints, 20 trip plans, and 500 obstruc- tions/hazards. The unit provides a variety of real time visual graphic displays of ship's posi- tion relative to course and haz- ards. Audio alarms for cross track error, distance to hazards, and waypoints are user pro- grammable.
The CS-1 stores magnetic vari- ation worldwide and automatic- ally presents magnetic headings for specific locations. Permanent trip records can be printed and/ or stored on magnetic tape auto- matically at user-selected inter- vals or on command.
The CS-1 consists of a Trimble
Model 10A High Accuracy Loran-
C, a Hewlett Packard Model 85 computer, and Trimble-designed software. Users may provide their own HP-85 computer.
For further information,
Write 18 on Reader Service Card
Savannah Shipyard Reports
Passing Of David H. Green
The passing of David H. Green, president of Savannah Shipyard
Company, Savannah, Ga., was re- ported recently by Robert F.
Sherman, chairman of the board of the company.
Mr. Green joined Savannah
Shipyard in April 1974 and was promoted to president on Janu- ary 1, 1979. He was a chief en- gineer and sailed in that capacity for several years. Mr. Green had served with Maryland Shipbuild- ing and Drydock Co., Inc.; oper- ated his own consulting firm; and had been a certified surveyor in the Baltimore area for several international agencies.
He also served as marine su- perintendent and operations man- ager for the American Coal Ship- ping Co., and had been with Beth- lehem Steel Corporation's ship- building division in several capac- ities, including manager of con- tract administration.
Mr. Green was a member of
The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Society of
Marine Port Engineers, National
Contract Management Associa- tion, Navy League of the United
States, and The Propeller Club.
He was a member of the board of directors of the Shipbuilders
Council of America. He was also a member of The Technical Com- mittee of the American Bureau of Shipping. •* Write 128 on Reader Service Card