Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1981)
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Hamburg Is The Place To Be For
Gastech '81
If the production, transporta- tion and use of LNG and LPG are related to your business in any way, you should be in Ham- burg, West Germany from Octo- ber 20 to 23. At that time the 8th International LNG/LPG Con- ference and Exhibition will be in progress. These conferences are held every two years, which al- lows time for many advances to be made in technology since the last conference. In 1979 the Con- ference and Exhibition were held in Houston, Texas, and more than 1,200 managers, engineers and technicians participated. The at- tendance this year is expected to surpass that figure.
The Conference program shows that Gastech '81, to be held in the Congress Centrum Hamburg, will be the most important meet- ing in the series with more than 50 separate presentations under seven different session headings:
World Gas Supplies, LPG Produc- tion and Trade, Offshore Gas and
Gas Production, Transportation
Technology and Operations, Safe- ty and Training, Liquefied Gas
Storage and Development of the
World's Gas Carrier Fleet.
In addition to the very com- prehensive Conference program, the Gastech meeting includes, as always, a major Exhibition of liq- uefied gas technology equipment and services. More than 150 ex- hibitors will be displaying their products. The Exhibition will be the largest of its kind anywhere in the world this year.
The Gastech '81 Conference
Plenary Sessions will be held in
Hall 2 of the Congress Centrum
Hamburg. The adjoining halls will feature the Exhibition of LNG and LPG Technologies and serv- ices. The Congress Centrum ad- joins the Hamburg CP Plaza Ho- tel, the headquarters hotel for
Gastech '81. The Exhibition will be open for four days. Admission will be restricted to only those with an active professional inter- est in the subject.
Gastech '81 delegates will have the opportunity of participating
October 1, 1981 in one of two technical visits where they will see and discuss various aspects of the German gas industry. The visits have been arranged to take place on Friday,
October 23. Visit 1 is to the Ham- burger Gaswerke which serves the greater Hamburg area and has an hourly natural gas send- out rate of 200,000 cubic meters.
The main underground storage reservoir at Reitbrook has a work- ing volume of 150 million cubic meters. Visit 2 is to the Natural
Gas Purification Plant of Mobil
Oil AG / Elwerath NEAG, near
Bremen. This plant is one of the largest in Germany: it produces sweet clean gas for the national gas grid from indigenous sup- plies after de-sulphurisation and removal of other impurities.
The official Gastech '81 Recep- tion will be hosted by Poten &
Partners Inc., New York. All del- egates and accompanying spouses will receive an invitation to at- tend the Reception, which will be held in the Congress Centrum at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Octo- ber 21. An informal Welcome
Party for all registered partici- pants will be held in the Congress
Centrum Hamburg at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 20.
An attractive program of tours has been arranged for the spouses of the delegates.
The head office of Gastech '81 is located at 2 Station Road, Rick- mansworth, Herts WD3 1QP,
England. Information about Gas- tech '81 may be obtained in the
United States from Gastech (USA) Sales, Kallman Associates, 30 Journal Square, Jersey City,
NJ 07306, Telephone: 201-653- 3304.
Conference Program
The Conference Program will follow the pattern established by the previous seven meetings. It will devote considerable attention to liquefied petroleum gas produc- tion and trade as well as cover- ing all aspects of liquefied natural gas development. In addition to (continued on page 20) 19