Page 40: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (December 1981)
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St. Louis Ship Announces
Management Appointments
At Engine Repair Division
The appointment of A1 Spaete to the position of manager of the newly established engine repair division was announced by Ed- ward Renshaw, president of St.
Louis Ship. At the same time,
Mr. Renshaw announced the ap- pointment of James V. Bishop as administrative manager of the division.
The engine repair division, housed in a new 8,400-square-foot overhaul facility at 3460 South
Broadway in St. Louis, has been developed to provide full, pro- fessional marine diesel and ma- rine equipment repair services throughout the United States.
Mr. Spaete, a 27-year employee of St. Louis Ship, has served the company in numerous positions, most recently as manager of ma- chinery. In addition to his duties as manager of the engine repair division, Mr. Spaete is also su- perintendent of the machine shop and directs the river trials and startup of machinery on all new towboats. He brings with him to his new position substantial ex- perience in all phases of diesel, steering gear, and machinery re- pair and maintenance.
Al Spaete
Mr. Bishop was transferred within St. Louis Ship from the company's former subsidiary, The
Dixie Dredge Corp., where he was its general manager prior to its sale. He came to St. Louis Ship in 1977 from Hunter Spring Co.,
Hatfield, Pa., where he success- fully guided the company into in- ternational markets.
J. V. Bishop
St. Louis Ship is a division of
Pott Industries, Inc., a subsidi- ary of Houston Natural Gas Cor- poration.
New Brochure Describes
Allied Water/SweetWater
R/O Water Maker
A new product brochure on the Allied Water/SweetWater re- verse osmosis water maker is now available from Allied Water Cor- poration of Walworth, Wis. Ac- cording to Bob Daniels, vice pres- ident, the R/O brochure thor- oughly describes the reverse os- mosis process complete with membrane illustrations, system flow diagrams, product water test results, and cost comparisons.
All standard and optional fea- tures are clearly defined. Speci- fications featured include capac- ities, dimensions, and weights as well as feed water flow rates, water connection sizes, and elec- trical requirements. A special section emphasizes the impor- tance of understanding proper prefiltration.
The Allied Water/SweetWater unit is said to be an energy- efficient R/O water maker that is smartly designed and engi- neered, capable of producing fresh water from virtually any water source. SweetWater is com- pact and portable. Units range in size from 100 gpd to 4,000 gpd.
Applications include, but are not limited to, commercial-pleasure marine, offshore drilling, hospi- tals, resorts, and residences.
For further information on the
Allied Water/SweetWater reverse osmosis water maker,
Write 21 on Reader Service Card
At work offshore for Petrobras is the Rincao, 185' by GS1 with a 16' depth. This tug/supply vessel is one of five built for Brazil.
At work offshore for NASA is the UTC Freedom. 176' by 3T.
Designed to recover the space shuttle's rocket booster, this vessel and her sister ship, the UTC Liberty, can also accommodate a variety of scientific and technical missions.
At work for the University of Miami is the coastal zone research vessel Cape Florida. The 135' vessel will work a wide variety of research projects for the University.
At work for the Louisiana based Circle Bar Drilling Company is the posted drill barge Pat Taylor. It is rated to work drilling depths of up to 30,000 feet.
These vessels are built just as tough as the jobs they have to do. Built by proud Florida shipbuilders who bring generations of craftsmanship to every project.
They carry on their skilled tradition in one of the Souths best equipped yards. Spacious assembly buildings, five assembly locations, sophisticated welding capabilities and year 'round good weather make it possible to build a wide variety of vessels and to build them well.
We deliver the best boat for the money . . . and we deliver it on schedule.
Atlantic Marine, Inc.
P. O. Box 138 Ft. George Island, Jacksonville, Florida 32226 U.S.A. (904)251-3111 TWX: 8109326893 58 Write 238 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News