Page 27: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1982)

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May 3-6, 1982 Houston photo -

E.T. Mosley,

ALC0 Power Inc.

The technology used to find and produce offshore resources has probably undergone more ad- vancement over the last decade than any other segment of any other industry.

The most recent advances will be revealed at the 14th annual

Offshore Technology Conference set for May 3-6 at the Astro- domain complex in Houston, Tex- as. In the scope of its exhibits and technical presentations, OTC will be proportionally as vast, as challenging, and stimulating as the oceans with which it is con- cerned.

An expanded technical program featuring scholarly papers from more than 23 countries, more than one-million total square feet of technical exhibits, and an un- surpassed opportunity to ex- change ideas with the industry's best-known experts await the 1982 OTC participant.

About 300 authoritative pa- pers, never before published, will be delivered at 48 technical ses- sions that have been organized by 12 of the world's leading sci- entific and engineering societies.

A special feature of the program will be a session titled "National

Plans for Offshore Energy De- velopment," featuring officials from several countries who will present their respective points of view on the development of off- shore resources in light of each country's total energy require- ments.

Exhibits totaling a record 625,- 000 square feet of space display- ing products and services appli- cable to the offshore sector will be available for the visitor—pres- entations unequalled in size and scope by any other industry- related show. From offshore oil and gas drilling, completion, and production equipment to naviga- tion and communication devices, pollution control systems, power generation, and research equip- ment—the technical exhibits will present more accumulated equip- ment and services for ocean re- source development than has ever (continued on page 53)

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.