Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (April 1982)

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OTC '82

Technical Program

Wednesday Morning (continued from page 62) 4415 Effects on and Recovery of Micro- plankton and Microbenthon to Gulf of

Mexico Oil Spills 4416 Installation of a Bell Shaped Structure for Underwater Blow-Out Control 4417 Sock Skimmer — Performance and

Field Tests 4418 Oil Spill Contingency Plans Do Work 4419 Environment Protection in the Beatrice

Field Development

Wednesday Afternoon 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. • Arctic Island Construction

OTC 4333




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The economics of vessel operation and construction in today's extremely competitive Marine environment requires careful analysis of loads imposed on deck.

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ISOLAMIN panels, at only 4.5 pounds per square foot, will allow you to reduce that costly weight on deck load. If you are interested in "losing weight". ISOLAMIN offers you an alternative . . . Look into the benefits and savings in our accommodation systems, and our belief that. . "At Sea... Second Best Won't Do." ***See us at the Offshore Technology Conference in Booth 9529 (Outside). i\ 100

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Write 193 on Reader Service Card Write 146 on Reader Service Card

Design Aspects of a Mobile Arctic

Caisson 4334 Selection of Local Design Ice Pres- sures for Arctic Systems 4335 The Construction of Artificial Drilling

Islands and Sheetpile Enclosed Drill- sites in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea 4336 Freezing Front Penetration in Granular

Fill Saturated in Seawater 4337 Thaw Settlement Prediction of Drill-

Built with Frozen Gravels 4338 The Feasibility of Winter Hydraulic

Dredging for Island Construction in the Alaska Beaufort Sea • Seafloor Surveying and Mapping

OTC 4339 4340 4341 4342 4343 4344

Performance Evaluation of an Ad- vanced Sonar in Hydrographic Survey- ing and Offshore Operations

TOPO-SSS A Phase-Measuring Side- scanning Sonar for Contour Mapping of the Seabed

Seismic Reflection Profiling for Near- shore Construction

A Seismic Survey Aids Foundation

Design and Reduces Cost

Computerized Data Base for Offshore


High-Resolution Geohazards Surveys for OCS Oil and Gas Leases • SPM Design and Analysis

OTC 4345 4346 4347 4348 4349 4350

Systematic Evaluation of Rigid Yoke

SPM Designs for Mooring Large Off- shore Floating Plants

Experience in Analysis of SPM Sys- tems

A Permanent Mooring for a Deep

Water Production System

Single Point Mooring System for Open

Sea Service

Control of the Low-Frequency Motions of Single-Point Moored Vessels

Design of a New Concept of Single

Point Mooring for Very Deep Waters

Drilling and Production Technology

OTC 4351 4352 4353 4355 4356 4357

The 15,000 PSI BOP System for

Floating Drilling

A Continuous Flexible 15,000 PSI

Kill and Choke Line System from the

BOP Stack to Deck—First Experience in the North Sea

An Experimental Study of Well Control

Procedures for Deep Water Drilling


Reliability of Down Hole Safety Valves

Used in the North Sea

Electric Power Slip Ring Assembly for Marine Riser Systems

Odin Field Development • Underwater Inspection

OTC 4358 4359 4360 4361 4362 4363

In-Service Experiences with Eleven

Offshore Concrete Structures

Increased Efficiency in the Subsea

Inspection of Structures in the

Ekofisk Area

Structural Inspection and Maintenance in a North Sea Environment

Underwater Nondestructive Thickness

Measurement of Corrosion-Pitted Steel


The Ultrasonic Torch—A Novel Device for Monitoring Steel Structures Un- derwater

Underwater Inspection System for the

Storm Surge Barrier in the Eastern

Scheldt • External Corrosion and Control

OTC 4364 An Electrolytic System for Controlling

Marine Growth and Corrosion in Sea

Water Service Systems 4365 Deep Water Effects on Cathodic Pro- tection 4366 Telluric Current Effects on Cathodic

Protection Potential Measurements on

Subsea Pipelines 4367 Advances in Computerized Design and (continued on page 68)

Maritime Reporter/Engineering News

Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.