Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1982)
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Investment opportunity in Naval
Shipyards and similar Industries
Portuguese State wishes to contact parties interested in the nego- tiation of temporary leasing cession of the industrial complex named «SETENAVE - Estaleiros Navais de Setubal, EP», by means of a contract to be established between the State of Portugal and a Company fulfilling the Reference Terms defined for the purpose.
These Reference Terms will be available to the interested parties at the Portuguese Embassies, at the Delegation of the Institute of
Foreign Trade and the Portuguese Banking Branches and Repre- sentative Offices abroad and in Lisbon at the Secretary of State of
Finance and Industry, and in Setubal at the SETENAVE, P.O. Box 135 - Setubal, Portugal, Telex 13143 - SETENAV P, Telephone 2 01 00.
The interested parties have to submit to «Secretaria de Estado das Finangas - Comissao Setenave», in sealed envelopes and not later than September 15, 1982 their letters of intent of bidding for «SETENAVE» exploitation, accompanied by the documents dee- med relevant for their pre-qualification, including as obligatory, those which give the profile of the Company: articles of associa- tion, board, balance sheets reports and operating accounts cove- ring the last three years, industrial equipment of their own, refe- rences as to shipping and naval experience and other areas directly connected hereto.
September 1, 1982 Write 650 on Reader Service Card 21