Page 18: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1982)
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SMM '82 (continued from page 23)
Hamburg e.V. in Vereinigung
Deutscher Schiffsingenieure.
Chairmen for ICST '82 are
Direktor i. R. Albert Schutt and
Jens W. Mahrt.
Following introductory re- marks by Karl-Friedrich Steen,
W. Peters of Fachhochschule
Hamburg will examine managing energy aboard ships. H. Breyer,
Esso AG, will discuss the status of efforts to standardize marine fuels. A report by R. Royle will be presented on Det norske Veri- tas fuel quality testing program.
The influence of fuel standard- ization on ship operating costs will be dealt with by W. Bauer of Salzburg.
K. Dohmel, Deutsche Shell
Tankergesellschaft, will examine problems relating to fuel quality in bulk shipping.
Experience gained using differ- ent fuel qualities in the opera- tion of liner vessels is the sub- ject of the talk by H.-J. Schroter of Hapag Lloyd AG.
A talk on the influence of fuel standardization on the future de- velopment of diesel engines for
Minimum Size. Maximum Power.
The ZF BW 250 marine gear series offers all the advantages of compact- ness and light weight. Without sacri- ficing speed, power and durability.
In fact, the BW 250 series is designed to handle up to 1,500 hp over a wide range of marine applications. From hard working work boats to high per- formance pleasure craft, the ZF BW 250 handles maximum power per pound in a compact, modular design that's easy to operate and easy to maintain.
Big Gear Performance.
Small Gear Package.
The ZF BW 250 outperforms j reversing/reduction or reduction only, the BW 250 features hydraulically- operated, oil-cooled multiple disc clutches. Motor-driven and prop- driven pumps. Anti-friction bearings.
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When you want outstanding perform- ance in the smallest, lightest marine gear available, specify the ZF BW 250 series. And get the quality, dura- bility and absolute precision that's made ZF the world leader in drive system technology. Plus a worldwide able service and parts back-up.
The BW 250 marine gears series.
Only from ZF. Write us at our new
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Power Corporation, P.O. Box 365,
Mineola, NY 11501 (516/742-1900).
ZF of NORTH AMERICA, INC. 3225 Commercial Avenue
Northbrook. Illinois 60062 ship operation will be introduced by O. Syassen.
O. Grone from Burmeister &
Wain, Copenhagen, will discuss fuel limit values for slow speed two-stroke engines. The influ- ence of heavy fuel oil character- istics on the operation of four- stroke engines will be examined by G. Vogtle of M.A.N. Augsburg.
Marine boilers and their com- bustion systems is the subject of a paper by H. Recht of Deutsche
Babcock. An expert from Stal
Laval Finspong will present a paper on high fuel economy with steam turbine plants.
General Information
The conference languages, ex- cept as noted above, will be Eng- lish and German. Simultaneous translation will be available.
Further information on both
SMM '82 and Intermaritec '82 is available from the organizers at the Hamburg Messe und Con- gress Centrum, Jungiusstrasse 13, 2000 Hamburg 36, Federal
Republic of Germany. The con- ference telephone number is 040/ 35 92-382; the exhibition number is 040/35 69-312. The telex num- ber for both is 212 609.
In the United States, further details may be obtained by con- tacting Hans Rathje, The Ham- burg Group, 545 Madison Avenue,
New York, NY 10022; telephone (212) 758-4651.
Accumulatorenfabrik Sonnenschein
Aggregatebau-Nord GmbH
Ahlemann Schlatter GmbH
Ahlmann-Maschinenbau GmbH
Alfa-Laval Industrietechnik GmbH
Allwiler Marine AG
Allwiler Gruppe
Friedrich H. Wolff
Amerglass B.V.
Anschutz & Co. GmbH
ASEA Lepper GmbH
Atlas Maritim GmbH & Co. KG
Hildegard Reintges
Willi Baensch Maschinenfabrik
Werner Baensch
Carl Baguhn KG
Bahco GmbH & Co.
Fritz Barthel Armaturen
Barthels & Luders GmbH