Page 21: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1982)
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Willi Becker
Ingenieurburo GmbH
Gebr. Becker KG
Claus Becker, Ulf Becker
Bell & Howell GmbH
Berg + Siebert KG Ingenieurburo
Bestobell Mobrey GmbH
OBO Bettermann OHG
Bilfinger + Berger
Binder Magnete GmbH
Blohm + Voss AG
Bode Gummi-Erzeugnisse Dichtungen
August F.M. Bohnhoff
Boll & Kirch Filterbau GmbH
Joh. Heinr. Bornemann GmbH & Co.
J. Bornhoft Industriegerate
MCT Brattberg GmbH, Hamburg
Horst Braunert Ingenieurburo
Lager- U. Betriebseinrichtung
Braunschweiger Huttenwerk GmbH
Ed. Breitenback GmbH
Bremer Vulkan AG
Schiffbau und Maschinenfabrik
Egon Breuell Ing.-Buero
British Overseas Trade Board
Brown, Boveri & Cie AG
Bottcher & Groning GmbH & Co.
Feodor Burgmann Dichtungswerke
GmbH & Co.
The Burmah Oil (Deutschland) GmbH
Castrol Marine Division
Butting Rohren- und Metall-Werke
GmbH & Co. KG
Cam rex Limited
Vogelsang Armaturen Vertr. GmbH
Chris-Marine AB
Holger Clasen GmbH + Co.
Classen + Co.
Rolf Clausen
Clayton Deutschland GmbH
Compagnie Deutsch GmbH
Conver Ingenieur-Technik GmbH &
Co. KG
Creusot-Loire S.A.
Cummins Diesel Deutschland
AG Nach Amerik. Recht
Dammstoff Industrie GmbH
DAF Nutzfahrzeuge Deutschland GmbH
Dalex-Werke Niepenberg & Co. GmbH
Dantronik GmbH & Co. KG
Debeg GmbH
Deckma GmbH
Delaval Turbine GmbH
Kathe Denecke
Depa GmbH
Heinrich Desch KG
Antriebselemente und Getriebe
Det norske Veritas
Deuta-Werke GmbH
Deutsche Bronswerk GmbH
Deutsche Fibercast GmbH
Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications
Dodwell & Co., Ltd.
Dragerwerk AG
Deutsche Telemecanique Electrique
EB Communications GmbH
Ebro-Armaturen Gebr. Broer GmbH
Eckernforder Motorenfabrik
Karl Rehbein
K.H. Einfeldt VDI Ingenieur-Buro
Eisenwerke Reintjes GmbH
H.E. Eissing KG GmbH & Co.
Elatec Oy (AG)
Elna Elektro-Navigation und Industrie
Max Engel
Enraf-Nonius Vertriebsgesellschaft
Eskawe GmbH Kalte- und
Klimaanlagen GmbH
FAG Kugelfischer Georg Schafer & Co.
Dr. Fahrentholz
Felten & Guilleaume Energietechnik
Fernsteuergerate Kurt Delsch GmbH
R.W. Fernstrum & Company
Filterwerk Mann & Hummel GmbH
The Finnish Foreign Trade Association
Flexibox GmbH
Format Chemie + Apparate GmbH
Friedrich GmbH
E. Friedrichs & Sohne Armaturen GmbH
G + H Montage GmbH
Peter Gast Shipping GmbH
GEA Luftkuhlergesellschaft
Happel GmbH & Co.
Geka-Warmetechnik GmbH & Co. KG
Germanischer Lloyd AG
Gustav F. Gerts GmbH & Co. KG
Gesellschaft Fur Oltechnik GmbH
Glacier Metal Nederland B.V.
Goetze AG
Th. Goldschmidt AG
Granges Metalock GmbH
Guascor S.A.
E. Gulbrandsen GmbH & Co. KG
Hagglunds GmbH
Heinrich Habermann GmbH
Hagenuk GmbH
KG Hamann Wassertechnik GmbH
Hamburgische Schiffbau-
Versuchsanstalt GmbH
Hamburger Stahlmobelfabrik
Alfred Thomsen GmbH & Co.
Paul Hammelmann Maschinenfabrik
GmbH & Co. KG
GmbH & Co. KG
Hapag-Lloyd Werft GmbH
Robert Hatecke GmbH & Co. KG
Stader Bootswerft
Hatlapa Uetersener Maschinenfabrik
Motorenfabrik Hatz GmbH & Co. KG
Georg Hechelmann Nachif. (continued on page 27)
The Raytheon Big lens. Because we all need reliable radar performance. • Built-in variable range marker with three digit readout pinpoints target distances within 1 /100th of a mile on short ranges, within l/10th of a mile on long ranges. • Choice of 4 or 6-foot antennas, each with 25° vertical beamwidth to compensate for vessel pitch and roll. • Complete controls for tuning, gain, sea clutter and rain suppression, CRT intensity, panel illumination, etc. • Manually rotated parallel line cursor. • High-persistence CRT for bright sharp pictures.
Extra performance.
Economical options to meet specific operating requirements include: • Off-centering kit. • Gyro-stabilized north-up presentation kit. • Gyro-interfaced true-bearing kit. • Optical magnifier for the equivalent of a 15-inch picture. • Reflection plotter. • Additional variable range marker with digital readout.
Unmatched two-year warranty.
These Raytheon
Marine products have a two-year limited parts warranty plus one-year free on-board service within 50 miles of any of our 210
U.S. dealers and worldwide service network in major ports everywhere.
COMPANY 676 Island Pond Road
Manchester, New
Hampshire 03103 USA
Telephone: (603) 668-1600
Telex: 94-3459
Ideal for workboats and fishing boats where space is at a premium,
Model 6410 and Model 6425 are also superb back-up radars for large, high-seas vessels. Each features a big 10-inch display in an extremely compact unit that may be pedestal, bulkhead, table-top, or overhead mounted. A number of extra- performance options are available including gyro-stabilization now required on large ocean-going vessels.
River models are also available with statute-mile ranges, stern flasher, and off-centering.
Economical installations.
These Mariners Pathfinder®
Radars have a combined scanner/ transceiver for easy installation aloft.
An optional below-deck transceiver is available. Model 6410 has a 10-kW output. Model 6425 a 25-kW output for extra long-range performance.
Big-ship features.
Standard features of both units include: • Ten ranges from 1/4 to 64 miles for river, harbor, and high-seas navigation. • Four pulse lengths and repetition rates for optimum target detection and definition on all ranges.
September 1, 1982 Write 650 on Reader Service Card 21