Page 24: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1983)

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Whitney Associates Named

New Bow Thruster Agent

For Elliott Company

Paul M. Cornez, White Gill

Thrusters product manager for

Elliott Company's Springfield,

Ohio, operation—a subsidiary of

United Technologies Corporation —has announced that Whitney

Associates Inc. of San Diego,

Calif., has been selected as the agent to represent their new product line in California and


Rick Whitney, president, and his associates are well-known to the marine industry in this ter- ritory through their long stand- ing affiliation with naval archi- tects, shipbuilders, and ship op- er&tors

The Elliott White Gill Thrust- ers provide 360 degrees of thrust which permits vessels to be ma- neuvered in any direction, or to hold position in rough waters.

These thrusters can also be used as auxiliary propulsion if needed.

Since the Elliott White Gill

Thruster does not extend beyond the vessel's hull lines, it stays free of underwater hazards, lines and divers, and is extremely use- ful on workboats. It also replaces the need for tugs on larger ves- sels. Models are available with up to 38,000 pounds of thrust.

SS Oliver Hazard Ferry - . » f

The John Crane MX9



SEALING TECHNOLOGY rhe John Crane MX9 represents state- >f-the-art stern tube sealing technology, rhis innovative design—incorporating i single convolution bellows and readily eplaceable face wearing components— :reated a revolution in sealing design philosophy. And the MX9 represents a woven philosophy, successfully lemonstrated at sea. vlaintaining the integrity of line shaft :omponents, virtually eliminating corrosion problems with the line shaft rearing, providing maintenance-free operation for extended time periods and MX9 Stern Shaft Seal offering an auxiliary packing provision enabling emergency shaft sealing are critical problems of fluid movement solved by the MX9 Stern Shaft Seal. in j # These are solutions that have x CIL I, led to U.S. Navy acceptance of the John Crane MX9 for Fourth-Flight new constructions and backfit under PSA and ROHon the FFG-7 Class.

Discover the diversity of experience in

John Crane engineered sealing. That's proven performance aboard commercial and government vessels worldwide. John

Crane means confidence and reliability.

Put it to work for you.

For more information, contact a John

Crane field engineer without obligation.

Or request Bulletin M-100. John Crane,

Marine and Government Division. 6400

Oakton Street. Morton Grove. 1L 60053. 312/967-3873.

Crane Packing

As the local agent, Whitney

Associates will provide product application assistance to ship de- signers and builders interested in improving maneuverability to dy- namic positioning in their vessels.

ABS Publishes Rules For

Steel Vessels For

Southeast Asia Service

The American Bureau of Ship- ping (ABS) has published Rules for Building and Classing Steel

Vessels for Service in Southeast

Asia. These rules, which have been approved by the ABS South- east Asia Committee and the

ABS Technical Committee, are applicable to self-propelled steel vessels under 61 meters (200 feet) in length intended for serv- ice in Southeast Asia. The cost of Rules for Building and Class- ing Steel Vessels for Service in

Southeast Asia is $20 and can be ordered through ABS offices in the U.S. and Southeast Asia.

John Little Named

Marketing Manager

By Hagglund Products

John Little

John Little has been named marketing manager of Hagglund

Products Division, ASEA, Inc., located in Houston, Texas. The announcement was made recently by Claes G. Spens, the division's general manager.

Mr. Little is responsible for marketing the company's high- torque low-speed hydraulic mo- tors and hydraulic disc brakes for industry. These products are sold in North America to mining, marine, offshore petroleum, au- tomotive, and manufacturing in- dustries.

Before joining Hagglund, Mr.

Little served with Sperry Vickers for 15 years, the last eight of them in the U.S. At Vickers he held a variety of management po- sitions in sales, marketing plan- ning, and product management, including assignments in Great

Britain, continental Europe, and

Latin America.

Previous to this, Mr. Little held various design engineering positions in Great Britain.

ASEA Inc. is a worldwide de- signer, manufacturer and mar- keter of hydraulic, electrical, electronic and robotic equipment.

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