Page 31: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (January 15, 1983)
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Barber President Named
Commissioner Of Pilots w^fo -ifZ^ WHHm mm** ^fpw^ -W / Hp
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Robert H. Pouch
Robert H. Pouch, president and chief executive officer of Barber
Steamship Lines, Inc., has been elected by the New York Cham- ber of Commerce and Industry as
Commissioner of Pilots of the
State of New York, it was an- nounced by James P. McAllister,
Commission chairman.
The six-member board of com- missioners is responsible for the administration of the state's nav- igation laws relating to pilotage services and the licensing of pi- lots on all state waters includ- ing New York Harbor, the Hud- son River and Long Island Sound.
Mr. Pouch has been involved with the maritime industry since earning his B.S., USCG Third
Mate's License from Maine Mari- time Academy, and U.S. Naval
Reserve Commission in 1962. He served as a deck officer with
American Export Lines, and sub- sequently held management po- sitions with Pouch Terminal, Inc.,
Medalist Industries, United States
Navigation / Hapag Lloyd and
Barber Steamship Lines.
Solus Ocean Systems
Awarded Nine-Rig Support
Contract In Abu Dhabi
Solus Ocean Systems, Inc.,
Houston, Texas, has recently an- nounced that it has been awarded a one-year contract by Zakum
Development Company to provide diving services in support of nine jackup rigs and to provide gen- eral inspection diving services in the upper Zakum Field, offshore
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emir- ates.
Bates To Retire As ACL
Chairman At End Of '83, —Koch Named Successor
Atlantic Container Line (ACL) announced recently that Philip
Bates will retire as chairman and chief executive of Atlantic Con- tainer Line Services, Limited,
Southampton, U.K., on Decem- ber 31, 1983. Bengt Koch will suc- ceed Mr. Bates. "The orders for ACL's five new third generation ships have been placed for delivery during the first half of 1984, and they will hold the start of a new phase for ACL," said Mr. Bates. "The end of 1983, therefore, seems a very appropriate time for me to hand over my responsibilities af- ter 15 years with ACL."
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He will continue as a director of ACL Ltd. and will act as a consultant to the ACL board.
Mr. Bates joined Thos. and JNO
Brocklebank Ltd., a subsidiary of the Cunard Steam-Ship Co.
Ltd. in 1946 and became deputy chairman in 1962. In 1956 he was appointed managing director of Cunard Line Ltd., and three years late, a director of ACL
Ltd. to represent Cunard's inter- est in ACL. In 1968 he became deputy chairman of the Cunard
Steam-Ship Co. Ltd., and was ap- pointed to ACL Services as part- time chairman. A year later he resigned from Cunard and ac- cepted the full-time appointment of chairman and chief executive of ACL Services.
Mr. Koch joined ACL Services in 1972 as commercial director.
In 1976 he was appointed com- mercial and operations director and became managing director in 1980. He entered the transporta- tion industry in 1967 as manag- ing director of the British and
Northern Shipping Agency Ltd. in London—then a subsidiary of
Swedish Lloyd Shipping Co.
ACL is owned by six major
European lines: Compagnie Gen- erale Maritime (France) ; The
Cunard Steam-Ship Co. PLC (U.K.) ; Intercontinental Trans- port (ICT) BV (Netherlands) ;
Swedish American Line (Swe- den) ; The Transatlantic Steam- ship Co. (Sweden), and Wallen- ius Lines (Sweden).
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Forged rings are welded to posts at regular intervals. They have eight openings that enable the horizontals to be connected at various angles. Like our Gold Medal TubeLox scaffold- ing, all QES components are hot-dipped galvanized for longer service life.
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