Page 38: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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^SfrroftjtifiKl iiBIHlli if-; fej Halter To Build Deepwater, ME 202s And ME 303s
In The United States
Principal Dimensions
Length overall . 68.00 m (223')
Breadth moulded 15.60 m (51')
Depth moulded . . 7.45 m (24' 5")
Speed 16.5 knots
Drilling Water/Ballast W. 560 m3
(560 tons)
Potable Water . 970 m3 (970 tons)
Fuel Oil 1,080 m3 (900 tons)
Cement . . . . 226 m3 (8,000 cu. ft.)
in three tanks
Main deck cargo 1,150 tons
Propulsion Machinery
Twin screw total 2 x 6,000
bhp/12,000 bhp
Bowthrusters . 2 x 800 hp variable
pitch el. driven
Sternthruster 1 x 800 hp variable
pitch el. driven
4 engines each 3,000 hp
Steering gear with independent oper-
ation of each rudder
Bollard pull . 2 x 70 tons—140 tons
Generator sets . 2 diesel driven
each 350 kva
2 shaft generators
each 1,600 kva
Navigation, Communications
Gyrocompass with autopilot
Magnetic compass
Poscon type joystick with automatic
heading control
Decca Navigator Mk21
2 VHFs
6 UHFs
Speed log
Decca radar 1216/plotter
Decca radar-916
Direction finder
Halter Marine, Inc., of New
Orleans, La., and Maritime En-
gineering A.S., of Oslo, Norway,
have signed an agreement grant-
ing Halter exclusive rights in the
U.S. to build all of the ME series
vessels in excess of 201 feet.
Halter also has the license on a
nonexclusive basis worldwide.
Maritime Engineering A/S is
a well-known marine engineering
and naval architecture firm with
a successful history of designing
a variety of vessels that serve
offshore oil fields in some of the
most hostile seas in the world.
In making the announcement,
R.J. Shopf, president of Halter
Marine said: "This agreement
reflects our interest in offering
a proven line of versatile vessels
that can work in such areas as
the North Sea, Beaufort Sea,
North Atlantic, and just about
any hostile weather area in the
world. The Maritime Engineer-
ing vessels give us proven de-
signs, backed by extensive cold
water experience coupled with
the high-quality productivity of
our six shipyards."
He added Halter will continue
to offer its own line of vessels
including its new 225-foot Sea
Titan series, and indicated that
even larger designs are on the
Halter drawing boards now.
Two of the Maritime Engineer-
ing vessels that are available
now from Halter are the ME 303
and ME 202. The ME 303 is a
deepwater, anchor/handling, tug7
supply boat designed to handle
the anchors of the new gener-
ation of semisubmersible drilling
The 223-foot, 12,000-bhp ves-
sel features large capacities and
deadweight carrying capabilities,
a sophisticated two drum anchor'
handling winch with over 150-
tons of winch pull, a carefully
planned layout including allow-
ances for fire fighting, and eco-
nomical engines that allow for
the use of heavy bunker fuel.
The ME 202 is a 220-foot,
6,000-kva, 7,200-bhp, diesel elec-
tric platform supply vessel. It is
designed to carry a higher pay-
load than normal supply boats
while remaining within conven-
tional size. Twin screw, independ-
ent spade type rudders with two
bowthrusters forward and one
aft make the vessel highly ma-
Cargo discharge from the ME
202 should be possible in winds
up to 40-knots and a 3-knot cur-
rent without using anchors by
use of a combination of 360-
degree azimuthing main propul-
sion units, two 2,000-bhp, two
900-bhp bowthrusters, and joy-
stick control.
The ME 202's high fuel econ-
omy is further enhanced by the
design's allowance for the use of
heavy bunker fuel.
For complete information and
literature on the ME 303 and
ME 202,
Write 16 on Reader Service Card
Alaskan Office Opened By
Global Marine Divisions
Global Marine Development
Inc., Newport Beach, Calif.,
(GMDI) and Oceanographic Serv-
ices Inc. (OSI) Goleta, Calif.,
jointly announced the opening re-
cently of their Anchorage liaison
office in the newly constructed
Frontier Building.
Manager of the new office is
Harold Ramsden of Global Ma-
rine Development Inc. Mr. Rams-
den was formerly manager of
construction, estimating, and
contract administration for Glo-
bal Marine before becoming man-
ager of sales in 1977.
The office was opened as a re-
sult of the increasing level of
offshore oil activity in Alaska
such as the recent Diapir Field
lease sale.
Global Marine Development
and Oceanographic Services are
divisions of Global Marine Inc.,
a major international offshore
drilling contractor. Global Ma-
rine Development Inc. is the
development arm of Global Ma-
rine Inc. One of its principal ac-
tivities is the design and devel-
opment of specialized steel and
concrete offshore structures for
drilling in the Arctic.
Oceanographic Services Inc.
has spent many years in devel-
oping and installing instrumenta-
tion and taking measurements of
offshore Arctic ice, wave, and
bathymetry conditions.
Principal Dimensions
Length overall 67.4m (220.4')
Breadth moulded 16.8m (55.1')
Depth moulded . 7.1m (23.3')
Propulsion Machinery
Diesel electric system constructed
for "periodically unattended ma-
chinery space"
4 main generator sets 4 x 1,200 kw
4 engines each 1,800 bhp
alternators 4 x 1,500 kva, 600v,
60 Hz
Harbour generator, diesel driven 150
Azimuth thrusters:
2 x 2,000 bhp variable pitch, 360 de-
grees rotating el. driven, 2 x 24
tons thrust.
Bow thrusters:
2 x 900 hp, variable pitch, el. driven
2 x 10.6 tons thrust.
Speed: 12.5 knots cruising speed
13.5 knots trial speed
Max deck cargo: 1,650 tons with cen-
ter of gravity 1 m above main deck.
Cement tanks: 14,000 cu. ft. in 5
Drilling water: 924 m3 ( 947 tons)
/1,893 m3 (1,893 tons)
Fresh water: 1,040 m3 (1,040 tons)
Fuel oil: 1,269 m3 (1,060 tons)
Navigation, Communications
2 Decca radars type RM1216C. With
gyro stabilization, reflector platter,
1 SSB, 400-watt radio, fully transis-
2 VHFs, 25 Watt
1 Decca Navigator
1 Echosounder
1 International direction finder
1 Gyrocompass with autopilot
1 Decca autopilot
1 Magnetic compass
1 Joystick interface with autopilot
and gyrocompass
1 Speed log. Doppler type.
40 Maritime Reporter/Engineering News