Page 54: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (March 1983)
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Honeywell Names Holman
Vice President & General
Manager, Marine Division
Jerry L. Holman has been named vice president and gen- eral manager of Honeywell's Ma- rine Systems Division (MSD) in
Seattle, Wash., according to
Warde F. Wheaton, executive vice president of Honeywell's
Aerospace and Defense business.
He will report to Richard J. Boyle, vice president and group execu- tive for the Defense and Marine
Systems Group. Mr. Holman suc- ceeds Michael R. Bonsignore who has been promoted to president of Honeywell's foreign subsidi- ary, Honeywell Europe S.A.
Mr. Holman will be responsi- ble for MSD's two major business areas: naval acoustic equipment and offshore operations. He will direct the division's 1,500 em- ployees in the design, develop- ment, and production of elec- tronic systems for the offshore oil industry and military.
Since joining Honeywell in 1960, Mr. Holman has held sev- eral management positions. For the past two years he was direc- tor of operations at Marine Sys- tems Operations and prior to that he was manager of operations for the Defense Electronics Division. $5-Million Sub Life Cycle
Management Contract To
Vitro Laboratories
Automation Industries Incor- porated, Vitro Laboratories Di- vision, Silver Spring, Md., has been awarded a $5,039,000 cost- plus-fixed-fee contract for engi- neering and technical support for the Naval Sea Systems Command
Submarine Life Cycle Manage- ment Program. The Naval Sea
Systems Command, Washington,
D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-83-C-2006).
Korean Shipyard Increases
Capacity Of Hydranautics
Shiplift By 62 Percent
An increase of 62 percent in total lifting capacity has been made on the Hydraunautics Ship- lift installation at Korea Tacoma
Marine Industries shipyard at
Masan, Korea, according to John
Johnson, director of shipyard sys- tems of Hydranautics Hydraulic
Systems, Goleta, Calif.
By preplanning the entire mod- ification, it was possible to install additional lift points and two new platform sections with only four weeks downtime, Mr. John- son stated.
The chain-jack Shiplift system was first installed at Masan in 1975 and had a maximum lifting capacity of 2,600 tons. The re- cently completed modifications in- crease this figure to 4,200 tons and meet all requirements for
Lloyd's Registry certification.
The sale was made by Hydra- nautics in concert with the Mace
Company, Hydranautics' repre- sentative in Korea.
For complete information on the Hydranautics systems,
Write 32 on Reader Service Card
BIW Awarded $7.6-Million
Contract For PSA Work On
Guided Missile Frigates
Bath Iron Works Corporation,
Bath, Maine, has been awarded a $7,600,000 cost-plus-fixed-fee con- tract for design and material for the accomplishment of the post shakedown availability of FFG- 36, FFG-39, FFG-40 and FFG-42.
The Supervisor of Shipbuilding,
Conversion and Repair, Bath,
Maine, is the contracting activity (N00024-80-G-2146). $3.8-Million Change Kit
Contract To Louis Allis
Litton Industrial Products In- corporated, Louis Allis Division,
Milwaukee, Wis., has been award- ed a $3,812,641 firm-fixed-price contract for 29 Louis Allis power supply engineering change kits, checkout services, engineering services, and associated support.
The Naval Sea Systems Com- mand, Washington, D.C., is the contracting activity (N00024-82-
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FinCAnTICRI 54 Write 149 on Reader Service Card Write 144 on Reader Service Card Maritime Reporter/Engineering News