Page 14: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (August 1983)
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SNAME Panel SP-8 Members Survey
NASSCO's Productivity Gains
Recent accomplishments by the industrial engineering staff and
Sheetmetal Department at Na- tional Steel and Shipbuilding Co. (NASSCO) were viewed by Panel
SP-8 of The Society of Naval Ar- chitects and Marine Engineers at the spring industrial engineering meeting held recently in San Diego,
NASSCO is one of six U.S. ship- yards currently involved in funded efforts to improve shipyard pro- ductivity under the sponsorship of
Panel SP-8. Publication of the re- sults and cost saving potential de- veloped through these efforts is generally augmented by actual demonstrations, provided in con- junction with regular panel meetings.
Panel SP-8 on Industrial Engi- neering is one of SNAME's nine technical and research panels of the Ship Production Committee.
Panel sponsored projects are funded by the U.S. Maritime Administra- tion and the U.S. Navy on a cost- shared basis with the shipbuilding and ship repair industry.
The objective of SNAME Panel
SP-8 is to assist U.S. shipyards in the development and implementa- tion of an improved industrial en- gineering capability in order to re- duce the time and cost of ship construction and repair.
The present program at NAS-
SCO involves the use of Engi- neered Labor Standards to facili- tate shop loading for the 200 man sheet metal shop. One aspect of the system involves the standard- ization of 14 ventilation duct shapes which has simplified both the de- sign process and the application of engineered labor standards. A re- lated effort by NASSCO's shop planners has been the develop- ment of a Computer Aided Design system which incorporated these standardized shapes.
The 30-member industrial engi- neering panel represents naval and commercial shipyards, Mar-
Ad, the Naval Sea Systems
Command, and the industrial en- gineering profession. Persons in- terested in SNAME Panel SP-8 activities are invited to contact
Panel secretary Joseph R. Phil- lips at (207) 443-3311, ext. 3360.
Durbin-Durco Introduces ^
New Type Of Load Binders —Free Literature Offered
Durbin-Durco, Inc., a St. Louis- based manufacturer of load secu- rity products, recently announced a major design breakthrough in load binders. The binder, devel- oped by the company's engineer- ing department, results in a sig- nificant reduction of time needed to secure a load, and keep it se- cured, during transit.
The new binders, manufactured under the "Adjust-Tight" trade- mark, will be available with a wide range of capacities. Litera- ture is offered describing them.
The "Adjust-Tight" binder com- bines the speed of a lever binder with the flexibility of a ratchet binder, through the incorporation of a threaded barrel. The "Adjust-
Tight" binder user does not have to search for the correct chain link to give him the right "feel" or ten- sion when locking down the han- dle. He grabs the chain once, and twists the barrel one way or the other to set the tension needed.
For complete details,
Write 81 on Reader Service Card.
Canadian Navy Awards $3.85 Billion, Six Frigate
Contract To Saint John
The Canadian Government has awarded a $3.85-billion contract to
Saint John Shipbuilding & Dry- dock Co., St. John, New Bruns- wick, as prime contractor for the construction of six navy frigates.
Saint John Shipbuilding will col- laborate on the project with Sperry
Inc., a unit of Sperry Corp. The government said three of the ships will be built by Saint John Ship- building and three by Marine In- dustries Ltd., Sorel, Quebec.
Take the risk out of your drinking water!
EVERPURE'S Bromination Systems will protect your crew's health - and keep you financially healthy.
One refreshing glass of inad- equately treated water can lay a man up for days. Costly days of lower production So at Everpure we spent ten years and thousands of dollars researching how to apply the superior disinfectant properties of bromine to ship- board drinking water treatment.
The result is our full line of
Bromination Systems, safer and more effective than chlorine or silver, more reliable than ultraviolet.
Paired with our MD Series of pre- coat water filters, we'll give you safe, delicious tasting water! And keep your crew on the job. We have a Brom-D-Brom System for your vessel, rig or platform. Any size, anywhere Call or write us for the name of your nearest distributor
We'll load the dice in your favor.
Next time you need a butterfly valve, call out a Norris
Marine*. Just dial toll free, 1-800-331-4468 and ask for
George Little. Tell him you need a Norris Marine* and you'll really get some attention.
Quality. For more than a century. NORRIS
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The Marines* *Norris Bronze Body
Butterfly Valves.
The Few . . . When it comes down to competition for Norris Marines*, you really have to search. Full lug or double rib span, elastomer or metal lined, with performance features other valves can't match. Norris Marines* are in a high performance class by themselves.
The Proud . . . Compute the economics of Norris Marines*.
Their extended service life results in cost savings you can be proud of, they are easier to repair and are ideally suited to severe service.
The Norris Marines* . . . Norris R-
Series bronze body butterfly valves meet or exceed: Mil-V-22133C (Navy);
US Coast Guard-Marine Engineering
Regulations, 46 CFR 56.20-15 (b) (1), category "A" Service; American Bureau of
Shipping (ABS); Lloyds Register of Shipping and Det
Norske Veritas (DNV). M-Series bronze body butterfly valves meet or exceed: Mil-V-16468; ABS 35.45.5, "Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels"; and Marine
Engineering Regulations 46 CFR 56.50-60 (d) and are approved for root valve service. 16 Write 180 on Reader Service Card Write 168 on Reader Service Card