Page 31: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (October 1983)
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Tear this page out... and compare the lasting fuel efficient performance of Cat3400 Series Engines 3406 DITA gal/hr hp (kW) (Itr/hr) 3408 DITA gal/hr hp (kW) (Itr/hr) 3412 DITA gal/hr hp (kW) (Itr/hr)
Continuous @ 1200 rpm @ 1800 rpm 322 (240) 16.2 (61.3) 402 (300) 20.0 (75.7) 425 624 [317] 465) 20.8 30.7 (78.6) (116.2)
Medium-Duty @ 1200 rpm
Commercial @ 1800 rpm 349 (260) 17.6 (66.5) 432 (322) 21.4 (81.0) 475 637 23.3 31.4 (88.2) '118.9)
Light-Duty @ 2100 rpm
Commercial 402(300) 20.5 (77.6) 470 (350) 24.2 (91.5) 697(520) 35.7 (135.1)
Compare the fuel consumption of the Cat 3400 Series Marine Diesel Engines with competitive makes.
Compare your fuel consumption records with those of 3400 Series owners.. .you'll see savings of up to 10%. ? Compare the fuel-efficient design of the 3400 Series.
Jl. li ® fr- -v Vfl Aluminum alloy 3-ring pistons provide low weight and low friction for high fuel efficiency and long operating life.
Compare fuel system performance and service requirements. Caterpillar scroll-type pumps maintain fuel efficiency without periodic balancing or adjustment.
Centrifugal timing advance provides good fuel economy from idle to full rpm. No dribble fuel injectors cut exhaust emission levels and fuel waste.
Reliable Cat 3400 Series Engines are job- proven in millions of operating hours. They are the standard of comparison.
Talk to your Cat Dealer. He can help you select the best marine propulsion system.
Materials and specifications subject to change without notice.
Caterpillar, Cat and ffl are Trademarks of Caterpillar Tractor Co.
For more information on Cat Marine Engines and
Transmissions write Caterpillar Information Services,
P.O. Box 3900, Peoria, IL 61614.
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