Page 42: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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The New Boston Shipyard
Begins Operations
A new shipyard company, the
Boston Shipyard Corporation, has formally opened in East Boston,
Mass. The company has taken over the former Bethlehem Steel property, inactive since the fall of 1982.
Boston Shipyard is performing a mixture of commercial and gov- ernment repair work. The com- pany has worked on the United
States Coast Guard Cutters
USCGC Vigilant, USCGC Vigor- ous, the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institute vessel Atlantis
II, the training ship "State of
Maine," and numerous Military
Sealift Command Supply Ships for the U.S. Navy. In addition, var- ious fuel barges (self-propelled) from Texaco, Exxon, and Mobil Oil
Companies, have been overhauled. "The presence of Boston Ship- yard is a big boost to the Harbor," according to Brian Dacey, Bos- ton's EDIC Director, and "the com- pany will provide skilled, high- paying jobs for Boston residents and bring new life to the city's ship construction and repair industry."
Boston Shipyard has hired 225 workers and over 50 percent are
Boston residents. The company also plans to train 65 Boston resi- dents in marine trades such as ship fitting, marine electrical work, welding and machinist skills.
EDIC's Boston Technical Center has received approval for funding for the 12-week program from the
Neighborhood Development and
Employment Agency and the Bos- ton Private Industry Council.
Trainees would spend one day a week at the Boston Shipyard Cor- poration, and at the end of 12 weeks, would work full time at the company.
According to owner-president, J.
William Kenney, Boston Shipyard currently occupies 19 acres con-
The newly opened Boston Shipyard. taining 10 buildings, five piers, five cranes, and three drydocks.
The company is presently expand- ing to include 43 adjacent acres with four deepwater piers (40-foot depth) and approximately 150,000 square feet of covered new con- struction facilities. This will ena- ble Boston Shipyard Corporation to design and construct various types of ships, tugs, and barges up to 600-feet in length, utilizing the newest modular ship construction techniques.
For free literature fully describ- ing the facilities of Boston Ship- yard and the type of design, new construction, repair and overhaul work conducted at the new yard,
Write 21 on Reader Service Card r. MAIN IRON WORKS, INC.
SUPPLY BOATS, INLAND & OFFSHORE BARGES 3500 Ton Dock 200' x 100' 90' Between
Wing Walls 1500 Ton Dock 160' x 80' 70' Between
Wing Walls 850 Ton Dock 60' x 150' 50' Between
Wing Walls 300 Ton Dock 50' x 80' 40' Between
Wing Walls
Founded in 1948, Main Iron Works, Inc.'s current facilities are available for construction of new vessels ranging in size from 45' to 250 in length. Dry docking and a full range of repair services are also available, including a complete machine shop facility, sandblasting and painting services
With over thirty years experience and our record of service to the towing industry. Main
Iron Works, Inc. is ready to serve the needs of our past, present and future clients.
Air control mechanics
Electrical repairs, (rouble shooting
Hydraulic mechanics
Piping and plumbing repairs
Sandblasting and Painting
Complete machine shop service
A.B.S. approved for stainless steei
Cladding on main shafts
Complete wood working shop
Four Dry Docks: 300-Ton Capacity 850-Ton Capacity 1500-Ton CaDacitv
Machine Shop:
Lathes Capacity in teet — 36 Feet
Swing in inches — 30 Inches
Wet Slips:
Three slips available for your boats or barges to tie up while repairs or supplies are being comoleted
Shaft Storage Rack:
To avoid cosily delay in waiting for transport of shafts, we provide our customers storage for their spare main shafts and rubber shafts
Along with our parts inventory, we keep a stock of steel plates, pipe, angles, flat bars, and channels, all American Bureau of Shipping approved
We also have a supply of forgings and bar castings which enable us to subbly your needs efficiently
Crane Service: 100 Ton Fixed Stiffieq for Offloading and ^kiciucird
Marco Pacific Tuna
Purse Seiner (continued from page 47) tems on these vessels will be
MARCO, much of which will be furnished by MARCO's licensee,
Mitsui MARCO of Kobe, Japan.
Though the design shown here is the first model to be built in
Taiwan by MARCO Pacific, sev- from 200 to 2,000 metric tons, are being readied for production.
MARCO has indicated its will- ingness to assist developing fish- eries in analyzing their needs, se- lecting the correct size vessels, and determining the proper degree of mechanization. The company will also give assistance in the start-up of fishing operations and training of fishermen.
MARCO tuna purse seiners and other vessels,
Write 22 on Reader Service Card
Free 200-Page Book
Describes The Corrosion
Resistance Of Zinc "Zinc: Its Corrosion Resistance," a 200-page book that brings to- gether much detailed information tance of zinc and zinc-coated steel, is available free of charge from
Zinc Institute Inc., New York,
The book is divided into four chapters which deal with the cor- rosion resistance of zinc and gal- vanized steel in a great variety of atmospheric, aqueous, under- ground and chemical environ- ments. Extensive tabular presen-
Quality, Dependability ...Three things vital for a government specification marine coatings manufacturer to possess. Seaguard brings these three things to you with every can of paint on every order. If you need a consistent product, with quality, delivered dependably, Seaguard should be your supplier.
Owners of small boats use Seaguard paints with the same confidence as do the U.S. military commercial shipyards, and large shipping fleets. Seaguard's modern and well-equipped laboratory and research facilities monitor the quality of Seaguard products, as well as planning new ones to meet future needs.
Seaguard product line includes: Inorganic Zinc, Epoxy Poly- utherane, and Antifoulinq Shipbottom Paints.