Page 45: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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A cutaway view of barge showing FRAMO barge system.
A New Concept In Chemical
Barge Transportation
In order to provide high quality chemical transshipment service in the U.S. Gulf area, Stolt-Nielsen,
Inc., the Connecticut-based parcel tanker group, contracted with
Maryland Marine, Inc. for three stainless-steel barges which meet the strictest requirements to barg- ing between their large parcel tankers and terminals.
The barges, with stainless-steel tanks, have been upgraded with a cargo-handling system that meets the highest U.S. Coast Guard cert- ification standards.
Based upon their experience with the Frank Mohn stainless-steel submerged pumps, used by Stolt-
Nielsen throughout their fleet, two of the barges are retrofitted with individual submerged Frank Mohn pumps in all cargo tanks. This concept, the FRAMO barge sys- tem, being innovative in the barge operation, enables Maryland Ma- rine to handle a vast number of different cargoes with the same ef- ficiency and segregation as on- board Stolt-Nielsen's large parcel tanks. The combination of stain- less steel tanks and lines, and in- dividual in-tank mounted sub- merged pumps, ensures strict quality control and safety measures.
The first barge, which was con- verted at the Newpark Shipyard in Houston, entered service earlier this year, followed by the second barge two months later.
Equipped with a Stewart & Ste- venson GM diesel engine driving the hydraulic power pack and being able to carry up to eight different cargoes simultaneously and dis- charge 300 to 450 tons/h, the barges provide exceptional performance with regard to turnaround time and cleanliness standards.
Frank Mohn Houston Inc., re- ports this is the first time the
Frank Mohn pumps with their dis- charge performance and stripping capability have been installed in barges.
For a free descriptive brochure on the new "FRAMO Barge
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MARCO Pacific To Build
New Design Tuna Purse Seiner
MARCO Pacific Shipbuilding
Corporation, a subsidiary of
MARCO Seattle, has announced plans to build a new design tuna purse seiner. The vessel is 58 me- ters long, 11.5 meters wide, and 5 meters deep, with a carrying ca- pacity of 700 metric tons of frozen tuna in 12 refrigerated brine wells.
The ship's 2,900-hp main engine will generate a service speed of ap- proximately 15 knots.
The new vessel was designed by
Campbell Industries of San Diego, une of the world's leading builders of tuna purse seiners. These ships are designed especially for opera- tion from ports at medium dis- tance from the fishing grounds.
The design is a refinement of vessels of this size previously built by Campbell Industries. It takes into account the best features of
American tuna seiner design along with some modifications to the re- frigeration system based on the most recent Japanese experience.
MARCO Pacific will market its vessels both in Taiwan and inter- nationally. The company antici- pates that its tuna seiners will be available with either American or
Japanese main engines and auxi- liaries, depending on the owner's preference. Deck machinery sys- (continued on page 48)
A profile view of MARCO Pacific's new 700-metric-ton tuna purse seiner.
November 1, 1983
EN-SPEC 1000 measures peak pres- sures quickly and accurately on gas, diesel and dual-fuel reciprocating engines. Microprocessor-based, it takes the guesswork out of balanc- ing power cylinders, for more fuel efficiency and better engine perfor- mance.
With EN-SPEC 1000, you can precision-balance an engine to in- crease its life and efficiency, while eliminating the high operating temperatures and pressures that lead to bearing and piston damage.
That saves both fuel and replace- ment parts. And EN-SPEC 1000 helps you pinpoint other problems such as worn piston rings and mis- firing.
EN-SPEC 1000 has a LED display that provides a running average of peak pressures. On paper tape, it lists up to 30 consecutive peak pressures and, using a bar graph, displays up to 100 consecutive peak pressures. Other data includes the average peak pressure and standard deviation by cylinder for up to 20 cylinders.
Portable, lightweight and com- pact, the EN-SPEC 1000 is easy to set up and use. The unit is battery powered and operates for up to three hours continuously without recharging.
For more information, contact Jon
VICES, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
USA. Phone: (614) 397-0121. Telex: 245388. zll
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