Page 67: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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U.S. Navy — Major Buying Offices (continued from page 64)
Commanding Officer
Naval Supply Center
San Diego, California 92132
Tel: 714/235-3322
Procurement for activities ashore and afloat in the
Southern California area of the 11th Naval District.
General procurements with unlimited contracting au- thority without restrictions to type of contracts or dollar value for approximately 70 activities in the greater San Diego, California area which exceed buy- ing authority of certain local activities. Procurements include general operating supplies, such as automo- tive, plumbing and electrical supplies; services in- cluding repair and maintenance of equipment, tank and bilge cleaning, mess attendance, mortuary, test and evaluation, packing-crating-transporting house- hold goods, ship habitability stevedoring, printing and laundry services. Requirement contracts include research and development support and studies.
Commanding Officer (Code 200)
Naval Supply Center, Box 97
Jacksonville, Florida 32212
Tel: 904/772-2453
General procurement for Naval activities in the State of Florida east of the Apalachicola River and ships located at Mayport, Florida, including aircraft and engine parts and accessories; aircraft ground han- dling component parts; ship and marine equipment and parts; electrical and electronic components; lab- oratory and test equipment; chemicals, paints and removers; general supply items; some research, de- velopment, test and evaluation; pipe, tubing, hose, and fittings; cable, wire rope, rope and fittings; valves; diesel engines and accessories; subsistence items; nonpersonal services including laundry, dry cleaning, linen rental, dust control items rental, clean room clothing rental, mortuary; mess attend- ant; tug and towing; pilotage; packing and crating of household goods; clinical preceptor services, key- punch services; Flight Deck Resurfacing; and repair of aircraft engine blades and vanes.
Commanding Officer
Naval Supply Center, Puget Sound
Bremerton, Washington 98314
Tel: 206/476-7265
General procurement for ashore and afloat Naval ac- tivities in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana,
Alaska, and Fleet Ballistic Missile site including all supplies and services; industrial requirements to support Puget Sound Naval Shipyard; and materials and services for the Naval Submarine Base, Bangor,
Bremerton, Washington, and its tenant activities.
Commanding Officer
U.S. Naval Supply Center
Box 300
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860
Tel: 808/471-0705
General procurement for Naval activities in the Ha- waiian Islands, and other Pacific Ocean area activi- ties and operating forces as required, including mis- cellaneous ship and marine equipment; operating supplies and equipment; ADP equipment; elec- tronic, test equipment; updating and modification of electronic and communication equipment; research, development, test and evaluation; general supply items. Services purchased include laundry and dry cleaning; rental, repair and maintenance of equip- ment; mess attendant; packing, crating, storage and transportation of household goods; stevedoring, dis- posal of radioactive waste material; marine engineer- ing;-computer programming; security guard services; and keypunching services.
Commanding Officer
U.S. Naval Supply Depot
Guam, Mariana Islands
Tel: 339-4111 (Mail Address: FPO San Francisco 96630)
General procurement for activities ashore and afloat in the Mariana Islands, including subsistence items, miscellaneous ships and marine equipment and parts; automotive parts; building and construction materials; electrical and electronic components and parts; communication equipment and parts; and general supply items. Services purchased include overhaul and repair of office machines, appliances and equipment; lease/rental of equipment; packing and crating of household goods; laundry; stevedor- ing; and tug and towing.
Mare Island Naval Shipyard
Vallejo, California 94592
Tel: 708/646-3265
General procurement for the operation and mainte- nance of Mare Island Naval Shipyard, and for the overhaul, repair, and conversion of nuclear and non- nuclear surface ships and submarines, including as- sociated equipment and materials and production shop support materials; valves and fittings; wire and cable; electrical and electronic components and sub- assemblies; anti-contamination clothing; metals, castings; pumps and motors; general hardware; chemicals and gases; pipe fittings in support of
Navy-wide applications; refurbishment of major sub- marine systems; components, and equipment; serv- ices for laundry of contaminated wearing apparel; and services for removal and disposal of radioactive waste.
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard
Box 400
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii 96860
Tel: 808/474-9186
General procurement of materials and nonpersonal services required to support the industrial effort of (continued on page 74)
Success Story
When American Steamship Company selected
B-JCo highly skewed propeller blades for their
MV CHARLES E.WILSON, they expected a solution to vibration problems. Measurements were recorded before and after the 1980 blade retrofit.
Results have been documented: Reduced cavita- tion and reduced vibration—in ballast and full load conditions... in shallow and deep waters... at every power level. Greatly improved crew comfort—with low noise and vibration in ship's accommodations.
Peak propulsive efficiency and superior maneuver- ability—because skewed propeller technology is uniquely suited to CP propellers.
Photograph courtesy of American Steamship Company
For over a decade, 75 US Navy warships have been demonstrating success at sea with B-JCo skewed
CP propellers. We've applied that naval propeller manufacturing technology and experience to commercial ships. Highly skewed propellers can minimize vibration on large ships designed to maximize cargo capacity. They provide the low noise and vibration levels essential to research and fishing vessels.
Why accept a compromise solution when the
B-JCo highly skewed CP propeller can work for your ship (retrofit or new construction), the way it worked for the WILSON? Contact our Marine
Sales Department.
COMPANY raveioN 110 Norfolk Street, Walpole, MA 02081, (617) 668-9610
November 1, 1983 Write 162 on Reader Service Card 73