Page 75: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (November 1983)
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curements under $10,000 for certain Navy activities in the Washington area, including hardware, hand tools, mill supplies, plumbing, heating and air con- ditioning parts, electrical and electronic compo- nents, chemicals, paints, lumber and building sup- plies, hose and fittings, rope and cable, shipboard repair parts, office supplies, and other standard commercial articles.
Commanding Officer
Naval Construction Battalion Center (Code 554)
Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
Tel: 601/865-2312
General procurement of both technical and common- use items in such categories as hardware, plumbing, heating and air conditioning: electrical; electronics: lumber and mill supplies, chemicals and chemical products; firefighting, rescue, and safety equipment; heavy construction equipment; weight handling equipment and other equipment to support the Navy
Construction Forces (active and reserve).
Commanding Officer
Naval Construction Battalion Center
Davisville, Rhode Island 02854
General procurement of both technical and common use items in such categories as hardware, plumbing, heating and air conditioning; electrical; electronics; lumber and mill supplies; chemicals and chemical products; firefighting, rescue, and safety equipment, heavy construction equipment; weight handling equipment and other equipment to support the Navy
Construction Forces (SEABEES) and the Navy's Ant- arctic mission.
Commanding Officer
Naval Construction Battalion Center
Port Hueneme, California 93043
Tel: 805/982-5206
Acquisition of construction materials, construction equipment, electrical generators, repair parts, sup- plies and services to support Naval Construction
Forces and a number of tenant commands such as:
Naval Support Forces Antarctica (OPERATION DEEP
FREEZE), Civil Engineering Laboratory, Naval Nu- clear Power Unit, Naval Ship Weapon Systems Engi- neering Station, and Naval Hospital.
Commanding Officer
Naval Administrative Command
Naval Training Center (43/200)
Great Lakes. Illinois 60088
Tel: 312/688-6942
General procurement for Naval activities in the Mich- igan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa,
Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska,
Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming areas, including general supply items, subsistence items, and electri- cal and plumbing supplies, services such as catering of meals, mortuary, repair and overhaul of training equipment, and repair of office machines.
Commanding Officer
Naval Support Activity
New Orleans, Louisiana 70142
Tel: 504/361-2514
General procurement for Naval activities in the New
Orleans area. Categories of supplies are hardware; plumbing; heating and air conditioning; electrical, lumber and building; automotive repair parts; print- ing; office equipment and supplies; and computer supplies. Services include rental, maintenance and repair of office machines, appliances and equipment.
Commanding Officer
U.S. Naval Station
Box 3002
FPO Miami, Florida 34051 (Roosevelt Roads, PR)
Tel: 809/863-2000
Ext. 4349/3086/5638
General procurement to support operations of avia- tion activities and units of the operating forces of the
Navy and other Naval activities in the Common- wealth of Puerto Rico to include construction mate- rials; air conditioners; household furniture; major ap- pliances; diesel engines and components; and plumbing supplies.
Commanding Officer
Naval Research Laboratory
Underwater Sound Reference Detachment
Orlando, Florida 32806
Tel: 305/859-5120
General procurement of electrical, electronic, cali- brating/test and measurement equipment.
Contracts for architect-engineer services, con- struction projects, and major station maintenance
November 1, 1983 and repair are awarded by the following activi- ties for the areas indicated:
Commanding Officer
Northern Division
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Bldg. 77L
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19112
Tel: 215/755-4841
Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey,
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Il- linois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North
Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and Wyoming.
Commanding Officer
Chesapeake Division
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Bldg. 212
Washington Navy Yard
Washington, D.C. 20390
Tel: 202/433-4151
District of Columbia, Maryland—Anne Arundel, Prince
Georges, Montgomery, St. Marys, Calvert, and Charles counties; Virginia—Arlington, Fairfax, Stafford, King
George, Prince William, Westmoreland counties and the city of Alexandria.
Atlantic Division
SNAME Booth 223
Write 330 on Reader Service Card
Naval Facilities Engineering Command
U.S. Naval Base
Norfolk, Virginia 23511
Tel: 804/444-7621
Maryland—excluding Severn River Naval Command and Potomac River Naval Command; Virginia exclud- ing Arlington, Fairfax, Stafford, King George, Prince
William, Westmoreland counties and the city of Al- exandria; West Virginia, Kentucky, North Carolina-
Gates, Chowan, Washington, Beaufort, Craven, Jones,
Onslow, and all counties east thereof. Cuba, Domin- ican Republic, Puerto Rico, West Indies, Virgin Is- (continued on page 80) 79
SEA CUSHIONS? The tough foam filled fenders with the soft touch. Whether you're a vessel owner or a terminal operator, you need a fender that's not only tough, but soft enough to cushion and absorb the high energy impact of ship to ship transfer or ship to quay berth- ing without hull damage or overloading of I m ! i T1 -fiL- si-.. 9 5 'Jus= dock structures. That fender is appropri- ately named SEA CUSHION. And it's tough because we make it that way It's unsink- able even if punctured. It's abrasion-resistant and extremely durable, because of its rugged elastomer skin. So if you have the need for some tough protection with a soft touch, SEA
CUSHION is it. Sizes available for fishing vessels to ULCC's.
For more information contact Seaward International: Cor- porate Office, 6269 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, Virginia 22044, USA. [703] 534-3500, Telex: 899-455. SEAWARD